Under the Oak Tree

Chapter 189

Chapter 189

1Feeling trapped, Maxi wet her parched lips. The thought of leaving Riftan's side made her stomach twist into knots. As she struggled to answer, Ruth snapped out of his silent deliberation.     

"Your Highness, we understand where you're coming from, but this is all quite sudden. Once her ladyship becomes a mage of the Tower, she must spend years at Nornui without contact with the outside world. It's a matter that requires much consideration. Please, give her some time to think it over."     

"I would if that were possible, but who knows when the duke might take off for the duchy? That man was forced to come here at the king's behest. He likely intends to leave as soon as protocol permits."     

Not knowing what else to do, Maxi cast her eyes to the floor. Although she had told the princess that she would do anything for Riftan, she found it difficult to agree to this suggestion so readily. Seeing her hesitate, Ruth scowled at the princess.     

"I'm sure you can keep him here for at least a few days! This is not something you can coerce someone into. It's not only Sir Riftan's future that's at stake, but her ladyship's as well."     

The princess furrowed her brow as if offended.     

"I understand," she said, nodding. Then she sighed. "Please consider it during the mediation."     

Princess Agnes and Simon rose from their seats. Maxi found herself unable to utter a single word until they were out of the room. It felt as though she was on a tightrope, fighting to keep her balance.     

Ursuline studied Maxi's blanched face as he spoke. "You are free to refuse, my lady."     

When Maxi's eyes widened, the knight added somberly, "The commander will probably be against it. The truth is… he is already preparing to leave Wedon."     

"D-Does he… plan on defecting?" Maxi asked, her mouth agape.     

Ursuline nodded slowly. "The commander has no intention of ever standing trial. If the arbitration fails, he plans to set off to Livadon with you immediately."     

"Th-Then… what about Anatol a-and the Remdragon Knights?"     

"Many of the knights intend to follow. Frankly, everyone wants to defect with him, but some are in circumstances that won't allow them to leave. The order will likely split into two."     

Maxi flinched and glanced at Ruth, Elliot, and the knights silently standing guard by the door. They all appeared as calm as though they were already aware of the plans. Riftan had likely informed them in advance. Maxi was so stunned that she sank into the chair.     

"I am not telling you this to burden you," Ursuline quickly added. "We still don't know how this mediation will end. We merely planned for the worst."     

"Th-Then, if the talks fail…" Maxi mumbled in a daze. "Riftan… will lose Anatol and his knights… He would lose everything."     

The knights' mouths set into grim lines, and the air in the room turned gloomy.     

Out of nowhere, Ruth gripped Maxi's shoulders. "My lady, I know my saying this is useless… but you should try and get some sleep for now. This is not a decision you should make in haste. Entering the Mage Tower means that you will have to live as a mage for the rest of your life. You must be certain that you want to take this on, so you ought to mull it over with a clear head before making any decisions."     

Maxi looked up at him through her tear-filled vision before bobbing her head. Ursuline helped her up and led her out of the room.     

As she followed him down the dark corridor, Maxi struggled to organize her muddled thoughts. The story she recalled from a bard's song refused to leave her mind. It spoke of mages of antiquity who created an island in the middle of the sea to escape the heathen hunters. There they built a colossal tower.     

Coming face-to-face with the story of legend filled her with a nebulous dread. Even back in her room, Maxi could not rest, and she spent the night wrestling with the situation.     

It was daybreak when Riftan finally returned to their room. Maxi lay with her back to him, her eyes squeezed shut, pretending to be asleep. She heard rustling fabric before she felt his large frame climb into bed next to her.     

She let out a shaky breath. His muscled arm coiled around her waist, pulling her into a tight embrace. Tears burned her eyes at the comforting warmth on her back. She tried to blink them away in the dark.     

For the sole reason of being her husband, Riftan currently faced a dilemma that could cost him everything. The person hounding him was her father; did Riftan not resent her for that? If he had divorced her and married the princess after the Dragon Campaign, he would not be in this miserable situation.     

And I'm not even worth it… How foolish.     

Maxi closed her eyes, her heart breaking. If she were to leave for the Mage Tower, she would not be able to sleep enveloped in these arms for the next few years. Would she be able to endure four years separated from him when a few months apart had been unbearable?     

Riftan's voice resonated behind her.     

"Don't worry. Everything will work out."     

As if knowing she had been awake all along, he turned her around and held her to his chest. He pressed his cheek against the top of her head.     

Maxi burrowed herself deeper into his embrace. She wanted to run away with him to some distant land. Would it be so wrong for her to go along with his plans? She could let him give up his knightly status, Anatol, and the order, and leave with her to someplace far away. She shoved down the heart-wrenching sobs that rose in her throat. Being swayed by such temptations was unforgivable.     

She could not cling to him forever like a stubborn child. It was her weakness that had caused all this. Her inability to trust, her relentless self-hatred — that was why they were in this situation. If she were to feign ignorance and do nothing, she would despise herself for the rest of her life.     

The next morning, as soon as Riftan left for the assembly room, Maxi went straight to the princess's quarters in the annex. The knights escorted her there. Though Ruth had tried to persuade her to deliberate longer, she was afraid that her resolve would crumble if she did give her answer right away.     

Maxi closed her eyes and knocked on the door. When it swung open, the first thing she saw was Princess Agnes's surprised face.     

"Have you come to a decision already?" the princess asked cautiously as she ushered Maxi into the room.     

Lowering herself into a velvet-upholstered chair, Maxi nodded. "I have decided… to accept. I-I will become a mage of the Tower."     

Contrary to Maxi's expectations, the princess looked conflicted rather than pleased.     

"I know how laughable this may sound after the way I tried to press you yesterday… But, are you sure? Once you enter, you won't be able to leave the island until you've concluded your training. Communication with the outside world will also be greatly restricted."     

When Maxi slowly nodded, Princess Agnes narrowed her eyes as if to gauge her resolve. Finally, she gave a weak smile.     

"I know that you have no choice, Maximilian. You may think that I'm being a hypocrite, but I wouldn't have suggested this if I didn't think it would be of some benefit to you as well."     

"B-Benefit… me?"     

Maxi stared at the princess in disbelief. How on earth would being forced to spend four years apart from her husband benefit her?     

Princess Agnes responded to Maxi's glower with a bitter smile. "You have a gift, Maximilian. The quick judgment and improvisation you've shown during crises… It's not something you find often, even among well-trained mages. With the right training, I'm sure you'll become an outstanding mage in a few years. I think it would be a pity to waste your potential solely because you're married."     

"Y-You needn't say such things… I have already made up my mind."     

"I'm not trying to flatter you," said the princess, frowning. "Joining the Mage Tower is a great honor. I would not have suggested it if I didn't think you were qualified to do so."     

The princess haughtily raised her chin. When she noticed Maxi's sunken eyes, she added in a milder voice, "I know how fond you are of each other. I understand that it's heartbreaking for you to be separated from him, but this is an opportunity to stand on your own two feet. I don't want you thinking that you're going solely for Riftan's sake."     

Maxi blinked at the princess's conviction.     

"I'm sure this affair has enlightened you to how society treats women," continued Princess Agnes, sighing at Maxi's uneasy reaction. "I am no exception. If I had not become a mage, I would've been forced into a political marriage with a feudal lord to solidify Wedon's unity."     

The princess's sapphire eyes grew cold.     

"Once you join the Mage Tower, neither the duke nor Riftan will be able to force you to do anything against your wishes. You will gain the power to protect yourself."     

The princess's emphatic words seemed to reverberate through Maxi's heart. If it were not for her all-consuming grief, the speech would have won her over. There had been a time when she had wanted nothing more than to become a confident mage worthy of admiration like the princess.     

Right now, she was too miserable to feel any excitement. She felt as dazed as if she had been hit over the head with an iron mace. Another part of her felt like she was being coerced. Maxi helplessly shook her head.     

"P-Preventing the trial… is the only thing I can think about right now. My mind sadly has no room for anything else."     

"I understand," the princess replied, nodding readily. "For now, let's focus on getting the duke to surrender. We can think about the rest in time."     

They rose from their seats after coordinating their story. Outside, Ursuline and Elliot eyed Maxi with concern. After giving them the most reassuring smile she could muster, she made her way to the main building with the princess.     

The third session of the mediation was underway in the same room. They strained their ears in front of the arched doorway in the hopes of discerning how it was progressing. The duke's voice blared from the other side.     

"If Your Majesty looks past such an unprecedented act of impudence, every noble in the kingdom will rise in protest! Do you intend on betraying your vassals who have been nothing but loyal? All for a low-born knight?!"     

It was a blatant threat. Maxi's face grew red with anger at her father's jab at Riftan. The princess stared up at the ceiling as if to summon her self-control, then addressed the attendant at the door with imperious authority.     

"I have something to report to His Majesty. Please inform him that I seek his permission to enter the assembly room."     

"Right away, Your Highness. One moment."     

The young attendant cautiously opened the door and disappeared into the room. A moment later, he returned and motioned for them to enter.     

Maxi tentatively followed Princess Agnes and Simon. Riftan was seated at the table, and his look of irritation turned to surprise when he saw Maxi. She avoided his gaze and stuck close to the princess.     

Princess Agnes slowly approached the king and addressed him formally. "Please forgive me for interrupting the mediation, Your Majesty."     

"No need to apologize. It was becoming quite tedious listening to the same thing over and over."     

The duke's face contorted at the king's blasé comment.     

King Reuben yawned indifferently and added, "We were told that you have something to report. You have permission to speak freely."     

"There is a matter about which you are not yet aware, Your Majesty. I did not bring it to your attention earlier as it was not something I could choose to reveal on my own. Thankfully, Lady Calypse has come to a decision. She can no longer stand by and allow this to continue. It's why we sought an audience with you in all haste."     

The princess paused for a moment to look at the steely-faced Riftan and the duke in turn. King Reuben raised a bushy brow and rested his chin in his hand.     

"Get to the point. I detest long preambles."     

The princess straightened and turned an icy gaze on the duke. "Then I shall cut to the chase, Your Majesty. The duke claims that his actions were mild corporal punishment, but Lady Calypse does not agree. She has informed me that, if the duke insists on going ahead with the trial, she will lodge a complaint of physical violence with the Mage Tower."     

The princess's voice rang through the room. The duke, who had been listening with a vacant expression, shot to his feet.     

"That is absurd! What does the Mage Tower have to do with this?"     

Simon answered on behalf of the princess. "Why wouldn't they have anything to do with this? Protecting its mages is Nornui's greatest concern. If you recall, the foremost reason behind its establishment was to protect mages from persecution."     

Both the duke and Riftan looked stupefied. Paying no attention to their reactions, Simon turned to the king and calmly continued.     

"Maximilian Calypse registered with Nornui last spring, and as such, any violence against her is considered persecution of a mage. The moment she requests the Tower's protection, Nornui will immediately launch an investigation into the matter. The duke will be made to answer for his crimes if the claims are proven true."     

"What nonsense!"     

The duke slammed the table in exasperation and glared murderously at both Maxi and the princess.     

"A mage? Ha! To think you'd concoct such an outlandish lie to protect this ruffian! I fear that you are not in your right mind, Your Highness!"     

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