Under the Oak Tree

Chapter 157

Chapter 157

2Maxi's skin prickled at the sight of Riftan's fiery gaze. He did not seem to care about the insults that had been aimed at him at all. Her humiliation was the sole reason for his rage, and he seemed at a loss for what to do.      1

She felt an odd mixture of happiness and sadness at his reaction. If he had divorced her and married Princess Agnes as everyone had expected, he would not have had to suffer such public ridicule.     

Princess Agnes would have been like a sparkling gemstone he could take pride in. The thought sprung up like poisonous mushrooms and refused to leave her head.     

Agonized, Maxi squeezed her eyes shut. She would rather die than hear someone mock Riftan again for having a stuttering wife.     

"We should treat this at once. I'll call Ruth for you."     

He must have thought that her pained expression was because of her wrist, as he bolted to his feet.     

Maxi hastily stopped him. "Th-That won't be necessary. Applying a salve… should be sufficient."     

"Not only did you follow me to such a wretched place, but you are looking after thousands of injured men. You should tend to your own injuries with the same care!"     

"I-It really isn't that serious. I'll have it treated properly later, I promise. R-Right now… I just want you to stay with me."     

Anxiousness filled his eyes. He reluctantly sank back down in front of her. Seeing him agitated like a creature caught in a snare, Maxi dolefully lowered her gaze.     

"Do… Do you not want to stay with me? Do you hate me now… for c-coming here against your wishes?"     

"Stop talking nonsense!" he shouted, sounding incredulous. "Do you think it's possible for me to hate you? I simply hate the fact that you're in such a godforsaken place! Seeing you labor away like this—"     

Riftan abruptly stopped his outburst.     

He clenched his jaw as his gaze slowly swept over her disheveled hair, sunburnt face, simple woolen dress, and blistered hands. It was as if the mere sight of her caused him pain.     

"I wanted to drape you in silks," he professed in a choked voice, "and have you in dresses made only of satin, fur, expensive fabrics… I wanted to adorn each of your fingers with colorful gems, your head with a golden tiara, and your neck with the most exquisite pearls. I wanted you to live in a magnificent castle with servants tending to your every need. That's the reason I've been…"     

His voice cracked at the end and trailed off.     

Not knowing what to do, Maxi clasped his hands. "I… I do not need such things. Truly… you don't have to do so much for me. Being able to stay with you like this… i-is enough."     

Their eyes locked for a moment before he pulled her into a suffocating embrace. His lips crushed against hers as though he wanted to suck all the breath from her chest. Though the sudden movement startled her, it was not long before Maxi wound her arms around his neck and responded in kind.     

The sadness and anxiety inside her melted away like snow. This blissful sensation of being nestled against his broad chest was what she had been longing for.     

Maxi gazed up at him, her eyes shining, and caressed his tense jaw. His thick black hair glistened like satin in the lamplight, and his chiseled face looked more captivating than usual. Not wanting to be parted from him even for a moment, Maxi moaned and coiled her arms around his broad neck.     

Like a summer rain, he peppered wet kisses onto her eyelids, cheeks, temples, and the sensitive spots on her neck. His big hand moved up and down her breasts, hips, and thighs.     

Riftan abruptly raised his head. "Your arm…"     

When she realized that he was trying to tear away, Maxi pulled him to her again. "I-It's all right. It… doesn't hurt."     

Desire burned in his eyes as he looked down at her. He pushed her skirt up. When his fingers found her most private part, Maxi thrashed as though she were drowning. Each stroke ignited a fire in the pit of her stomach, and her legs wrapped around him.     

"Raise your hips," Riftan mumbled, his voice hoarse.     

She did as she was told, and he pulled the material bunched around her waist over her head. He threw off his own clothes and lowered himself onto her.     

All Maxi could feel now was the slightly rough texture of the tapestry beneath and the sturdy sleekness of his muscles.     

His hardness pressed down on her stomach, and she writhed with desire. He cupped one breast in his hand and gently kneaded it as he rubbed himself against her. The sensual movement made Maxi break out in a sweat.     

There was nothing small or soft about him. His long, muscular legs were as firm as a stallion's, while his marble-like shoulders were too broad for her arms to wrap fully around them. It amazed her how such a big, muscular man could be so graceful.     

Impatiently drawing his sinewy waist closer to her, Maxi urged, "R-Riftan… hurry."     

A fire blazed in his eyes. He responded with fervent kisses before finally entering her. Maxi gasped sharply as she felt him stretch her to her limit. Even though he had warmed her up enough, she still felt pain.     

"W-Wait… something… feels strange. I-It's not like before…"     

"That's because it's been a while. Try to relax," Riftan said through clenched teeth.     

There were beads of sweat on his forehead as well.     

"Try to breathe out slowly. Yes… just like that… I'll enter slowly…"     

Maxi's eyes grew wide. She could not believe that he had yet to enter her fully. Riftan thrust a little deeper, and Maxi tensed at the overwhelming weight pressing down on her. Seeing her stiffen, Riftan stroked her waist and lavished kisses on her breasts as if to reassure her. Her body gradually melted under his caresses, and she wound her legs around his waist.     

He slowly pulled out of her, only to thrust deep inside her once more. Over and over, he repeated the movement. The pain soon lessened as he began to move in a familiar rhythm, and sharp pleasure began bubbling up inside her.     

Maxi bit down on her lip to stop her moans from escaping. Seeing this, Riftan pushed a finger into her mouth.     

"Don't bite your lip."     

Maxi tried to spit his finger out, but all rational thought left her head when he thrust into her again. Panting, she bit down hard on his finger. She could not help it. He was too big, and she was too small. He was sturdy while she was soft. Oddly, the contrast heightened her arousal.     

Riftan restrained himself until she reached her climax. When she finally grew tense and arched her back, he abruptly pulled out of her.     

Maxi looked up at him with a look of utter disappointment. She was still dazed from the aftermath of her climax when Riftan flipped her over and entered her again from behind.     

She clawed at the tapestries strewn over the bed, her face buried in her pillow. Apparently not content at having brought her to the pinnacle, Riftan pushed her to even greater heights.     

Her mind reeled, and she kept her gaze fixed on the corner of the tent. Each time she gasped for air, the tent's unique scent of dirt, faint musk, and burning wood filled her lungs. The sensitive tips of her breasts chafed against the rough tapestries as her body rocked back and forth.     

Sliding a hand under her stomach, Riftan raised her hips and pushed deeper inside her. Her still-sensitive body raced to a climax for the second time.     

Maxi sobbed as her body convulsed, her back arching and her toes curling. Pleasure surged through her as Riftan peppered her back with kisses.     

It was only after her third climax that he finally came. She felt his hot essence erupt inside her, after which he slumped on top of her like a sated lion. Crushed beneath him, Maxi melted in ecstasy.     

"Damn it… I've been staying away to avoid this…"     

When the overwhelming sensation of his climax passed, he slowly withdrew. Flinching, Maxi turned to look at him.     

She caught him looking down at her listless body remorsefully before he got out of bed. He returned with a basin of water and a towel. Maxi wanted to sit up, but she was unable to move an inch from the stiffness in her inner thighs and the limpness in her limbs.     

"Did I hurt you?"     

"N-No… I'm just… a l-little sore."     

Cursing under his breath, Riftan used the cool towel to carefully wipe the sweat and semen from her body. Maxi surrendered herself to his care despite her embarrassment. She had no energy left to even lift a finger.     

When he was done, he cleaned himself before returning to lie beside her. A tranquil silence fell over them, and they lay staring at the shadows swaying on the ceiling for a long time.     

Finally, Riftan said, "Starting tomorrow, I'll have Garrow guard you as well. Both of them are as skilled as any knight. Having them with you should dissuade others from a repeat of today."     

"I-I don't think that's necess—"     

Riftan gripped her wrist. He looked frightening as he glowered at her in the dark.     

"If I had my way, I would send you back to Anatol immediately. The only reason I haven't done so is that I know that would be more dangerous."     

Hunching her shoulders, Maxi replied in a weak voice, "But… I-I do not wish to occupy… any more of your men…"     

"I only brought Ulyseon and Garrow along so they could gain experience before they are officially knighted. They don't participate in any of the battles, so stop your needless worrying."     

He said it so firmly that Maxi could not object. She pressed her lips together. Evidently not wishing to ruin the peaceful moment further, Riftan clenched his mouth shut, despite clearly wanting to continue.     

Maxi buried her face on his shoulder. She felt him growing hard again as they stroked each other beneath the thin blankets. However, Riftan only patted her gently on the back as though he were lulling a baby.     

Soothed by his tenderness, Maxi slowly drifted off into a deep sleep. All the anxiety and fear she had carried with her melted away like snow.     

Nestled in his arms, she felt a brief reprieve from the world and its troubles.     


Maxi awoke to what sounded like the loud growling of a monster. The candle had burned out, and the tent was now pitch black. Suddenly, a flash of light lit up the night.     

Maxi shrieked and clung to Riftan. Thunder boomed overhead, and a downpour began a moment later. Hearing the torrent spattering the tent, Riftan sighed and got up.     

"Must be a storm."     

Maxi climbed out after him and hurriedly got dressed. As soon as she opened the double flap of their tent, a fierce gust and rain lashed in like a barrage of arrows.     

Wiping her wet face, Maxi looked up at the rumbling sky lit by flashes of lightning. Rain pelted down from the dark expanse of clouds.     

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