Under the Oak Tree

Chapter 149

Chapter 149

1Maxi stiffened, and Idsilla threw her a surprised glance before addressing the knight. "Do you mean that Sir Riftan of Wedon is here?"     

"That's correct. He was patrolling the castle vicinity in time for our arrival," the soldier replied flatly, now appearing slightly annoyed. "We will be at Eth Lene Castle in two hours. Both the Remdragon and Temple Knights will be guarding us until we get there, so you can all breathe easy."     

"Is Sir Riftan riding ahead of us?"     

Idsilla stuck her head out the window and scanned the men at the fore. Though Maxi was sorely tempted to push her head out as well, she summoned every last bit of self-restraint she possessed to suppress the urge.     

"He rides at the front. Now, enough of your questions and pull your head back inside."     

After peering through the thick clouds of dust shrouding the road, Idsilla pursed her lips and sat back.     

Maxi tugged at Idsilla's robe and whispered, "Well? D-Did you see him?"     

Idsilla slowly shook her head. "He was too far away."     

Maxi wet her dry lips. Her nerves were so wound up that her whole body seemed to ache.     

Riftan would never forgive her if he found out that she had gone against his will and followed him here. Perhaps it would finally cause him to be utterly disillusioned with her.     

Sliding her sweaty hand into her pocket, Maxi clutched the copper coin. The fear that Riftan might swing the door open at any moment and discover her made her throat go dry.     

She did not know how long she sat there with her stomach in knots, but eventually, the loud whistle of a pipe played outside, and the wagon noticeably slowed.     

Maxi hunched her shoulders. She was so scared that it did not even occur to her to look out. It was Idsilla who cautiously put her head out the window on her behalf.     

All of a sudden, the girl gasped in surprise. "Heavens, I've never seen such a massive rockface."     

Her curiosity getting the better of her, Maxi pulled her hood further down and peeked out. A towering, gray rock filled her vision. It seemed to touch the sky.     

Maxi stared, her mouth agape. It truly was massive. A large block of sharp, light gray rock formed a steep slant above the gates of Eth Lene Castle like a seawall. Below it was a sturdy wall made of carved rock. Maxi nervously eyed the boulder perched precariously at the top of the crag.     

"I-It looks as if it could come c-crashing down at any moment."     

"That wall of rock is what has kept Eth Lene safe from the fierce north winds and enemy invasions for hundreds of years. You do not have to worry about it collapsing," Nora, the female cleric who was sitting across from Maxi, said proudly.     

Maxi gave her a quizzical look. "Have you… b-been here before?"     

"It is my hometown. I lived here before I moved to Levan," Nora replied, somberly looking out the window. "I was quite surprised when I heard that it fell to the monsters. I've always believed that it was the safest place in the world. Since Eth Lene is surrounded on three sides by steep rock walls, and its ramparts are high and sturdy, I thought that it was an impregnable fortress."     

"No place in the world can truly be safe from all dangers," Idsilla muttered cynically.     

Nora bitterly agreed. "Perhaps that conviction is what lost us the castle."     

The gates drew closer, and Maxi barely listened to the conversation as she gazed up at them in awe. The magnificent rampart flanked by steep rock walls certainly looked impregnable.     

She could not fathom how the monsters had been able to capture it, nor how the coalition army had recaptured it. As she was lost in this thought, the dark gray armor of the Remdragon Knights caught her eye.     

Maxi quickly hid in the corner of the wagon. Sir Gabel Lachzion was inspecting each of the vehicles entering the gates. Cold sweat dripped down her back.     

When it was finally their wagon's turn to pass through, Maxi sat curled in the corner with her hood drawn over her face. A soldier opened the wagon door and scanned the people inside.     

The coachman said respectfully, "They are female clerics who have come to heal the wounded."     

Afraid that she might attract the soldier's attention, Maxi did not dare move a finger.     

Before long, she heard Gabel's calm voice. "All seems well. Let them pass."     

The door closed, and the wagon began to roll once more. Maxi let out the breath she was holding. Idsilla must have been nervous as well, as her shoulders sagged in relief.     

They were not in the clear just yet, however. The knights could still discover them on the way to the women's tent.     

Feeling as though she were walking on thin ice, Maxi gnawed her lip. Even after entering the gates, the wagon kept moving for another ten minutes.     

"We're here. You can come out now."     

A soldier swung open the door. Maxi waited for the others to get off first. Outside, triangular banners flapped in the wind. Soldiers hauled luggage around dozens of tents.     

Maxi's eyes roved as she took in the scene. With a population greatly exceeding Serbin Castle's, Eth Lene Castle buzzed with activity.     

There were people in unfamiliar types of armor, and gruff curses, clashing iron, and rumblings of livestock seemed to come from every direction.     

Feeling overwhelmed, Maxi could not stop her eyes darting about. Even though the fear of being discovered by Riftan twisted her stomach into tight knots, she could not rid herself of the desire to see him.     

She desperately scoured the faces of the knights riding past her. Suddenly, somebody yanked her arm. Maxi barely managed to stifle a scream.     

"R-Ruth! You scared me."     

"Stop staring. Do you want Sir Riftan to know you're here?" Ruth hissed as he pulled her behind the barracks. "Sir Riftan is currently discussing something with Duke Aren. You must hide as far away as possible while he inspects the battle formation."     

"You don't have to be so overly cautious… He will never know I am here. E-Even Sir Gabel was unable to tell it was me. He will never suspect a thing."     

"I would rather not take the risk, my lady," Ruth muttered grimly. "You know how illogical he is when it comes to you. I implore you to spare the camp from being overturned by his fury."     

Ruth kept up his brisk pace. Unable to give up, Maxi continued to look over her shoulder before begrudgingly following the sorcerer.     

It was not her only chance to see him. There would be countless opportunities during their stay at Eth Lene Castle. After returning Maxi to the group of women, Ruth led them to an area far away from the army barracks.     

"This is where you will be staying," he said, pointing to a large, clean tent.     

Astonished gasps rose from the women as they flooded into the tent. Compared to the narrow one they had shared in Serbin Castle, this was a palace.     

Partitioned cots provided each of the women twice the amount of personal space than what they had been used to. Seeing that they no longer needed to sleep cramped inside a stifling tent, the women breathed a sigh of relief.     

"I will have the wounded men moved to the tent beside this one. If any of them are in critical condition, please let me know immediately."     

As the women began to lower their bags on their respective cots, Ruth added grimly, "Henceforth, there will be dozens of casualties each time a battle is fought, big or small. You must always be prepared for emergencies, and make sure the herb preparations and boiled water are readily available. The well is only five minutes away, and the storage is situated behind this tent. I will ask the men to stock an ample supply of herbs. If there is an emergency—"     

"There you are."     

Ruth's shoulders stiffened. Maxi's heart stopped as she froze to the spot.     

It was Ruth who managed to collect himself first. He gave Maxi a silent warning with his eyes, then whirled to block the entrance to the tent.     

"S-Sir Riftan. Is something the matter?"     

Maxi had rushed to the inner end of the tent. She clenched her jaw as she pretended to unpack her bag.     

Ruth was simply terrible at faking calmness.     

"It's about Hebaron's wound," said Riftan. "What in the devil are you doing here? You were supposed to come directly to my tent."     

Ruth gave him a fake smile. "I was… briefing the female clerics."     

"Female clerics?"     

"Yes, the basilica sent them to look after the wounded."     

"They're from the basilica?"     

Riftan's deep voice sent a shudder down Maxi's spine, and her whole body shook with fear and longing. If Ruth had not cried out at that moment, her impulses might have sent her running into Riftan's arms.     

"More importantly! Sir Hebaron's condition worries me. Should we go see him right away? I will ask the male clerics to take over my duties here. How is his wound? Is there still no improvement?"     

Ruth was doing everything he could think of to divert Riftan's attention. There was a moment of nerve-racking silence before Riftan miraculously took the bait.     

"The high priest is tending to the wound, but it's not getting any better. I think it would be faster for you to find a means to dispel the curse."     

"Goodness, the Remdragon Knights can't seem to last a day without me. Can't be helped, I suppose. We should hurry to Sir Hebaron at once," Ruth rambled in an exaggerated manner as he led Riftan away from the women's tent.     

Maxi strained her ears to listen to Riftan's voice as they left. Soon he was drowned out by the clamors of the camp.     

When she thought that they were distant enough, Maxi ran out of the tent. Riftan was barely visible among the crowd. Tugging her hood down further, she followed him as though she were under a spell.     

From afar, she saw him dismount Talon and head toward a large tent. Ruth walked beside him. Maxi hurriedly hid behind a tree and watched him enter the tent. It had only been a glimpse, but it was enough to make her heart feel as though it were being crushed inside her chest.     

This was her first glimpse of him in months. He looked far more commanding, dignified, and breathtakingly magnificent than she remembered. Maxi remained transfixed long after he disappeared into the tent.     

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