Under the Oak Tree

Chapter 137

Chapter 137

2Curious, Maxi peered through the entrance. Although it was unlikely for her to catch a glimpse of the inner sanctuary, she found herself unable to resist.      1

Similar to the Remdragon Knights, the Temple Knights of Osiriya were renowned throughout the Western Continent, but for a different reason. The Remdragon Knights' miraculous exploits in battle over the past few years had earned them the mantle of the greatest knightly order. The Temple Knights, on the other hand, were a time-honored institution that had firmly established themselves as the guardians of the west since the time of the Roem Empire.     

Each of them was a paladin knighted by the pope himself, as well as an expert swordsman and hierarch who had undergone rigorous training since the age of twelve. It was understandable that the devotees were excited at the prospect of holding worship alongside such a distinguished group of men.     

The Livadonian noblewoman who had answered Maxi blushed with unconcealed admiration. "With the Temple Knights here to help us, the situation in Louivell is sure to improve."     

"Indeed! Three of Rosem Wigrew's incarnations have gathered!" a friendly-looking girl sitting next to the noblewoman chimed in enthusiastically. "With Sir Kuahel Leon of Osiriya joining Sir Sejuleu Aren and Sir Riftan Calypse, the monsters will flee as fast as their grubby legs will take them! Those vile trolls will all look like crushed frogs once the knights are done with them."     

The girl's aggressive attitude flustered Maxi, and the noblewoman chided her.     

"Idsilla, a lady must not speak so morbidly."     

Idsilla pouted and grumbled, "What's wrong with that? When the brave knights cut off the monsters' heads and chop them into bits—"     


"All right, all right. I shall speak with decorum for my lofty cousin," the girl said primly, then turned to Maxi with a sweet smile. "My name is Idsilla Calima. We've crossed paths in the basilica, have we not? It is a pleasure to meet you."     

"Heavens, where are my manners? I have yet to introduce myself. I am Alyssa Salmon," said the noblewoman beside her.     

After a brief hesitation, Maxi introduced herself, enunciating each word the best she could.     

"N-Nice to meet you. I am… Maximilian Calypse."     

The two women grew wide-eyed.     

"Calypse? Are you perhaps the wife of Sir Riftan Calypse?"     

Maxi's expression grew troubled at their reaction. Were they surprised that a plain woman such as herself was Riftan's wife?     

Gaping, the women looked Maxi up and down before quickly casting their eyes down as though realizing the impropriety of their actions.     

"Forgive us, Lady Calypse. We have heard that you were staying in the monastery, but we thought they were just rumors."     

"I-It is all right. I understand… why you would be so surprised."     

An awkward silence fell over them. After studying Maxi's face, Alyssa, evidently unable to suppress her curiosity, cautiously asked, "If you do not mind my asking, why have you come to Livadon? I have heard that Sir Riftan's fief was at the southern end of Wedon…"     

"Must you ask such a thing, cousin? She obviously must have accompanied him here because she was worried about him," Idsilla cried out, her eyes bright. "Following your husband to such a distant kingdom. How brave of you. I also came to stay at the monastery to pray for my second eldest brother."     

The girl's face grew dark.     

"My brother has been trapped inside Louivell Castle for two months now. If the coalition army does not drive out the trolls soon, it could be the end for the people trapped inside the castle."     

Thinking of Ruth and the Remdragon Knights who were also trapped, Maxi slipped her hand into her pocket and clutched the shekel coin.     

"I also have acquaintances… at L-Louivell Castle."     

"It is a tragedy. I wonder why the heavens have allowed the monsters to run amok like this."     

Alyssa's face hardened at Idsilla's resentful words.     

"You mustn't say such things, Idsilla. Monsters were created by the devil to torment mankind. It is not God's will that we be tormented so."     

"Then, why—"     

The moment Idsilla opened her mouth to retort, the high priest slowly entered. They quickly fell silent and sat straighter.     

A heavy bell rang out across the basilica, and the morning prayer was held in solemn silence. Maxi sat with her head bowed and her mind mired in thoughts. As Idsilla had said, with the Temple Knights joining the fray, the situation in Louivell would undoubtedly improve.     

Still, it also meant more risk. With both sides having similar numbers of troops, the coalition army and the monster army were currently at a standstill. However, with the Temple Knights breaking this precarious balance, it would quickly lead to an all-out battle.     

If that were to happen, Riftan and the Remdragon Knights would certainly fight in the frontlines. They were not ones to hide in the back when their comrades were in danger.     

There was no doubt that they were talented knights, but anything could happen on a battlefield. In the past, she had seen knights of House Croyso returning as corpses numerous times.     

Maxi suddenly felt dizzy and sick. Pale as a ghost, she barely managed to sit through the torturous morning prayer and was out of the basilica as soon as it was over. It was highly likely that the Temple Knights would be resting at the same place the Remdragon Knights had stayed until the afternoon service.     

She thought of going there but realized that she would not be able to learn anything even if she were to meet the Temple Knights. They had only just arrived in Levan. It was unlikely they would know much more than she did about Louivell or the state of the coalition army.     

After pondering for a while, Maxi returned to her room and began writing a letter to Riftan. There was no guarantee that it would reach him, but she wanted to send him word as soon as possible.     

Dipping her quill in ink, Maxi scribbled down the details of how she had been spending her days. Wanting to ease his worry as much as possible, she depicted her life at the monastery to sound as peaceful as she could.     

Then, she finished the letter with a plea for him not to do anything reckless, along with a prayer wishing him victory. When she was done, she blew on the parchment to help the ink dry.     

The letter was not long, but she had rewritten it so many times that much time had passed when she finished. After thoroughly checking for any spelling errors, she folded the parchment several times and shoved it inside the pocket of her robe.     

Outside the monastery, Maxi saw noblewomen heading toward the basilica. She followed them downstairs and entered after them. The pews for the laity were already full. Maxi managed to squeeze herself into the last pew and clutched her pounding chest.     

With so many gathered to catch a glimpse of the Temple Knights, would she be able to find an opportunity to entrust the letter? Her lips were parched from anxiety.     

Soon, knights in hooded black robes filed into the basilica in an orderly procession. Maxi peered through the crowd.     

The Osiriyan Temple Knights all wore jet-black surcoats over their rustic, silver-gray armor. It was a stark contrast from the bright metal with dazzling golden scapulars Maxi had imagined. Her breath hitched when she saw the solemnity of the procession.     

Their faces were void of all expression as though they wore masks. Their gazes were fixed straight ahead. A shiver ran down Maxi's spine when she saw that even their steps seemed to be precisely measured.     

I don't think they would grant a personal request…     

It seemed highly unlikely that she would be able to speak to them. Throughout the ceremony, Maxi nervously fiddled with the parchment inside her pocket.     

When the knights knelt in front of the altar and lowered their hoods, the clerics stepped forward for the laying of hands. The worshippers clasped their hands together and murmured the prayer in the Roem tongue along with the clerics. Feeling that they were being given preferential treatment, Maxi felt slightly offended.     

The Remdragon Knights had not been honored with such a ceremony. However, thinking back, that might have been because Riftan had not wanted to waste time and had departed without delay.     

Whatever the case, Maxi offered a short prayer for the Temple Knights and a more earnest prayer for the Remdragon Knights.     

As the ceremony came to a close, the high priest stepped into the pulpit to say the benediction before ringing the bell that signaled the end of the service.     

One by one, the knights got up from the pews. Maxi squinted ahead and assessed each one. Her gaze stopped at a strikingly beautiful young knight among his aloof and gloomy comrades.     

He was a young man of delicate beauty more suitable for a bard than a swordsman. He was at least six kevettes (approximately 180 centimeters) tall. His lithe figure was gracefully proportioned, and his soft, dark brown curls lent him a gentle air.     

Maxi felt slightly relieved. It appeared that not all of them were intimidating. As the last of the procession left the basilica, Maxi wiped her sweaty palm on her dress and followed. Outside, the soldiers were already in formation. A queue of warhorses was lined up next to seven wagons laden with baggage.     

Maxi paused at the top of the stairs to observe them. They were so preoccupied with their departure that it did not seem like she could approach.     

She hovered nearby, unsure of what to do, when she spotted a familiar face in the crowd.     

"Y-Your Grace!"     

At her call, Duke Aren slowly turned his head. Maxi rushed over to him but stopped short just three steps away. Standing in front of the duke was the young knight she had observed inside the basilica.     

His icy, yellow-green eyes slowly swept over her. Petrified by his chilling gaze, Maxi stood frozen like a mouse before a snake.     

There was nothing gentle about the man up close. His smooth face, like that of a wax figure, was colder and more austere than any of the knights. His glinting gaze was as sharp as daggers.     

Seeing her rooted to the spot before the knight's chilling aura, Duke Aren walked over to her with a perplexed expression.     

"It has been a while, Lady Calypse. How is your stay at the monastery? I hope you find nothing lacking."     

Maxi willed herself to look away from the knight and opened her mouth to respond. "I have been w-well… thanks to your generous care."     

"I should have come to see you sooner… Do forgive me for not doing so."     

Looking sheepish, the duke cleared his throat and introduced the knight standing next to him.     

"This is Sir Kuahel Leon of Osiriya. I'm sure you have heard of him at least once. He is the paladin who leads the Temple Knights of Osiriya. Sir Kuahel, this is Lady Maximilian Calypse, wife to Sir Riftan Calypse."     

The knight's eyes glinted with interest. He regarded for a moment before respectfully placing a hand on his chest and bowing.     

"It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Lady Calypse."     

"I-It is an honor… to meet you, Sir Kuahel."     

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