Under the Oak Tree

Chapter 126

Chapter 126

0"Shall I… l-light the fire with magic?"      1

"No. Don't waste your mana unnecessarily."     

Riftan continued to strike the flint in silence. After several attempts, faint smoke began to rise from the cloth. He blew into the glowing fire, then took out pine cones from his bag and piled them on top of the flame. The pine cones quickly caught alight.     

"I'll go look for kindling. You stay right here."     

Maxi did not know where she would go in such a state anyway. With the blanket wrapped tightly around her, she hugged her knees and watched as he stepped into the dark forest. He never left her field of vision and soon returned with an armful of broken branches.     

"They are wet… w-will they catch?"     

"I only collected ones that weren't soaked. They should be usable once I scrape off the wet bark."     

He crouched at one side of the cave and unsheathed a dagger the length of a forearm from his belt. Maxi looked on as he skillfully peeled the bark.     

After cutting off thick chunks, he stacked the now-white kindling over the fire. The flame engulfed the finely chipped wood and flared into a blaze that lit up the cave.     

"Pass me your wet clothes."     

Maxi handed him the crumpled pile of clothes she had discarded on the ground. After wringing the garments, Riftan gave them a brisk flap and placed them near the heat to dry. He then propped her boots upside down.     

Maxi rummaged in the bag in search of something to eat. Seeing this, Riftan fished out a small bundle.     

"I was in a hurry, so I was unable to bring anything else."     

He unwrapped a loaf of stale bread and a cured sausage that looked rock-hard. Maxi thought she could manage the bread with enough chewing, but the sausage did not look as easy. The meat packed within looked appetizing, and she was gazing at it wistfully when Riftan began slicing the sausage into small pieces. He tossed them into an empty canteen.     

The next thing Maxi knew, Riftan had tied together the extra branches to construct a cooking rig. The canteen hung over the fire, and soon the cave filled with the sound of sizzling oil.     

"Hand me the herb pouch."     

Maxi promptly gave it to him. After placing the herbs, mandrago root, and breadcrumbs into the canteen, Riftan shook the container to mix the ingredients with the oil that oozed from the sausage. The savory smell made Maxi's mouth water.     

Riftan poured water over the deliciously roasted sausage and let it boil. In just ten minutes or so, an appetizing soup was ready.     

"We don't have spoons, so use the bread to scoop up the chunks."     

He filled the cap of the canteen and handed it to her. Maxi blew on the steam and carefully took a sip. It was flavorful thanks to the salt from the sausage.     

Using the flat piece of bread as a spoon, Maxi scooped up the steeped sausages. It was a meager meal compared to the dishes she had enjoyed at the castle, but Maxi was still amazed that they were able to enjoy a decent meal in the middle of the mountains.     

With the hot soup warming her stomach, Maxi quickly finished off the big loaf of bread.     

"I did not know… th-that you knew how to cook, Riftan."     

"I wouldn't call it cooking. Just making something edible from what I have. I only know a few dishes from when I was a mercenary."     

Maxi looked at him quizzically. "How old were you when you joined the mercenary group?"     

Riftan arched an eyebrow as if to ask her why she was inquiring about such a thing.     

"You told me… that you j-joined the mercenary group when you were young… b-but you never told m-me your exact age," Maxi added awkwardly.     

"I was twelve."     

"T-Twelve?" said Maxi, surprised.     

Riftan shoved a piece of bread into his mouth and silently nodded. It was evidently not a topic he wished to discuss in detail, but Maxi was itching to know how a twelve-year-old boy had come to be in a mercenary group. She studied his face for a moment, but her curiosity got the better of her.     

"A-And before then?"     

Riftan said nothing as he poked the fire with a twig. Maxi resolutely pressed further.     

"I-If I recall, you told me that… you moved to Livadon once you joined the mercenary group. Where did you live… before then?"     

"In Wedon."     

Maxi furrowed her brow at his half-hearted response.     

"Where in Wedon?"     

"In the eastern part of the kingdom," he answered after a while.     

Although Maxi wanted to keep prying, she snapped her mouth shut when he looked visibly uncomfortable. Cold silence briefly fell over them.     

So, he did not like talking about his childhood. It was unfortunate that she simply could not suppress her desire to know everything about him.     

"W-What… did your parents do?"     

"And why would you want to know that?" he replied, his voice barbed.     

He let out a sigh when he saw her face flush in embarrassment.     

"The woman who gave birth to me was a maidservant from the Southern Continent, and my birth father was probably a knight."     

"B-Birth father?"     

"I was a bastard," he said flatly, looking away from her. "I never saw my real father. When he found out that the maidservant he had amused himself with during one of the wars was pregnant, he left after giving her a small dowry. He even found a husband for her. Then he apparently died after getting himself in a dispute."     

A faint sneer briefly tugged at his lips.     

"I guess he was not an exceptional knight."     

"W-What about… your mother?"     

"She died when I was twelve." The chill in his voice made Maxi pause, and Riftan continued dryly, "After the woman died, I lived with my stepfather for a while until I ran away and became a mercenary."     

"Was your… r-relationship with your stepfather strained?"     

"It was neither good nor bad."     

"B-But… if he made you run away from home at twelve—"     

"Maxi," Riftan said, cutting her off coldly, "we have to climb down the mountain as soon as day breaks, so no more interrogations. Go to sleep if you are done eating."     

Maxi pressed her lips together, unable to ask anything more. Though she was upset at his blatant refusal to talk about himself, she admittedly had a number of things in her own life she would rather not disclose.     

Putting on a placid face, Maxi ate the rest of her soup and bread, then lay down by the fire swaddled in the blanket. Riftan removed his breastplate and stretched out his long legs toward the entrance.     

The crackling of the fire and the chirping of the insects were the only sounds that floated softly in the darkness. Lying on her side, Maxi watched the flickering shadows on the cave wall before turning her head once more. Although she was so exhausted it felt like a miracle that she was still conscious, sleep still seemed to evade her.     

"Are you… n-not going to sleep, Riftan?"     

"I will when I can, so stop worrying about me and go to sleep," he replied brusquely, placing a hand over the sheath of his sword. It was evident that he was alert for a possible monster attack.     

When Maxi gazed up at him, clearly worried that he would keep watch like this all night, Riftan brushed away the tangled hair on her forehead.     

"I will keep you safe, so don't be scared and get some rest."     

He evidently thought it was fear that kept her awake. Maxi looked back out at the dark forest.     

The shadows behind the trees had been enough to fill her with fear, and yet, now that Riftan was next to her, the pitch darkness did not scare her in the least.     

Maxi placed a hand on Riftan's lap. He shifted his legs as though he were uncomfortable, then clasped her hand in his. Relieved, Maxi closed her eyes.     

Though it did not sit well with her to make him keep watch while she slept, it was not as if she could volunteer to do the job instead. If she did, she would be completely drained by morning, and he would have to lug her down the mountain on his back. Her priority at the moment was to replenish as much energy as possible so as not to become a hindrance to him.     

Shaking off her prickling conscience, Maxi strove to fall asleep.     


The next day, Maxi woke as the blue light of dawn faintly shone through the trees. She glanced around, looking for Riftan. He was already in full armor and saddling the horses.     

Maxi slowly sat up and was startled when she felt the cold air on her bare skin. She hastily covered herself with the blanket once more. Riftan regarded her with narrowed eyes before turning away with his lips pressed together.     

"If you are awake, get dressed. We have to descend the mountain now."     

Maxi stood and picked up her tunic and trousers which had been laid out on a rock. They were wearable, albeit a little damp.     

After putting on her cold tunic, she slipped into her trousers and tightened the belt around her waist. Her shoes were still wet, and though she was loath to wear them, she had no other option. Maxi grimaced as she slid her feet into the wet boots and walked over to Rem.     

"Don't let your eyes wander, no matter what. Keep close to me at all times. Do you understand?" Riftan cautioned as he helped her mount Rem.     

He climbed onto Talon and led the way. Trailing behind him, Maxi peered about the mountain path. The forest gradually became brighter as the sun rose, and all was quiet. The peaceful surroundings seemed at odds with her current state of paranoia about another goblin attack.     

They found a spring halfway down the mountain and allowed Rem and Talon to quench themselves. Once the horses were sated, they continued the climb down without stopping and managed to reach the foot of the mountain before high noon.     

A village came into view below a wide field. Maxi smiled brightly at the sight; soon she would be able to bathe with soap, eat at a table, and catch up on rest in a soft bed.     

She galloped down the hill like the wind with Riftan at her side. A high rampart made of stacked logs bordered the village, and they soon came upon the secured entrance. Riftan approached the gate and rapped on the door.     

A village sentry peered at them through the gap. "Who's there?"     

Riftan took out his identification papers. "I am Riftan Calypse, Commander of the Remdragon Knights. I am on my way to Livadon by order of the king, but I was separated from my party. Did the Remdragon Knights arrive here last night?"     

The sentry promptly opened the gate.     

"R-Rosem Wigrew d'Calypse! It is an honor! The knights are currently lodging in Hanoa Inn. Please, allow me to show you the way."     

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