Under the Oak Tree

Chapter 124

Chapter 124

3No matter how long Maxi waited, the forest around her remained deathly still. She gnawed her lip as her eyes roamed the trees. Rem snorted impatiently and began to back up as though she were nervous as well.      1

Just how far am I?     

A rustle sounded behind her. Startled, Maxi whirled around to see something dart into the bushes. Goosebumps prickled over her.     

Clenching the reins while breaking into a cold sweat, Maxi pressed her heel into the horse's side. As if on cue, the monster hiding in bushes flew at her like an arrow.     

Just as she had expected, it was a goblin.     

Maxi spurred Rem with everything she had. The monster charged at them with a club as Rem galloped over the twisted roots on the forest floor. The goblin was not so nimble, and its foot caught on one of the roots, sending it tumbling down the mountain.     

Even though Maxi confirmed that the monster was no longer in pursuit, she continued to urge her mount onward. She had an ominous feeling that more creatures lurked behind the rocks or trees, waiting for the chance to swallow her whole.     

When they finally came to a stop, Rem slumped onto the ground in exhaustion. Maxi frantically checked her surroundings before shakily dismounting. Her pounding heart felt as though it could explode. She was so tense that she thought her nerves might snap at any moment.     

What should I do now?     

Maxi wiped the droplets of sweat dripping into her eyes and looked around the thickets. Her sense of direction was becoming increasingly muddled.     

Close to tears, she bit her lip. What would happen to her if the knights did not find her? Would she have to spend a night alone in this mountain teeming with monsters?     

A shiver ran down her spine when the image of the harpies feasting on the drake carcasses came to mind. Overwhelmed with fear and helplessness, Maxi buried her face on her knees and burst out sobbing. The fear that she might become just like those carcasses was enough to make her blood run cold.     

She thought she understood now why Riftan had been so against her venturing out of the castle. The world was far more terrifying and dangerous than she had ever imagined.     

This is not the time to be weeping…     

Maxi strove to assuage her rising emotions. Sitting here crying was not going to make things any better.     

Wiping away her tears with a knuckle, Maxi carefully surveyed her surroundings once more. To her right was a steep slope. To her left, a gentle incline densely lined with trees bordered a soaring rockface.     

The party had been heading northwest, but Gabel had said that they would take the northeast path out of the mountain now that their route was cut off. If she traveled in the same direction, she would eventually cross paths with them.     

Even if she did not, it seemed she had no other choice.     

After eyeing the cloudy sky through the lush leaves, Maxi rose and coaxed Rem upright. If the knights failed to find her, she would have to spend the night alone in this mountain. She had to find a way out by herself.     

Gabel said there was a village at the foot of the mountain. I should be able to meet up with everyone there.     

Maxi was off course, but she surmised that she should be able to see everything below once she got to the summit. It would not be hard for her to find the village. Having a plan made Maxi feel calmer.     

Looking up at the sun, she roughly estimated her direction and urged Rem back up the mountain.     

The fact that Maxi still had energy amazed her. Despite her numb feet and convulsing leg muscles, she kept up the pace. There was no knowing when the goblins might come after her again.     

She continued onward but had to force herself to keep her gaze fixed ahead. It would not do to waste energy by constantly looking over her shoulder.     

The dense forest went on for a while. Then, the trees ended abruptly, and a gentle hill came into view.     

Maxi looked about, wondering if she had already reached the top. Thickly trunked trees bordered the grass field like a fence, and high mountain peaks rose on either side. Maxi surmised that she had reached a ridge.     

After assessing the sky to determine her direction, Maxi plopped onto the ground to let Rem graze. She wanted to unsaddle the horse so that she could rest properly, but Maxi could not muster the strength to lift a finger.     

She stretched her legs and, after catching her breath, dragged the saddlebags down to lessen Rem's burden as much as she could. The mare snorted and shook her head before grazing on the long grass. Maxi crouched next to her and took out the leftover potato and jerky from her bag. She was too tired to feel hungry, but she knew she had to eat to replenish what energy she could.     

Her stomach felt shriveled from anxiousness. After forcing the food down, Maxi crammed mandrago roots and leaves into her mouth and began to chew.     

Every step she took felt as though a knife twisted in her thigh. Her back ached as well, but she was more than willing to endure a little pain if it meant that she could clear this mountain before nightfall.     

Since I passed the mountain valley, I should head northwest now…     

The faint gurgle of water sounded nearby as she looked up at the pale sky to check her bearings. She turned in the direction of the flowing water. After walking for some time, she reached a stream rushing between towering trees.     

The prospect of cool water against her flushed face numbed the pain in her legs as she hopped down the rocks. She wanted to let Rem drink from it too.     

After leading the mare to even ground, Maxi crouched on a rock and washed her face, paying no mind to her hair or clothes getting wet. Her eyes burned like charcoal, and the feeling of cold water against them felt refreshing. Rem plunged her muzzle into the water and began to gulp it down.     

Maxi felt blissful wiping her clammy neck in the stream. Had it been possible, she would have submerged her whole, sweat-soaked body in it.     

Now is not the time for a bath.     

Suppressing the urge, she forced herself to her feet. Rem snorted her reluctance to leave. Maxi started to coax her when she spotted a white horse half-submerged in the water. It was staring right at her.     

Maxi froze and glanced around. What was a horse doing deep in the mountains? She scanned the trees, wondering if its owner was nearby, but there was only silence. Wondering if it was a wild horse, she turned back and was startled when she came face to face with it.     

Maxi shrank back. The horse sniffed and nudged her with its head as if to reassure her that it meant no harm.     

After a moment's hesitation, Maxi stroked its bluish-silver mane. The wild horse gave a snort of pleasure. It seemed so placid that Maxi dropped her guard and began stroking the horse's muzzle with both hands.     

It was a beautiful creature that seemed straight out of a children's fairytale. Its coat was a white, glossy velvet, and its legs were long and perfectly proportioned.     

Maxi ran her eyes over the horse in awe before she noticed something strange. She blinked.     

The horse's rear was still submerged in water, and protruding from it was a scaly tail swaying buoyantly from side to side.     

"Get back!"     

The thunderous bellow came from behind. Maxi jerked her head up, but her body was pulled back before she could even turn around.     

Losing her balance, Maxi flailed her arms. The wild horse had latched onto the edge of her cloak and was dragging her into the water. She struggled against it, but it was too strong, and she soon plunged into the water.     

Maxi desperately thrashed about. No matter how much she floundered, her legs were unable to gain purchase on anything.     

How deep is it?     

Terror gripped her as she vigorously shook her head. Out of nowhere, she felt a strong force pull her body upward.     

Maxi instinctively clung onto the stranger's arm. Her cloak ripped, and suddenly she was freed from the pulling creature dragging her down.     

The moment she cleared the surface, Maxi gasped for air and frantically latched onto the man who had saved her. The angry cry of the wild horse rang out from behind her before silence fell once more.     

Maxi glanced over her shoulder. There was nothing to suggest anything was amiss. The valley seemed as tranquil as ever, and the wild horse was nowhere to be seen.     

Unable to grasp what had happened, Maxi whirled about in confusion. She heard a harsh voice from above her head.     

"What in the devil were you thinking?!"     

Maxi was half stunned as she gazed up at Riftan's furious face. Dragging her out of the water, he grabbed her shoulders and shook her.     

"You were touching a monster! Are you out of your mind?! That was a kelpie! Do you realize what could have happened to you?!"     

"I-I did not know it was a monster. I-I thought it was a wild horse…" Maxi said, barely managing to open her mouth.     

Riftan's gaze bored into her before he pulled her into an embrace so tight that it was difficult to breathe. Her body was being crushed against his armor, but Maxi was so overwhelmed with relief that she was unable to feel any pain.     

Murmuring his name, she wound her arms around his neck and cried like a child. Riftan caressed her face and nape, shaking as he did so.     

"Are you all right? Are you hurt anywhere?"     

"N-No, I am all right."     

Riftan carefully inspected her from head to foot. Unable to believe that he was really in front of her, Maxi clung to him as though her life depended on it.     

Riftan crushed her against him once more, then shook her. "I told you that you must not stray from the formation. I told you countless times! Damn it, do you know how scared I was when I heard you were missing?"     

"I-I am sorry. R-Rem was frightened, and…"     

She rambled on, explaining to him how she had gotten lost and how she had been trying to find her way back. Riftan did not appear to be listening. He merely held her for a long time and only loosened his arms around her when a cold drizzle started.     

He helped her to her feet and asked in a choked voice, "Do you think you can walk?"     

Maxi nodded. Although she felt as though she could collapse at any moment, she would walk all night if he told her to. With Rem's reins in one hand and Maxi's in the other, Riftan led them out of the valley. Maxi trudged behind him, her wet boots squelching with each step.     

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