Under the Oak Tree

Chapter 117

Chapter 117

2After the exchange with Hebaron, Maxi headed straight to the infirmary where Melric was preparing emergency herbs for the campaign. The old mage sat amongst sacks of herbs strewn over the floor.     

Maxi rolled up her sleeves and walked over to the desk to help him. Melric looked up from cramming dried herbs into a small quilted pouch and regarded her with a concerned expression.     

"My lady, you do not look well. Why don't you rest in your chambers today? I can manage the preparations myself."     

"I merely… had trouble sleeping last night. I am all right."     

The old mage sighed as he lowered a jar of salve from the shelf.     

"The monsters seem to increase as the years go by. It is truly a mystery."     

"Have you… ever been o-on a campaign, Melric?"     

"I frequently participated in small-scale raids. I was part of a few long-term campaigns when I was younger too. Although, being a low-level mage only good at healing, I was mostly stationed at the rear."     

His expression grew dark as he stirred a thick salve with a spatula.     

"You must be asking because there is no mage to join the party leaving for the campaign. If all else fails and they are unable to find a mage, then I shall go with them, my lady."     

"N-No! I ask because I want to go with them. I have no intention of sending you… s-so please, do not worry about that."     

Melric's eyes grew wide. "You, my lady? Has the lord allowed this?"     

Maxi's face fell. Was Riftan so unrelenting that even someone who had only been here a month reacted this way?     

Maxi weakly shook her head. "I-I intend to… persuade him."     

"If I recall, you told me that you started learning magic last year. Is that correct? Do you have any experience with raids, my lady?"     

"N-no… but I have… encountered monsters on several occasions."     

Maxi forced the fact that she had fainted twice back down her throat. There had been valid reasons on both occasions. The first time was after several sleepless nights and malnourishment due to her anxiety over a possible divorce. The second time she had fainted was because of mana depletion. At present, she was in better health and was more adept at controlling her mana.     

"To tell you the truth… I have never traveled so far. What… does a mage do, exactly… in a campaign?"     

"High mages capable of offensive magic join the knights in battle, but healers such as myself mostly take cover somewhere safe to not get in the way. We heal the wounded once the battle is over." He continued, looking a bit embarrassed, "Low-level mages who are only capable of a few basic spells are, in truth, quite useless in battle. When I was not treating the wounded, I served as a page, preparing the soldiers' meals or tending to the horses."     

"I-I see."     

If she succeeded in convincing Riftan to take her along, would she also have to prepare meals for the men and tend to their horses? Maxi felt a dark cloud form over her; she had never cooked anything in her life.     

"Then… if monsters were to appear… would I have to hide until the battle is over? Wh-What if I cannot find a place to hide?"     

"As you know, my lady, knights leaving on long-distance campaigns are accompanied by junior knights. If there is a monster attack…"     

Melric placed a parchment on the desk and sketched two lines.     

"The men split into two groups. While the knights station themselves on the frontlines, the juniors fall back to protect the provisions and the horses. The mages stick with them. Since the junior knights will be standing guard, you do not have to worry about being left defenseless during a battle."     

Maxi felt her anxiety abate slightly after Melric's explanation. She continued to ask him questions as she crammed essential herbs into the quilt pouches that the knights would carry with them.     

Melric continued to give her advice based on his personal experiences. He counseled her on how to avoid being a hindrance in battle, how to prevent insect bites while camping, and even how to navigate by reading the stars in case she got lost. Maxi committed everything to memory and steeled herself once more.     

The sun had begun to set when she finally returned to the castle. After eating and settling into bed, Maxi had a hard time falling asleep. She considered waiting for Riftan in order to attempt another conversation with him, but the memory of his firm rejection made her afraid to speak to him. It would be better to wait until Aderon returned to inform them of the results.     

The next morning, Riftan was once again absent from their chambers. Ludis informed Maxi that he had stayed up all night at the knights' quarters. Whether it was because he was avoiding Maxi or because he was busy with the campaign preparations, Maxi could not be sure.     

Maxi spent her time reading illustrated books on monsters in Ruth's tower or studying maps to memorize the route to Livadon. In the evening, she had Ludis prepare the same trousers and sturdy leather boots worn by squires.     

It was her first time wearing trousers. Although it felt awkward and they did not seem to suit her, they were surprisingly comfortable to move in. She did not have to worry about stepping on a skirt train, and she liked how she did not have to fret over the material bunching up or wrinkling when she sat down.     

After doing a few rounds in her new outfit, Maxi changed back before Riftan could catch her dressed as a man. She hid the boots and trousers in a chest.     

The next morning, she ran to the training grounds clad in the simple tunic and trousers worn by the castle servants. It was almost time for their departure, and the faces of everyone leaving for the campaign were tense.     

The knight overseeing the training was not one whom Maxi was well acquainted with, so she changed course and headed for the knights' quarters. Through the window of the council room, she spotted a group deep in discussion over a map.     

Maxi's eyes roamed as she searched for Riftan. She spotted Hebaron and Gabel instead, and she hurried inside. The loud voices within the room stilled.     

"S-Sir Hebaron, I came to inquire… about the matter… I discussed with you the other day."     

After blinking at her outfit, Hebaron rose from his seat and slowly walked over to her.     

"Lady Calypse? May I ask why you are dressed like this?"     

Blushing, Maxi smoothed out her trousers. "I tried it on… because I thought it would be better… if I traveled like this… B-But I guess it does not suit me all that well."     

"N-No, it suits you well."     

The knight looked uncharacteristically flustered as he waved his hands. The awkward atmosphere that had taken hold of the room made Maxi backtrack.     

"If I am interrupting an important discussion… shall I return later?"     

"No, come in, my lady. We were discussing your request."     

Maxi hesitated before accepting Hebaron's invitation and entering the council room. One of the knights hastily stood up to offer his seat. Maxi nervously glanced around as she sat among the burly knights. A large map of the Western Continent was spread across the desk. It was covered in a complicated web of lines and several wooden figures perched on top.     

"W-Where is Riftan? I was told… that he spent the night here."     

"You must have missed him. The commander has gone to the great hall to send a carrier pigeon. He should be back soon," said Hebaron. He frowned as he scratched the back of his head and added, "We were planning on discussing the matter of your ladyship joining the campaign as soon as he returned."     

"I suppose the plan to steal a m-mage from the Earl of Loverne has failed."     

Gabel nodded from the seat across from her. "Most of them said they could not afford to leave because they are settled in the earl's land with their wives and children."     

"I-I see…" Maxi cleared her throat to disguise her shaky voice. "Then… I shall be your m-mage for this campaign."     

"But, my lady, are you certain about this? You have lived all your life in Croyso Castle after all," said a dark-skinned knight sitting at the corner, eyeing her skeptically. "All of us here know that you are a talented healer, but the way to Livadon is full of monster lairs, and we would have to camp out most nights because villages would be few and far between. Would your ladyship be able to endure such conditions?"     

"Sir Hebaron has already informed me of what is e-entailed. I have experienced c-camping during my journey to Anatol… and I am ready… to face whatever might await."     

"The journey is going to be more arduous than you think, my lady. If you have made this decision lightly—"     

"Even the royal princess does it, so why can't her ladyship be allowed to do the same?" said the knight to her left.     

Maxi remembered him as the young man who frequently came to the infirmary to get treated.     

"What is there to worry about when she would have us with her?" continued the knight with his arms crossed. "If it worries you so much, we could assign some of the squires as her personal guards. If they can't be spared, then I do not mind taking on the job myself."     

After offering the knight a grateful smile, Maxi said firmly, "It is precisely because the journey will be a perilous one… as you said yourself… that I think you must take me with you. G-Going without a mage on a journey that could last a month… on a route where villages are sparse… but abounding with monster lairs… would be too dangerous."     

The knights exchanged glances as they silently debated the matter amongst themselves, and Maxi's lips curled into a relieved smile when she realized that she had more or less managed to persuade them. It was at this moment that she heard a cold voice ring out from behind her.     

"What the hell are you up to?"     

Maxi's face fell as she turned toward the door. Riftan wore a frightening expression. He gritted his teeth as he marched to the desk.     

"Explain to me what my wife is doing here."     

"I am here because I have asked the knights… to take me as your mage i-if—"     

"You keep your mouth shut."     

His icy gaze fell on her, and Maxi clenched her jaw. Hebaron stepped forward as if to defend her.     

"Her ladyship is here out of concern for you, Commander. You need not be so incensed."     

"I have clearly told her that she cannot come, yet she is here conspiring with my men behind my back. How exactly is this for my sake?"     

Hebaron scowled in indignation. "Must you speak so harshly? It is because you are so mulish that her ladyship had to resort to coming directly to us! Do not act like you have caught us in some conspiracy!"     

"Whatever the reason, I will not condone any discussions about my wife behind my back!"     

Riftan stared murderously at Hebaron, and the knight matched his glare. The atmosphere was so heavy that Maxi nearly shriveled under it.     

Gabel interposed himself between the two men growling at each other like feral dogs. "Please, calm down! We understand that you are worried about her ladyship, Commander. That is why we have kept silent until now. But as you are also aware, we are in need of a mage. Please consider this objectively."     

Riftan gritted his teeth. "Are you out of your mind? My wife is a duke's daughter who has lived all her life in the safety of Croyso Castle. She would not be able to endure something so arduous as a campaign!"     

"And why… do you g-get to decide that, Riftan?" Maxi shot back, leaping to her feet in indignation. "I c-can do it too! Just give me a chance. You cannot leave like this… when you have a mage right here!"     

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