Under the Oak Tree

Chapter 107

Chapter 107

1It took five tries before Maxi managed to block the assailing twig. Her barrier was still nowhere near the standard that could be used in a real battle, so Ruth decided that they would practice a different type of defensive magic.      2

Maxi slumped her shoulders; she had poured immense effort into her shield training over the past few days. Ruth, however, was firm. He did not think that they should be wasting time grappling with a spell she simply was not equipped for. Without allowing her much time to rest, Ruth immediately drew a different rune on the ground and began his explanation.     

"There are two kinds of defensive spells in basic magic. The incorporeal shield and the corporeal barrier. Since it does not seem like you'll be able to cast a decent shield, a barrier is our only choice."     

"Does that mean… I'll have to learn a w-whole new rune? It took me a week… to memorize the rune for the shield…"     

"The fundamental blueprints of the runes are practically the same, so I doubt it would take you that long this time. A barrier only requires a quarter of the mana that goes into a shield."     

Maxi narrowed her eyes at him. "Th-Then… why didn't you teach me how to cast a barrier first?"     

"Because a barrier rune is far more complex than that of a shield," said Ruth, using a stick to etch out the long formula on the ground. "Compared to a shield, which creates a protective wall purely from mana, a barrier is magic that creates a barricade by transforming tangible materials. Since it is a spell that involves changing the form of matter, it entails a much more complicated calculation than a shield."     

Maxi looked down in worry at the dreadfully complicated-looking rune. "W-Why don't we… just continue practicing the shield? W-Who knows… I might be able to improve if we keep at it."     

"Certainly, but only if you are able to gather enough mana. Sadly, it would take at least a year for you to do so. What you need, my lady, are spells you can use as soon as possible. Would it not be better for you to learn every spell you can before I leave?"     

Maxi pried her eyes away from the complex rune, the mere sight of which was enough to cause an upheaval in her head. She looked back at the sorcerer.     

"H-Has… the king sent the order for the Remdragon Knights to join the campaign?"     

"He will soon enough. We received information yesterday that the situation in Livadon is growing serious. The church in Osiriya should be deliberating countermeasures as we speak."     

Osiriya's decision was predictable. They would surely request that military aid be sent from each country in the Seven Kingdoms.     

Maxi looked anxious. "H-How long does it take… to reach Livadon?"     

"At least a month. Even if one were to ride northwest for two weeks without rest to cross the border, they would still have to travel by ship for ten more days. It could take longer if they were to meet monsters on the way."     

Just imagining the arduous journey was enough to make Maxi heave a sigh.     

"I-I suppose it will be a dangerous journey…"     

"Indeed. I have had my fill of hardships from our stay in the Lexos Mountains, yet here I am, off to another wretched campaign! Truth be told, I did not wish to leave Anatol again for the next ten years or so," Ruth lamented with an uncharacteristic slump in his shoulders.     

Maxi was certainly worried about how the sorcerer would manage such a voyage when he found it bothersome to travel the short distance to his own room. Furthermore, had he not told her that every fief was currently struggling with monster invasions? The journey to Livadon would not be a smooth one.     

"D-Do you really think… it would be all right for only a handful of the knights… to leave for the campaign?"     

"We cannot exactly leave Anatol defenseless just to help Livadon," Ruth replied indifferently as he scrawled the rune's last formula. "Besides, we will not be traveling to Livadon by ourselves. We are combining forces with the knights from other territories as we travel northwest."     

"Other… knights?"     

"Do you think Sir Riftan is King Reuben's only vassal? Since all of his vassals are sending their knights to comply with his command, we should be able to form quite an army. This is usually how it is done when the king sends troops across borders."     

"I-I see."     

"And it is not only Wedon. Both Balto and Osiriya will also be sending men. No matter how big the rampaging monster army is, everything should be over before winter arrives."     

Maxi relaxed a little at his confidence. "Then… I presume you'll be back by early w-winter at the latest."     

"I desperately wish for that to be the case."     

Finishing the rune, Ruth dusted his hands and straightened up. "And you will have to take my place to some extent while I am away, my lady."     

"I assure you… I shall do my best," Maxi replied, hunching her shoulders at the heavy expectation. "But there could always be a situation… that I won't be able to handle by myself. Don't you think we should hire another h-healer… b-before you leave?"     

"I would have already done so if that were possible, my lady," Ruth said, crossing his arms with a sigh. "With the current crisis in Livadon, it seems every mage is set on leaving for Livadon. Their value has increased several times over. On top of that, since the competition between the feudal lords to acquire mages has intensified considerably, no mage would be willing to remain in Anatol unless we offer them sizable compensation."     

Maxi's face clouded with worry. It seemed the world was in bigger turmoil than she had thought.     

Ruth wore a grim expression. "Which is why you must strive to improve your abilities as much as possible before I leave. That is the only way I can leave with the barest reassurance."     

"I-I shall… try," Maxi answered weakly as she looked over the intricate, web-like rune.     

Ruth patted her shoulder in a show of encouragement and slowly began to explain the rune's principles.     


Ten days later, the order from the king arrived just as Ruth had predicted. After reading the decree brought to him by the king's messenger, Riftan convened a meeting with the knights without delay.     

Maxi paced around her bedchambers as she waited for Riftan to return. She wanted to know what decision he had made.     

Although he had told her that he intended to assign another knight to take the command, the contents of the king's decree could have changed his mind. King Reuben might have forced Riftan to lead his knights, making it difficult for Riftan to defy his orders. Maxi clasped her hands together as if in prayer. The mere thought of him leaving on a long journey was enough to put her nerves on edge.     

She had been waiting with bated breath for a while when she heard the door rattle open. It was Riftan, who entered the room with exhaustion etched across his face. She rushed over to him like the wind.     

"W-What… have you decided to do? What did the d-decree say? Y-You are not planning on leaving Anatol, are you?"     

Looking surprised, Riftan grabbed her shoulders. "Maxi, calm down."     

Maxi clutched his forearm and impatiently pressed him again. "Will you be l-leaving for Livadon?"     

"I already told you that I have no intention of doing so."     

A faint smile flitted across his lips. He pulled away slightly to remove the sword strapped to his waist and propped it next to the stand. Maxi trailed behind him and continued asking him questions.     

"Then… w-who will be going?"     

"It was decided that Ursuline Ricaydo would go in my stead," Riftan replied, slumping into a chair and messaging his stiff nape. "The meeting lasted this long because Nirtha and Ricaydo wouldn't stop snarling at each other over who would be the one to go. Listening to two men squabbling for three hours makes my ears bleed."     

Recalling how the two knights usually clashed like sworn enemies whenever they saw each other, Maxi gave Riftan an empathetic look. If the two had gotten into a serious argument, their bellows would have rung out like thunder.     

"I suppose… S-Sir Ursuline was able to win this round."     

"It was a fight where Nirtha was at a disadvantage from the start. Since it will be a coalition of knights from each kingdom. A commander with a mercenary background could easily spark a backlash. It would look better for someone from a distinguished lineage like Ursuline to lead the knights."     

There was a strange hint of mockery in his tone as he said 'distinguished lineage.'     

He clicked his tongue and added, "Nirtha protested, but he eventually agreed when we told him that it would do us no good to create unnecessary friction. He is surprisingly rational for someone that is so bear-like."     

Maxi nodded as she thought of the brash knight. "W-Who else will be going?"     

"Elliot Charon and Remus Baldo will be assisting Ricaydo. They will be joined by ten knights, twenty junior knights, thirty cavalrymen, and one sorcerer… There will be a total of sixty-four men."     

"Is there… anything f-for me to prepare?"     

Riftan frowned at her question. "There is no need for you to concern yourself. Those leaving for the campaign will pack everything themselves. Such a thing is second nature for all of them."     

"Still… I shall help prepare anything the men might need. They will be leaving on a long journey… s-so I must assist…"     

"Then, you could tell the servants to prepare a sumptuous supper," Riftan said, his lips suddenly twisting into a bitter smile. "They will finish making preparations for the campaign tomorrow and will depart at dawn the next day. Tomorrow evening will be the only time we can hold a send-off banquet for them."     

Maxi cautiously studied his face. Riftan did not seem happy about sending his men on this perilous journey, a sentiment which was understandable considering they were comrades who had been with him through thick and thin.     

Maxi made a mental note to tell the cook not to spare any quality spices or wine for tomorrow's supper.     

"I-I shall tell the cook… to prepare only the best."     

"I will leave it to you, then."     

With a faint smile, Riftan removed his thick leather boots and slid off his belt. After picking up his shoes and placing them neatly by a wall, Maxi called for Ludis to prepare a bath.     

As she did so, Riftan cooled off in front of the window in the crisp evening breeze. His face was cold as he gazed at the castle wall, now shrouded in darkness. Maxi, who had opened a chest to take out his nightshirt, paused to watch him.     

His broad back seemed more tense than usual, and a dark shadow clouded his face. Her heart ached at his obvious weariness.     

So many things were on his shoulders: his duties as the king's vassal, his duties as a liege, and his duties as the commander of his knights… Even a man as strong as steel would have to grow tired at some point.     

After a brief hesitation, Maxi slowly walked over to him and placed her hands on his waist. Riftan looked down at her with a faint smile.     

"What's this? Are you trying to seduce me?"     

"I-It's just… you looked like you were in a bad mood."     

With a flush coloring her face, she pretended to brush the dust off his tunic. A soft laugh escaped Riftan's lips. He wrapped his sturdy arms around her and pecked the top of her head.     

"Your adorable antics are happening more frequently these days. I'm a happy man."     

The heavy air seemed to have dissipated, and Maxi felt relieved. She rubbed her forehead against his broad chest. Although she felt apologetic toward the knights, she was glad that Riftan would not be heading into such a dangerous place.     

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