Under the Oak Tree

Chapter 100

Chapter 100

1"Monsters of the Ayin race in the Pamela Plateau, Northern Livadon, seem to have formed an alliance. There are reports of the more intelligent creatures like the lizardmen and trolls gathering large-scale armies and attacking villages. According to the latest report we received before we left, an army of trolls plundered a fairly large territory in the north."     2

"A large-scale alliance between monsters?"     

Everyone, including Maxi, appeared shocked at the implausible news.     

Sir Remus Baldo snorted loudly as if he found it ludicrous. "Group-dwelling monsters would only make up a small village at most. I have never heard of any Ayins ever organizing into an army like humans in my life."     

"No one has ventured deep inside the Pamela Plateau. Monsters of higher intelligence could have formed a civilization close to a kingdom without our knowledge."     

The color drained from Maxi's face at the scout's serious tone. Imagining a massive monster army plundering a human village made her tremble in terror.     

Sir Remus stiffened as the severity of the news sank in. "Are you certain?"     

"For now, it is still an unconfirmed rumor. But the information about a monster army consisting of lizardmen, trolls, and red goblins carrying out planned raids is true."     

Gabel stroked his chin, deep in thought. "Do you think Livadon can handle the beasts?"     

The scout knitted his brow, then shook his head. "If you ask me, there is a high chance that each country will soon be required to dispatch their knights in accordance with the Armistice of the Seven Kingdoms."     

"Then, the first request for reinforcement will be sent to Wedon, since we are part of the Western Alliance."     

Maxi had been quietly listening to their conversation up to this point. She suddenly asked, "D-Do you mean that… the Remdragon Knights will have to join a campaign in Livadon?"     

Although she was aware that it was not a discussion she should partake in, her anxiety got the better of her.     

Noticing her blanched face, Gabel shook his head. "The Remdragon Knights only just returned from a three-year campaign last year. If Livadon were to request reinforcement, the king would most likely send his royal knights."     

"I wouldn't be so sure about that. The mages believe that the monster army from the Pamela Plateau pillaging the northern end of Livadon is what's causing the large-scale migration of monsters. It is a grave problem that can affect the entire Western Continent. I'm certain they will also ask Anatol for assistance. We must be prepared."     

"We will discuss this again when the commander returns," Gabel replied, shooting daggers at the young knight.     

Realizing that the men were cutting their conversation short because of her, Maxi hastily rose from her seat. "The patient… seems to be all right now, so… I should take my l-leave."     

"Allow me to escort you to your chambers, my lady."     

"Th-That won't be necessary. I can go on my own."     

"No, my lady. You should always have an escort with you even inside the castle," Gabel replied firmly before heading toward the door.     

Before Maxi left, she asked Sir Remus to ensure that Ruth would take a look at the injured knight once he returned. There could always be traces of poison left in his body.     

Outside, the sun had already begun to sink, tinging the sky in an amber glow.     

Gabel studied Maxi's face. "I heard that you fell ill from using too much mana last time. I hope you are not feeling unwell now, my lady?"     

"I-I feel fine. You need not worry… I won't f-faint again."     

Gabel nodded, relieved, and continued striding toward the castle. Maxi gazed at the distant mountains as she silently walked beside him.     

Now was not the time to torture herself with memories of the past. Something terrible could happen at any moment, and she was certain she should be prepared for it. There could be another poisoning or a critical injury. If so, her existence would prove useful.     

She had managed to save a young knight's arm with her magic today. Although Riftan had said he did not need her help, the reality was different.     

Even I am capable of something.     

Maxi clung to those words. Her father had called her a useless wench countless times, but today he had been proven wrong.     

No, it was not just today.     

She had learned and accomplished many things in the short time she had been in Anatol. If she gave up on all of that now, she would never be able to overcome her sense of inferiority. She would forever remain an inept failure and prove her father right.     

Maxi's eyes glimmered with determination as she walked back to the castle.     


It was well past the time Riftan usually retired, but he had still not returned. He was most likely in discussion with the knights about the monster reports and would be held up all night.     

Maxi had planned to wait for him so she could ask what he intended to do, but staying awake proved difficult. Today had been the first time in a while since she had used her mana. She was exhausted. Sitting on the bed, Maxi nodded off several times before eventually giving in to deep slumber.     

The sun was already at its zenith when she opened her eyes. Her shoulders sagged when she saw the empty sheets next to her. Estate management, road construction, and now monsters… Maxi wondered why the world refused to give her husband a moment of peace. She clutched her hair which was puffed up like a cloud and sighed.     

"Are you awake, my lady?"     


The maidservant, looking impeccably groomed as always, entered the room with a tray of food. Maxi gave her an awkward smile, abashed that she had slept until noon.     

"I-I suppose… it is too late… to say good morning."     

Ludis placed the tray next to the bed with a gentle smile. "The lord instructed us not to disturb you so that you could rest as long as possible. He said that you would be tired…"     

Maxi suddenly worried about what Riftan would think about her healing the knight yesterday. Would he be displeased as he had been so far, or would he reluctantly admit that her magic had proven useful this time?     

She was deep in thought when Ludis proffered a cup of tea with a unique scent.     

"Mage Ruth gave me some tea leaves. He said they were good for mana replenishment."     

Maxi looked surprised. "Ruth c-came?"     

"He came last night to give me this and asked that I boil tea for you when you woke up."     

Ludis opened a leather pouch and showed Maxi the dried leaves and well-trimmed roots. Maxi recognized the contents from her study of herbs. The tea was a mixture of mandrago root, dried restoratives, and plain herbs.     

Maxi looked about nervously. If Ruth was aware of her magic use, there was no doubt that he had also participated in the deliberations with the knights last night. She had a feeling he would not have a problem with sharing what they had discussed.     

"I… I should thank him. Is he… still in the castle?"     

"Do you mean Mage Ruth, my lady?" Ludis cupped her cheek, trying to remember. "I saw him come down to the kitchen for breakfast this morning, but I am unaware of his whereabouts after that… Would you like me to go see if he is in the library?"     

"N-No. I shall… go there myself. I have something to ask him," Maxi muttered vaguely, sipping the bitter tea which had now cooled to the perfect temperature.     

After emptying her cup, Maxi ate the light meal Ludis had brought her. She washed her face, put on a dark blue silk dress, and brushed and coiled her hair. Then she headed to the library.     

It had been a while since she had seen Ruth. The thought of meeting him again made Maxi feel a little awkward. As she opened the library door, she imagined being on the receiving end of his sarcastic remarks about how she had idled her time away.     

The library was empty. Maxi sighed as she searched the room including the area behind the shelves where books sat arranged in neat stacks. She surmised that Ruth must have gone to the construction site. It was a huge undertaking that involved crossing rugged mountains, and there would be plenty of duties on-site for a sorcerer.     

Maxi felt deflated for a moment as she gazed out the window, but her resolve bounced back when she realized she could gather information on her own without Ruth. Recalling the scout's words, she searched the shelves and slid out a hefty book of maps.     

"Pamela Plateau…"     

The name she was looking for was in the northwestern region. She traced the coarse surface of the map with her fingertips. The Pamela Plateau was located in the northern end of Livadon, close to the Baltonian borders.     

The smeared letters were almost illegible. Maxi squinted and assessed the map several times before moving on to the notes next to it. The explanation was short. It described the area as a wasteland inhospitable to humans because of its harsh climate, and nothing more.     

Frowning, Maxi carefully read the next page to see if there was more information, but soon gave up and closed the book. Remembering back to yesterday, even the scout had said that not much was known about the Pamela Plateau, so it was highly unlikely for there to be details in such an old book.     

Maxi shook off her disappointment and began searching the bookshelves again. It did not take long for her to find several more on monsters. After pulling them out and leafing through, she chose a couple more with detailed illustrations and returned to the desk.     

A musty scent wafted up as she opened a tome with exquisite leather binding. She wrinkled her nose as she flipped through the yellowed pages until she came across the name of the monster the knights had mentioned.     


They were cannibalistic creatures that frequently appeared in the heroic tales sung by the bards. Maxi narrowed her eyes and stared down at the illustration.     

Their terrifying appearance seemed to match their reputation. The monster in the sketch had a hooked nose, toad-like skin dotted with warts, pointed ears, muscular limbs, and a bulging belly. It stared ahead with its big, sunken eyes visible beneath swollen lids.     

After studying the detailed illustration, Maxi read the explanation beneath it.     

Trolls are approximately 7-8 kevette (approximately 2.1-2.4 meters) in height. Their massive bodies allow them immense strength. They are extremely vicious in nature. They possess remarkable regenerative powers whereby they can heal deep wounds in an instant. They live in small groups of 30-50. Smarter than goblins, they are able to craft and use armor and weapons.     

Maxi unconsciously hunched her shoulders as she read the scrawled script. A chill ran down her spine as she imagined an army of brutally strong, carnivorous giants intelligent enough to create tools invading their land.     

No, that is unlikely. Pamela Plateau and Anatol are practically on opposite ends of the continent…     

But being so far removed from the monsters was no consolation either. It meant that Riftan might have to travel that distance to join the campaign.     

Maxi chewed her lips and turned to the next page. Illustrations of a goblin and an ogre appeared one after the other. She was busy reading the information beneath with utmost concentration when she felt something land on her shoulder.     

Maxi leaped to her feet.     

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