Under the Oak Tree

Chapter 96

Chapter 96

3Early the next day, the princess and her royal retinue began preparations for their return to Drachium. Maxi pored over the ledger for hours with Rodrigo to ensure that the delegation had all the necessary supplies for the trip. She also supervised the servants as they packed the baggage.     

Although it was customary for Maxi to prepare gifts for the royal family in consultation with Riftan, she had to stop at four tapestries and six ruby-embellished gold goblets. The princess and her party already had a hefty load of wyvern bones and hides to take back.     

"H-Have you finished… inspecting the wagons?"     

"Yes, my lady. The wheels have been replaced with sturdy new ones, and the horses have been fed well to last the journey. The blacksmith has checked the horseshoes as well."     

While she listened to the steward's report, Maxi went over the ledger twice to check that everything was packed and ready.     

Rodrigo, who had been quietly watching her as she did so, voiced his concern. "My lady… are you not overexerting yourself when you have only recently recovered? You can leave such tasks to us…"     

Maxi's lips twisted into a bitter smile. Riftan's overprotectiveness had apparently spread to the castle servants. Everyone now showed concern whenever they saw her doing something.     

She looked down at her slender frame draped in a light green dress and wondered if she really did look that frail. She was well aware that she did not look strong, but neither was she scrawny enough to warrant all this fear of her snapping in half at any moment.     

Maxi raised her chin in a dignified tilt. "I am… not ill. I have had plenty of rest… so I am p-perfectly fine now."     

"I am happy to hear that, my lady, but… please do not overexert yourself."     

"I shall keep that in mind."     

After her half-hearted reply, Maxi briskly turned around. If the servants saw her energetically roaming around the castle, then it might alleviate their worries. She did not wish to be treated like an infirm old lady forever. She strode across the hall with wider steps than usual.     

Outside the great hall, the princess and her knights were carefully inspecting their respective weapons, magical devices, and travel equipment. According to their explanation, they had to be fully prepared for battle before they left. Traveling past the Anatolium Mountains was considered a tough obstacle.     

They strapped protective gear on their horses and mounted sharp blades on the wagon roofs to prevent monsters from climbing on top of them.     

The fully-armored knights inspected their equipment, and even the princess's retinue carried short swords and light shields. They looked more like a party heading off to war than people traveling back home.     


The princess waved happily at Maxi when she saw her coming out of the great hall.     

"Thank you for helping us get packed."     

"I-It was my pleasure. Is there… anything else I can offer you?"     

"We only need enough food and water to last us until we reach the Barony of Louvain. Bringing any more than that would only slow us down."     

The princess skimmed through the ledger Maxi handed her and nodded, looking satisfied.     

"This should be just right."     

"H-how many… herbs… shall I prepare?"     

"Please prepare thirty shekels (approximately 330 grams) of detoxicants and twenty shekels (approximately 220 grams) of restorative herbs. That should be more than enough."     

After jotting down the princess's request, Maxi instructed a nearby servant to deliver the message to Rodrigo. The princess watched Maxi as she did so, then gave her an apologetic smile.     

"I apologize for keeping you busy so early in the morning. I originally intended to stay a few more days so we wouldn't have to rush our departure, but I received an urgent message from the royal court…"     

The princess sighed and pointed to one of the many wagons. Sitting on top of it was a small hawk that appeared to be a messenger bird.     

Maxi's eyes widened. "Has… something happened in the capital?"     

"I'm afraid it's another trivial land dispute, as usual," the princess said, rubbing her temples as though she had a headache coming on. "The fools are always chomping at the bit and tend to act out when Aquarias arrives. I can never sleep in peace this time of year. Monsters and humans alike run amok like bears that just woke up from hibernation."     

Maxi felt her heart sink. It was customary for knights to spend most of their lives waged in wars. The knights of the Duchy of Croyso had also headed into battle around this time under her father's orders.     

Maxi deliberately tried to sound indifferent to hide her agitation. "Then I suppose… R-Riftan… will be called to action soon."     

"If a dispute big enough to warrant the Remdragon Knights' intervention arises, then yes, he probably will be," the princess answered cheerfully, checking the luggage tied to her horse's saddle.     

Maxi pretended to go through the ledger again to hide her ashen face. Distress clouded her thoughts, and she failed to register any of the numbers. Maxi bit her lip as a sharp sense of loss began to assail her heart.     

The princess's calm voice felt heavy against her ears. "Perhaps you might accompany him if that were to happen."     

Maxi's head snapped up. "M-Me?"     

"Aren't you a mage, Maximilian?"     

The princess cocked her head as if she did not understand why Maxi was so surprised. "If there were such a big dispute that required Riftan to intervene, don't you think we would need healers as well? There is an abundance of problems in this world but not enough mages to solve them. A situation might arise that would require your assistance."     

"Th-That is impossible, Princess Agnes. I… h-have only recently started… to learn magic… a-and my mana is so meager… that I f-fainted after… healing a few people."     

"Your mana will quickly snowball if you continue to use magic."     

The princess furrowed her brow as if she were displeased with Maxi's timid answer.     

"The knights tell me that you have only recently learned healing magic. I am certain that you have the potential."     

"Y-You think too highly of me, Your Highness. Healing… is the only magic… I can cast properly. Ruth has taught me o-other spells… but I have f-failed to make any progress."     

"There are mages who show affinity to only a specific type of magic. You might simply be strongly suited for healing. If you are able to treat that many people in a real battle after a month or two of learning, then you might just become an amazing healer in a few years."     

The princess's voice was so full of certainty that Maxi wondered for the first time if she really did possess exceptional talent.     

"It is a God-given gift. Do not waste it," said the princess.     

Lost for words, Maxi stared blankly into the princess's blue eyes. She had lived as a useless stutterer for twenty-two years. Despite all her efforts in becoming a different person, she could not recall how many times she had been disappointed at finding herself inadequate at everything she did.     

Yet, this great sorceress who had traveled the continent was telling her that she had talent. Maxi nervously searched the princess's eyes for any signs of pity.     

As though speaking the unadulterated truth, Princess Agnes's expression was gentle, and her eyes seemed sincere.     

Maxi barely managed to muster her voice. "I shall… do my best, Your Highness."     

"I'm sure you can do it, Maximilian."     

With a smile, Princess Agnes patted Maxi on the shoulder before walking away to oversee the rest of the preparations. Maxi discreetly touched her shoulder where the princess's firm hand had been.     

You can do it.     

The simple sentiment caused a ripple in her heart.     


When all the preparations were finished, they held a small farewell banquet in the dining hall. The food was too modest for it to be considered a banquet, but the guests enjoyed the humble meal without complaint.     

Riftan and all of the Remdragon Knights attended to wish them a safe trip, and once the short parting solemnity was over, the guests immediately went outside.     

The princess and her party mounted their horses without delay. It would not do to spend the night in the mountains.     

"I thank you for your hospitality!" the princess cried out atop her chestnut stallion.     

Maxi gave a polite smile as she looked up at the princess. "N-No, Your Highness. I am… ashamed that I have not been… the best of hosts."     

"Spare me such rigid formalities, Maximilian."     

The princess shrugged and turned to check if everything was ready for their departure. Three wagons laden with luggage were lined up before the wide-open gates, flanked by knights waiting for the princess's order.     

Members of the Remdragon Knights were also among them. Riftan had asked six of his knights to accompany the princess's party to give them safe passage through Anatolium.     

"Well then, I should really get going now."     

After surveying the procession, the princess turned her head once more to look at the people who had come to see them off.     

Scratching his head, Hebaron let out a hearty laugh. "You came in like a hurricane, and now you depart like lightning. Are you not happy unless you sap the souls out of everyone all the time?"     

"You know how much I loathe tarrying."     

"It certainly is difficult to find people more impatient than you," muttered Riftan who stood at the front with his arms crossed.     

The princess snorted as if she found his remark absurd. "Everyone else in the world can call me impatient, but not you, Sir Riftan. Compared to you, I have the patience of a saint."     

"I advise you not to argue about patience in front of me," Riftan growled back, not backing down. "Let me remind you that I have patiently suffered through your persistent propositions and threats for the past few weeks without even raising my voice."     

"Without raising your voice, you say?" the princess retorted, her voice shrill as if she could not believe what she had just heard.     

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