Under the Oak Tree

Chapter 97

Chapter 97

2Maxi felt flustered. Her gaze swiveled back and forth between Riftan and the princess, and even the knights surrounding them shook their heads in exasperation.     3

"Must you fight till the end? Can we not part on good terms?"     

"He was the one who provoked me this time!"     

"Are you waiting for sundown to depart?"     

The princess's shoulders heaved as though she were about to sound off her indignation, but the sigh that escaped her lips was one of resignation.     

"Fine. This unwanted guest shall take her leave."     

"You have my gratitude, Your Highness."     


Hearing Riftan's impertinence go too far, Maxi tugged at the hem of his tunic. Riftan briefly glanced down at her, then forced a stiff smile.     

"I wish you a safe trip, Your Highness."     

"How kind of you," the princess replied dryly before turning her gaze to Maxi. Her lips curled into a friendly smile. "I wish you well, Maximilian."     

"Please… be careful on your journey, Your Highness. I pray no harm will come to you… on the way."     

"I also wish you good fortune."     

With a playful wink, the princess circled her horse around and trotted over to the wagons.     

Soon, the blast of a kopel rang through the air. The royal party began to cross the drawbridge, leaving behind a cloud of dust. In what felt like the stillness after a storm, Maxi waved until the princess was no longer visible. She wondered why she felt strangely empty as she watched the person who had filled her head with so many unpleasant thoughts disappear into the distance.     

"Let us return to our chambers."     

Maxi had been staring out of the castle gates deep in thought when Riftan wound his arms around her. His arms felt as sturdy as tree trunks, and Maxi wriggled in his embrace to face him.     


After the royal party's departure, peace and monotony returned to Maxi's life. With the landscaping completely finished and the energy of spring filling the air, Calypse Castle seemed to transform into a beautiful and vibrant place. What was more, it soon became livelier with peddlers visiting the estate again.     

Riftan still worked tirelessly on the road construction while the knights patrolled the area around the rampart from dawn till late into the night.     

Maxi was the sole person spending her days in utter idleness. Ever since she had come to Calypse Castle, she had made efforts to replace all the old furniture and refurbish every nook and cranny. As a result, there was no longer anything in the castle that required her attention. The servants' diligence meant that Maxi did not have to spend all day supervising them.     

As for her magic studies, that was something she no longer pursued. The truth was that she could not devote herself to studying complex equations when she was unsure if she should even continue learning magic.     

Perched by the window, Maxi sighed as she idly perused the bookshelf. The princess had told her that she had talent, but Maxi could not believe that with certainty. If her potential was not guaranteed, was it really worth studying magic knowing it would displease Riftan?     

Riftan had made it clear that he did not need her help, and his firm rejection had crushed her confidence.     

Maxi gazed out the window as the pearlescent sunlight streamed in. She felt torn. Even when she gravitated toward a book on magic, she ended up vacantly staring out over the grounds before even an hour passed. She also felt no enthusiasm to practice the phonetic training table Ruth had made for her. What was she supposed to do now?     

Resting her head on the window sill, Maxi let out a sigh.     

"What's wrong? Are you not feeling well?"     

Startled by the sudden voice, Maxi looked over to find Riftan standing in the doorway. She rose from her seat and rushed over to him.     

"W-What brings you back… so early?"     

As usual, he had left before the crack of dawn. Maxi studied his face, wondering if something had happened at the construction site. His messy hair glistened like black jade as he stood there looking as imposing as always.     

Regarding her carefully, he removed his leather glove and caressed her forehead. "I dropped by to see you because I had business at the forge. Do you have a fever?"     

"N-No. I was just… looking out the window."     

"You were sighing. Has life here become tedious for you?" His voice was tinged with anxiety. "Would you like me to invite the neighboring nobles for a banquet?"     

Maxi's eyes grew wide with surprise. She was well aware that it was not the best time for them to hold a banquet. Although the cost was not a problem, Riftan and the knights did not have time to entertain guests.     

Despite that, Riftan's face was as serious as when he had insisted on holding a year-round festival for her. Maxi quickly waved her hands.     

Riftan frowned and ducked his head as if trying to read her mind. "You've been down ever since the guests left. If it's because you've grown tired of country life…"     

"I-It's not that! I was merely… feeling languid because… th-the day was so warm. I actually do not like… banquets or balls."     

Riftan seemed to consider her words. "Come to think of it, you rarely attended the banquets at Croyso Castle. And when you did, you were quiet and did not stay long."     

Maxi sensed disapproval in his voice. Did he want a lively and gregarious wife?     

Her face stiffened as she mumbled an excuse. "W-When we have guests… I shall do my b-best to make them feel at home, but… I've never liked… loud gatherings."     

"That didn't seem to be the case during the festival. I want to see you like that—"     

Riftan flinched and clamped his mouth shut, abruptly putting an end to his impatient outburst. An odd tension strained his broad shoulders.     

"Would you like to go on a short walk with me?"     

"Y-You don't have to do that. I know you are busy."     

"I'm not so busy that I can't find time to catch my breath," Riftan said in annoyance, grabbing Maxi's cloak from its hook. "You can suffer a short walk with me, can't you?"     

"I-It's not that I don't want to… I am just… worried since you b-barely have time to sleep. If you have the time for a walk… wouldn't it be better… for you to take a short nap instead?"     

"A nap with you also sounds nice."     

He threw a quick glance at the bed and twisted his lips.     

"But I don't think I could keep my hands off you once we're on that bed."     

Maxi felt the heat rising to her face. Looking calm, Riftan pulled her by her shoulder and draped the cloak over her.     

"I think taking a walk would be the better choice. I haven't had the chance to admire the garden you've transformed so beautifully."     

Maxi followed him out of the room. A refreshing breeze carrying the scent of flowers blew in through the open windows. Riftan sniffed the air, a strange expression on his face.     

"The whole castle smells of flowers."     

"Do you… not like it?"     

"No, I'm just… not used to it," he said flatly. "I'm more used to dirt, horses, sweat, and blood."     

A thought suddenly came to Maxi that, like her, Riftan might not be familiar with the gentle and warm aspects of life.     

No. They were in no way the same. He had the strength to overcome bitter pain and hardships, while she had nothing of the sort.     

"Let's bring a light snack with us. I'm a little hungry," said Riftan, his tone light as if sensing the subtle shift in the air.     

Maxi smiled to hide her heavy heart. "I-I bought… fresh fruits a few days ago, along with some premium spices. There should be… plenty to choose from."     

"Well, that's certainly something to look forward to. It's been ages since I've had fruit that wasn't dried or soaked in wine."     

Riftan licked his lips in a display for her benefit and briskly strode on to the kitchen. They packed fist-sized green apples, raspberries, mulled wine, and freshly baked bread into a reed basket before making their way out of the great hall.     

Outside, Maxi squinted into the blinding light. A carpet of green grass glistened on both sides of the stone courtyard, which was swept and scrubbed by servants daily. Delicate buds in the shrubs sparkled like jewels beneath the spring sun.     

"Are you cold?"     

"No. I-I feel warm."     

Maxi held Riftan's hand and slowly made her way to the garden. The oak tree, which had looked so ghastly next to the pavilion, was now full of tiny leaves. A content smile spread across Maxi's face. Ruth's magic had worked, and new life had sprung from the dead tree.     

"What's making you smile like that?"     

"That… t-tree over there… It has new leaves."     

He looked in the direction she was pointing and cocked an eyebrow. "I thought it was dead…"     

"Ruth said that… some trees still have life in them e-even when they might appear dead. He infused it with magic last winter, and…"     

Maxi trailed off when she saw Riftan's face visibly harden.     

"I-Is something wrong?"     

"It's nothing," he said brusquely, tugging her arm. "I just don't understand what's so entertaining about leaves sprouting from ugly trees. Let's go somewhere with a nicer view. I noticed that you planted a flower garden below the terrace."     

"There is an assortment of flowers… that I asked the merchants to procure for me. I-I hope they are to your liking…"     

They walked past the pavilion and strolled the length of the garden path. The sunlight streaming through the leaves made Riftan's smooth skin glow. Maxi gazed at him, spellbound, as she walked.     

She had come to like looking at her husband so much that it felt preposterous that she had once been afraid of him. His fierce eyes and imposing stature no longer scared her. Even his stunning looks, which had daunted her at first, now simply amazed her.     

She could not understand why such a beautiful man showed so much passion for a woman like her. Whatever the reason, she was losing her heart to him more and more each day.     

They finally arrived at the flower garden. Riftan gazed over the lush flowers blooming in a brilliant array of colors.     

"It's even more beautiful up close."     

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