Under the Oak Tree

Chapter 80

Chapter 80

0Maxi had never imagined the princess would be favorably disposed toward her, so she was utterly confused by her friendly advances. Had the princess not wanted to marry Riftan?      1

"I suppose Riftan is in the annex with the knights?" Princess Agnes asked as they left the great hall.     

Maxi's face hardened slightly at the way her husband's name came so naturally to the princess.     

"H-He may be… Your Highness."     

"Then I suppose I'll have to wait to ask him for a tour of the training grounds. Can we go up the walls? I would like to see the castle surroundings."     

Maxi hesitated for a moment before nodding and ushering the princess to a narrow forest path on their right. It was a route normally tread by the sentries. After following it for a time, they arrived at a stone stairway leading up to the outer wall. The patrolling sentries spotted them and immediately bowed in greeting.     

Maxi explained that she was giving the princess a tour of the grounds before making their way up the steps. It was still early spring, and although the weather had gotten warmer, the wind that blew in from the mountains was icy. Princess Agnes climbed ahead and stood at the edge of the battlement, her long skirt fluttering like a banner. She stretched in the lashing wind as though she found it refreshing.     

"What a beautiful place."     

Maxi followed the princess's gaze over the wall. A violent gust blew over the steep slopes and sharp peaks of the snow-topped mountains. Her eyes fixed on the horizon, the princess swept back her hair that was being buffeted by the wind.     

"I was told that Anatol was infested with monsters. I was expecting some grim scenery, like a gate to the demon world."     

They began strolling the patrol route when the princess suddenly turned to Maxi.     

"But the village is bigger than I expected, with a flourishing market. I must admit, I'm quite surprised."     

"Mercenaries and… merchants flock to Anatol… during the spring," Maxi mumbled, repeating what she had heard as though it were something she was knowledgeable on.     

The princess stroked her chin, seeming deep in thought. "I can see why Riftan is so attached to it. It must have taken enormous effort to make a land that has been neglected for decades this prosperous."     

Something twisted in Maxi's lower abdomen; it was like the princess was displaying her closeness with Riftan. An urge to yell at her, to tell her to stop acting so familiar with him, momentarily overcame Maxi. Surprised by the vicious urge, Maxi bit her lip. A burning flush crept to the tip of her ears as though her petty and narrow-minded thoughts had been exposed.     

"R-Riftan… has been working… d-day and night without rest… for the sake of Anatol."     

"It was the same during the campaign. No one ever saw the man rest, nor did he ever show hesitation or weakness. Everyone began calling him Mago out of fear and reverence."     


"A mythical creature that does not sleep or grow tired. It's believed to have a hundred lives," the princess replied, wearing a bitter smile. "It was a moniker given to him by the Temple Knights of Osiriya when they saw him rush headlong into danger as if he were invincible."     

Although Ruth had already told her of Riftan's recklessness, Maxi's chest tightened at the princess's revelation. She hunched her shoulders to fight off the biting cold.     

Princess Agnes studied her with calm blue eyes. "I've always wondered what the Mago's wife would be like. I wanted to know who it was that the knight who boldly threw himself into the dragon's fire wanted to return to…"     

Lost for words, Maxi wet her parched lips. The princess's statement was not a reproof, yet Maxi could not help but feel she was being rebuked. She knew she did not deserve to be the wife of such a lauded knight.     

The princess undoubtedly knew it too. Maxi could not bear to see her pathetic self reflected in the princess's blue eyes. Despite knowing it would appear rude, Maxi abruptly turned away.     

"Th-The wind… is cold. We should… return to the castle, Your Highness. Th-There are also matters I must attend to…"     

"Of course."     

Princess Agnes gazed over the Anatolium Mountains one more time before descending the stone stairs. Maxi watched her for a moment, then hurried on as if fleeing the scene, a storm of anxiety raging in her heart.     


At sundown, the servants climbed ladders to light the chandelier inside the banquet hall. Braziers freshly replenished with burning coals were placed around the room, and the tables were laden with a sumptuous feast.     

Maxi was positioned next to Riftan at the head of one of the tables. The princess and her retinue sat across from them, while the royal knights took up the rest of the seats. Once the pages had served all the guests with fragrant wine, Riftan raised his golden goblet.     

"We welcome you to Anatol."     

Everyone raised their drinks in unison. The princess lifted her goblet, brimming with wine, high into the air and gave Riftan an elegant smile.     

"We thank you for your warm welcome."     

"You must be tired from your long journey, Your Highness," bellowed an old knight. "Please enjoy the feast."     

The princess laughed and brought the goblet to her lips. Taking the cue, the feast-goers around her picked up their utensils and began eating.     

Maxi took a bite of bread and glanced around the crowded table. The royal knights who had accompanied the princess appeared to be well acquainted with the Remdragon Knights; they were engaged in amicable banter. Even the princess herself addressed the Remdragon Knights with no regard for formalities.     

Princess Agnes seemed to pay no mind to the etiquette and decorum expected of a noblewoman, and Maxi was slightly taken aback by it.     

Even sitting amongst men much bigger than her, the princess held her own and did not seem intimidated in the slightest. She laughed aloud while smacking the shoulder of the knight next to her. Her manner of speech was boisterous and provocative. What surprised Maxi more was how the knights did not seem fazed by it at all.     

The princess was in the middle of a lively conversation with her neighbor when she abruptly turned to Riftan.     

"I would like to look around Anatol as soon as possible. Could I trouble you for a tour tomorrow, Sir Riftan?"     

Riftan took a sip of wine and replied coolly, "I will have Sir Ursuline show you around, Your Highness."     

"Look here, stone-hearted Lord of Anatol. Do not think you can cast me aside so easily. I have traveled to the end of the earth to come see you."     

"I do not recall ever making such a request."     

The royal knights' expressions darkened at Riftan's impertinence. Maxi nervously studied the princess's face. Such discourtesy toward the royal family would not be tolerated, even from a knight whose prestige was known across the continent. Instead of being outraged, however, Princess Agnes burst into laughter as though Riftan had made a jest.     

"I see that you have not changed."     

She turned her gaze to Maxi with a beguiling smile. "Then could I trouble you to be my guide, Lady Calypse?"     

Riftan paused from sawing at his lamb meat to glare at the princess. Maxi blinked wordlessly, flustered at having been dragged into the conversation.     

Unperturbed by her reaction, the princess continued. "I've been eager to get to know you better."     

Riftan lowered his knife with a clatter.     

"Your Highness," he said in a chillingly low voice. "If you do not mind waking early, I shall be your personal guide."     

He spoke through gritted teeth.     

"Oh my, how kind of you," the princess quipped, clearly not intimidated by his menacing tone. "You have my sincerest gratitude."     

Maxi stiffened at their easy banter. Just imagining the pair of them taking a pleasant ride around Anatol together was enough to make her stomach turn.     

"Please… a-allow me… the honor, Your Highness," Maxi blurted out impulsively.     

Riftan looked surprised.     

Wetting her dry lips, Maxi added calmly, "You are busy, Riftan… so… let me show Her—"     

"How could you hope to escort Her Highness when you only arrived last autumn yourself?"     

A deep flush colored Maxi's cheeks.     

"E-Even so. I think I am c-capable… of showing Her Highness around. I've been… to the m-market with Ruth… and… I've also been to the outskirts…"     

"The outskirts?"     

Riftan's voice suddenly sounded grave.     

Flustered, Maxi looked up and saw his eyes glinting dangerously. Come to think of it, she had never told him of her trip to aid the wounded after the werewolf attack. It had been while he was away on the goblin raid.     

Maxi glanced around at the knights seated at the table. At the far end, she saw Sir Elliot vigorously shaking his head, signaling to her to not say anything.     

Maxi swallowed past her dry throat. She had only been doing her duty as the lady of the castle, but she knew Riftan might not see it that way. Recalling his fury at discovering her efforts to learn magic, she quickly changed the subject.     

"W-What I wish to say… is that… I also know Anatol… well enough… to guide Her Highness."     

"Enough. Sending you outside the castle unprotected is out of the—"     

"Oh my," Princess Agnes deftly interjected. "And it's all right for me to leave the castle unprotected?"     

Riftan shot her an annoyed look. "You are capable of protecting yourself, Your Highness, but that is not the case for my wife. All she has ever known are the walls of Croyso Castle!"     

"E-Even I am… capable of sh-showing our guests… around our land!" Maxi exclaimed, glaring at him.     

Being treated like an incompetent child in front of a distinguished princess was a blow to her pride.     

Her face flushed as she retorted, "And… I-I've seen… other places. If you recall… I had to t-travel to reach Anatol… from the Duchy of Croyso."     

Hebaron was quick to take Maxi's side.     

"Her ladyship is right, Commander. What harm could come to her with the king's knights in attendance? If it still worries you, I will accompany them."     

Riftan's face grew darker and darker at the persistent rebuttals. Maxi was inwardly terrified when she saw that his anger was barely contained. But even so, she could not back down. She needed to prevent Riftan from spending time with such a captivating woman at all costs.     

"Riftan… you b-barely have time… to rest. Please… let me help."     

Seeing her being so uncharacteristically stubborn, Riftan's face grew somber. After a short silence, he finally raised the white flag.     

"Fine. I shall leave it to you."     

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