Under the Oak Tree

Chapter 79

Chapter 79

2Draping a luxurious shawl around her shoulders, Maxi made her way downstairs with her maidservants in tow.      0

Her heart felt heavy as it pounded against her chest, and her back broke out in a cold sweat. She was about to welcome her first guest as Lady Calypse. The fact that this guest happened to be Princess Agnes only amplified her agitation.     

Maxi wondered what kind of person the princess would be. Would she be as haughty as Rosetta? Would she take one look at Maxi and hold her in disdain for being so inadequate?     

Maxi wiped her sweaty palms on her skirt as she looked out of the wide-open front doors.     

For a while, it was only their voices that reached them. Soon, a company of people dressed in fine garments began ascending the castle steps. Maxi immediately identified Princess Agnes.     

The princess seemed the epitome of dignity as she made her way to the great hall. Two young ladies-in-waiting, half a dozen male attendants, and knights in silver armor trailed in a long procession behind her. They were flanked by the Remdragon Knights. Riftan walked next to the princess, acting as her escort.     

Maxi was so taken aback that she forgot to curtsy. The princess was dressed in men's trousers, high boots, a knee-length purple tunic, and a cloak. Her golden tresses were unadorned and tumbled loose over her shoulders. An easygoing smile stretched across her sun-kissed face as she strode toward the castle.     

The princess seemed so uninhibited and vibrant, nothing at all how Maxi had imagined. She wore no jewels; her dazzling blue eyes seemed breathtaking enough. Maxi greeted her, feeling slightly disarmed.     

"I am so glad to make your acquaintance, Lady Calypse," said the princess. "I am Agnes Drachina Reuben."     

"It is… an honor, Your Highness… I am Maximillian… Calypse."     

Maxi's greeting was slow, but she was able to respond measuredly thanks to the hours she had spent practicing in secret.     

"I hope that you will… enjoy your stay here i-in Anatol."     

As Maxi spread her skirts in a curtsy, the maidservants behind her followed suit with their heads bowed. Princess Agnes gave her a smile that managed to be carefree yet refined.     

"Thank you for welcoming us so warmly at such short notice."     

Riftan stepped toward Maxi as if to block the princess. "I will show the knights to their quarters. I'll leave it to you to show Her Highness to her room."     

Standing with his back to the light, his shadowed face looked graver and more imposing than usual. His dark blue tunic and silver breastplate seemed to magnify his brawny figure.     

"I… will," Maxi replied, looking up at him.     

She was hoping for him to give her a light peck on her forehead or cheek, but Riftan merely looked down at her from a respectful distance before turning to the knights.     

"Allow me to show you to your rooms."     

He began striding toward the back door which led to the annex. The royal knights and an equal number of their attendants followed behind him.     

Hiding her disappointment, Maxi ordered the maidservants to show the rest of the royal retinue to their rooms. The maidservants promptly began to move the luggage.     

"I've prepared a room… o-on the second floor of the great hall… for you, Your Highness. Your attendants… will be staying on the s-same floor… I hope that is to your satisfaction?"     

"Of course. I appreciate your thoughtfulness."     

"Th-Then… allow me to show you the way."     

Maxi turned and started up the carpeted staircase. The princess walked next to her, her eyes roaming around the castle interior with interest.     

"What a splendid place you have. I must say, I was surprised when it was bigger than I expected."     

Maxi gave her an awkward glance. The princess spoke in such an affable manner that Maxi did not know how to respond. Despite the long journey, the princess did not look tired. She bounced up the stairs and seemed to be taking it all in: the lavishly decorated banquet hall, the high arched ceiling, the rustic pillars, and the vaulted windows — a classic shape in ancient architecture — through which the sunlight streamed in.     

"I heard that Calypse Castle is older than Drachium Palace. It looks very well maintained."     

"Th-Thank you, Your Highness."     

Maxi unconsciously found herself adopting a servile tone. Even dressed like a young man, the princess commanded an air of royal authority that was overwhelming.     

Maxi watched from two steps behind as the princess ascended the staircase while surveying the spacious hall without a hint of self-consciousness.     

At 5 kevette and 2 henches (approximately 174 centimeters), the princess was tall for a woman, and her arms and legs were as long and lean as a deer's. More than that, she was not the classic beauty Maxi had imagined she would be.     

Princess Agnes radiated a provocative charm that was different from the delicate and flawless beauty of Maxi's sister. Full lips that seemed too large for her face; almond-shaped eyes that were slightly upturned, giving the impression of a haughty cat; a thin, sharp face with a straight nose. She looked more handsome than beautiful.     

"It feels as if I've landed in a fortress from the Roem Dynasty," the princess remarked in a placid voice. "Could I trouble you for a tour of the castle later? I would love to explore it further."     

She turned to Maxi, her eyes crinkling at the corners. Although her expression was friendly, her blue eyes were penetrating. Maxi reflexively hunched her shoulders and nodded.     

"O-Of course."     

"Thank you. But first, I'd like a bath and a change of clothes. Could you show me to my room?"     

Ludis, who had been trailing behind them, stepped forward with a bow. "This way, Your Highness. Please follow me."     

Princess Agnes smiled. "Well, I shall see you later," she said, pivoting gracefully.     

Maxi watched the princess nimbly follow after Ludis. It was only their first encounter, and she already felt as if she had been swept up and away.     

"P-Prepare baths… for the guests… and be… especially attentive… w-when attending to Her Highness."     

"Yes, my lady."     

After instructing the remaining maidservants, Maxi went down to the kitchen. Preparations for the welcome feast had already begun, and the place was buzzing with activity.     

While Maxi checked the servants' progress, her mind kept returning to the image of Riftan and the princess standing side by side. It was a magnificent sight fit for the bards: the golden-haired sorceress who dazzled like the sun itself and the formidable knight, tall and dashing, standing next to her.     

No wonder people want them together.     

Maxi anxiously bit her lip. Was there truly nothing between them? Although the princess seemed to be eccentric, there was no doubt that she was extremely charming. If Maxi found her attractive, then how much more alluring must she be to men?     

"My lady, we are about to slaughter a lamb for the feast… Will you be watching?" a servant asked her cautiously.     

Maxi had been staring out the open doorway. She spun away when she noticed the lamb tied to a post and a man with a bushy black beard sharpening a knife. Not having the heart to witness such a scene, Maxi gave the servant an awkward smile and scurried out of the kitchen.     

Out in the sunlit hall, maidservants bustled about with their arms full of linen. Others, their sleeves dripping wet, lugged pails of hot water from the steam room. The chopping of firewood resonated from the back gardens, and even the stable hands were busy feeding and watering the guests' horses.     

Maxi gave clear, methodical instructions to make sure the guests had everything they needed before they came to the banquet hall. First, she gave directions about drawing baths and supplying soap and clean towels. Then she instructed the servants to bring out wine, biscuits, and pickled fruits should they be asked for refreshments.     

She organized a group of servants to place two long tables in the hall for that evening's feast. Then, alongside Rodrigo, she chose the tablecloth, candleholders, and tableware. The gold, silver, and glassware were prone to theft, and it was her duty as lady of the castle to keep track of how many were laid out.     

Costly gold candelabras were brought out from the storage room, and Maxi recorded the number of silver trays, plates, and cutlery in a ledger. She went over the balance twice before confirming the quantities of candles, firewood, produce, and wine that would be used that night.     

It was unheard of for a feast to run out of food or drink, but it would not do to waste good ingredients by preparing an excessive amount. The trick was to prepare just enough without going overboard…     

"My lady."     

Maxi had been busy recording the number of wine barrels when she saw Ludis approaching her with measured steps.     

Maxi gave her an inquiring look. "What… is it?"     

"The princess wishes to know if you could show her around the castle now. What shall I tell her?"     

"R-Right now?"     

Visitors usually rested once they arrived at a castle, but Princess Agnes was apparently still bursting with energy after traveling the length of Wedon.     

Maxi quickly finished recording the numbers and handed the ledger to Rodrigo. When she stepped outside the banquet hall, she saw the princess gliding toward her, now donned in a deep blue dress.     

"Thank you for preparing such a lovely room for me. The tapestry is especially nice."     

"I-I am glad it is to your liking, Your Highness," Maxi answered timidly.     

The princess smiled. "You don't have to be so formal. Please, call me Agnes. I would like to call you by your name as well. Would that be all right?"     

Maxi felt dazed. Her mouth flapped open, not knowing how to respond to the flurry of requests. She nodded blankly.     

The princess's lips curled into a satisfied smile, and she grabbed Maxi's arm.     

"I would like to see what's outside the great hall."     

With that, the princess started pulling Maxi down the stairs without waiting for an answer. Feeling like a buoy in a storm, Maxi followed behind her.     

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