Tyranny of Steel

A Battle Between Two Beauties Part II

A Battle Between Two Beauties Part II

2The very moment after Berengar had announced the beginning of her fight, Tlexictli had pounced on her rival like a jaguar. In a matter of seconds, the experienced grappler had begun her assault, piercing through her opponent's meagre defenses without the slightest difficulty.      

Unlike Khorijin, Tlexictli was well accustomed to oil wrestling. She did it practically every day with Berengar as part of her fitness regimen. Thus, she knew just how to hold on to someone, even when their body was covered in a slippery and viscous substance.      

Having tied up with her rival, Tlexictli spared no effort to duck under Khorijin's shoulder, where she proceeded to take the woman's back. With a simple buck of her hips, and a midair shift of her position, the Aztec beauty suplexed her mongol counterpart onto the canvas below.      

This sudden takedown shocked Khorijin. In truth, she had expected to put up more resistance, but since the moment Tlexictli first grabbed a hold of her forearm and the back of her neck, the mongol princess felt as if she had fallen into the clutches of a mighty bear. Struggle as she might, even while her body was coated in oil, she could not break the Aztec beauty's grip.     

Having been slammed to the ground, Khorijin found herself dazed and confused. She gritted her teeth and accepted her defeat, expecting the referee to call an end to the fight then and there, and yet, her opponent behaved strangely.      

Contrary to what Khorijin had expected, once on the ground, a simple pin did not end the fight. Instead, it would continue until one opponent submitted the other. There were only three ways for a grappling bout to end under the unified German rule set. Tap, snap, or nap...     

Thus, Tlexictli, in all her experience, made the most of her takedown, as the moment the two women hit the mat she spun around and secured her opponent's back, by digging her hooks in, and gaining control of the woman's graceful neck.      

In truth, the Aztec princess could have ended the fight then and there, with a simple rear naked choke, but she did not do so. Like the beast whose hide she wore on her back in a time of war, Tlexictli played with her prey. In an act whose intention was solely to humiliate and antagonize her opponent, Tlexictli blew air into Khorijin's dainty ears. Which caused the Mongol beauty to flush red in embarassment.      

After harassing the Turko-mongol Princess, Tlexictli wrapped a body triangle around the woman, before falling over onto her back. Now in a position to witness Berengar's expression, the Aztec princess released one of her hands from her chokehold, and deliberately pulled up her opponent's top, revealing the woman's moderate sized breasts to the man who acted as referee.     

This act had thoroughly outraged Khorijin, who tried her best to conceal her shame, as she struggled out of the body triangle which held her securely in place. Berengar, on the other hand, pulled out a bottle of beer from a nearby ice cooler, and cracked it open, drinking a nice cold lager while he enjoyed the show that Tlexictli was presenting to him.     

More than anything he wanted to strip naked, oil himself up, and join the two ladies for some proper grappling, but he contained his lustful desires, and continued to observe the fight, waiting to pounce in the event one of the girls made an illegal move, not that there were many under the unified german rule set.      

Khorijin could only glare at Berengar as he sat back and watched her greatest shame unfold. She silently swore in her heart that one day soon she would avenge this humiliation ten fold. As if mocking the poor woman, Berengar shouted some advice to her, knowing that she had absolutely zero experienced on the ground.      

"Protect your neck and turn into her on the side where her chokehold is weakest!"     

Upon hearing this, Khorijin did as she was told, and prevented Tlexictli from choking her unconscious, while struggling to break out of the body triangle. Perhaps because they were both oiled, it was much easier to slip Tlexictli's legs apart, where the turko-mongol beauty followed the directions she had been given.      

Of course, before Khorijin could achieve side control, Tlexictli had masterfully swung around and placed her opponent into the guard. With the Aztec beauty's legs wrapped behind her back, and her head stuffed into her opponent's mighty bosom, Khorijin felt the need to complain about her circumstances.     

"Have you no shame? What kind of savage is so accustomed to being naked in public?!"     

Tlexictli simply giggled as she responded to this insult with certainty in her voice.     

"Soon enough, you and I will be doing this every day! So get used to it, because the next time we grapple, I'm going to make sure you're naked!"     

After saying this, the Aztec princess slowly maneuvered herself into a triangle choke. To her, this farce of a fight had gone on long enough. Once she had executed the chokehold perfectly, Tlexictli applied pressure, causing the blood to be cut off from Khorijin's brain. In a matter of seconds, the mongol beauty went unconscious, causing Berengar to break Tlexcitli's grip over her.      

There was a smug expression on Tlexictli's face as she stood over Khorijin's unconscious body. Just as quickly as she had gone out, the turko-mongol princess regained consciousness. The first thing in her sight was her opponent's hairy muff and the woman's chiseled abdominal muscles.      

Khorijin looked around in confusion as she slowly started to remember what happened. Having been defeated by her opponent so easily, nay, having been toyed with by her rival as if she were a mere child, the mongol princess felt the greatest sense of humiliation she had ever endured in her life.  Despite her shame, Tlexictli did not let Khorijin off the hook, and was quick to remind her of the wager they had made prior to this fight.      

"I believe you owe me an apology for earlier..."     

The smug expression on Tlexictli's pretty face caused Khorijin to feel as if an abyss had swallowed her heart. However, a bet was a bet, and she was forced to honor the conditions, no matter how much she desired not to. Khorijin first fixed her top, to make sure that her shame was no longer exposed to Berengar or Tlexictli, before kowtowing before her rival and admitting that she had been in the wrong.     

"I'm sorry for spilling my drink on you. Please forgive me..."     

In response to this, Tlexictli merely giggled before shifting her gaze over to the man who had refereed her fight.     

"What do you think? Should I accept her apology?"     

Berengar knew exactly what the woman was trying to accomplish and simply nodded his head in silence, not willing to add fuel to the fire. With a slight frown on her face, as if her amusement had been killed, Tlexictli sighed heavily before giving her defeated rival a command.     

"Get up. I can't stand to see you squirming beneath my feet like that. I've had enough fun for now. Berengar, we will need to talk later, but for now, you can comfort your newest pet."     

After saying this, Tlexictli stepped out of the ring, and dressed herself in her previously discarded clothes, before leaving the room entirely. Once Khorijin was alone with Berengar, her face grew beet red. She could not even look the man in the eye as she interrogated the man.      

"How... How much did you see?"     

A slight chuckle emerged from Berengar's lips as he shamelessly admitted the truth to the woman.     

"Enough, it's a damn shame you chose to grapple with clothes on. This could have been quite the feast for the eyes had you also gotten naked."     

This snarky remark caused Khorijin to curse the man standing across from her with all the vile feelings currently stored within the depths of her heart.     

"Fucking bastard!"     

Despite her venomous words, Berengar did not feel the slightest bit offended, as he knew the woman was more upset with herself and Tlexictli than she was with him. With a simple sigh, he tossed the woman a beer bottle, before lecturing her on the mess she had made.     

"She may not look like it, but Tlexictli is an ambassador to the Reich from her people. Our relationship is more competitive and less romantic, but she is still one of my concubines. The woman trains in grappling with me nearly every day of the week, and most of the time, we oil ourselves. Our sessions can get a bit steamy if you get what I mean.      

If you want to gain your vengeance on her, then you need a proper training partner, someone who can teach you what you are missing. You've learned a rather limited style of wrestling from your people's traditions. Here in Germany, we have vastly improved our hand to hand combat techniques for the sake of sport.     

So, if you want to be Tlexictli's match, you're going to need to train every day, multiple times a day.  It just so happens that my schedule has become less busy as of late, and I would be more than happy to show you how to properly grapple. What do you say? Care to step into the ring with me?"     

The Mongol beauty bit her lips in displeasure as she heard these words. Though there was a solid logic behind them, she somehow felt as if Berengar was taking advantage of her misery. However, when she thought about how easily she had been toyed with, the urge for vengeance grew greater with every beat of her heart. With a heavy sigh, Khorijin shifted her gaze towards the man standing across from her and nodded her head with a newfound resolve in her dark eyes.      

"Let's do it!"     

With this said, Berengar had gained another grappling partner.      


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