Tyranny of Steel

A Battle Between Two Beauties Part I

A Battle Between Two Beauties Part I

0Vetranis was among the last of Berengar's guests to leave the borders of the Reich. Currently, he was standing in a room with his daughter and her three children. It took some time for the Byzantine Empire to come back to reality after hearing the astronomical figure that Berengar had agreed to give to the Golden Horde as an investment.      1

Fifty billion marks were the equivalent of two hundred and fifty billion united states dollars from Berengar's past life. Naturally after hearing that such a monumental sum would be given to a group who was only just recently hostile to him, The Byzantine Emperor was now scowling as he vented his frustrations to Honoria.      

"I still can't believe that your husband is willing to invest so much into a bunch of barbarians. For over a decade, we have supported the von Kufstein Dynasty and their ambitions, and yet the amount of wealth that the Kaiser has invested into our Empire is a fraction of what he is now giving the golden horde!'"     

Honoria was about to defend her husband's actions when her eldest son interfered. Alexandros was in the midst of playing with his younger brother Constantinus, whose age could be counted on a single hand.     

The two of them were using plastic building blocks to create a castle. Upon hearing his grandfather complain about a lack of investment into his empire on the part of his German allies, the boy prince was quick to remind the man just what such a thing entailed.     

""You know my father, grandpa. Are you sure you want to accept his money? Because I assure you, he will take something far more valuable in return... And with the German army at his back, you will not be able to go back on the agreement. It's how he got mother, and the canal, remember?"     

A heavy sigh echoed in the room as Vetranis let out all of his frustrations in a single gasp of air. He looked over at the boy and responded with a single phrase while expressing a tone filled with defeat.      

"all too well my dear boy, all too well..."     

Upon seeing how exhausted his grandfather was with the current state of things, Alexandros was quick to comfort the man with some words regarding the future.      

"Khorijin isn't educated enough to understand what she's doing. I can only commend father for taking advantage of her in such a manner. If you really think about it, the money father is investing into this new state will eventually make its way back to us, in the form of reparations. Not to mention, by being in such proximity to the Golden Horde, we will become their most valued trading partner.     

However, I suppose that in the meantime I can talk to father about financing some cheap loans for our empire to help you get started on your reconstruction efforts."     

A bitter smile formed on the Byzantine Emperor's face as he gazed upon his adorable grandchild, who was already more capable ruler than he had ever been. With another heavy sigh, he expressed his thanks to the boy.     

"Thank you Alexandros. I'm glad to have someone I can count on.. I haven't had someone like that since Arethas left us. Speaking of... Your father has left the matter of your engagement up to me to decide.     

Because of this, I think the most suitable match to be your future wife is Arethas' granddaughter. Serena is an adorable little girl who is currently eight years old. I think it is a match your father would approve of. How about I introduce you to her the next time you are in Constantinople?"     

Alexandros was stunned to hear that his father had left the matter of his engagement up to his grandfather. However, the boy had heard tales of Arethas Maniakes from his father, and it seemed like the two men had quite a solid friendship before the Strategos of Ionia's unfortunate demise.      

Thus, after careful contemplation, Alexandros nodded his head with a stoic expression on his youthful face. He responded to his grandfather's proposition with a tone filled with indifference.      

"Whatever grandpa thinks is best."     

Honoria closely observed her son's expression when her father had brought up an engagement. Such a thing was no small matter, as whoever was chosen would be the boy's partner for life. Yet, her son did not react in the slightest. This caused her to worry just a little about her son's future. However, since Alexandros had agreed to this proposal, she would not interfere.     


While Vetranis was speaking with his grandson, Berengar was mediating a conflict that was brewing between two of his concubines. Khorijin had maintained her place in the Royal Palace, not wanting to return to her homeland, until all of her people had been gathered.      

However, on this day, there was another barbarous beauty who had entered the palace. As the Aztec's ambassador to the Reich, Tlexictli regularly commuted between her villa and the palace to discuss matters of importance with her lover.      

However, today, of all days, she had encountered Khorijin, wandering through the palace with a complicated expression on her pretty face and a glass of wine in her hand. Since first arriving in Germany, Khorijin had been thoroughly stunned by everything she had witnessed. Trains, trolleys, busses, electricity, refrigerators, televisions, radios. These were just some of the few inventions that had made the barbarian Princess's head spin.     

As a nomadic warrior princess, Khorijin had grown up in a vastly different society, and yet in this city, things she could not even imagine not only existed, but were commonplace. The grand feats of architecture alone were beyond her wildest dreams.      

Being so lost in such a vast and opulent palace, Khorijin often struggled to find her way around. Which is how she ran into the Aztec princess. The moment the two beauties collided, the drink which was in Khorijin's hand spilled all over Tlexictli's dress, causing the woman to become embroiled in rage. Without a second of hesitation, the Aztec princess slapped her mongol counterpart across the face and shouted obscenities at her.     

"What the fuck, bitch?! Do you have any idea how much this fucking dress costs? I demand you apologize and pay for the damages you have caused!"     

Unbeknownst to Tlexictli, she had encountered a woman of equal ferocity. With a stoic expression on her face, Khorijin returned the slap which stung her cheek with tenfold the power. The Aztec Princess was caught completely off guard by the sudden violent assault, as those who visited the Palace regularly were well accustomed of her own barbaric tendencies.      

Having slapped Tlexictli across the face, Khorijin refused to recognize any fault of her own, and hurled her own insults towards her newfound rival with the limited understanding of the German language that she had.     

"Fuck off, cunt, you're the one at fault!"     

Thoroughly outraged over the fact that she had just been slapped by a woman who was significantly smaller than her, Tlexictli reacted by grabbing hold of her opponents hair, and dragging her to the ground, where shards of glass, and spilled wine stained the finely polished tile flooring.     

She was just about to force the Mongol Princess to lick up the mess she made, like a common dog, when Berengar entered the room, and noticed the conflict which was rapidly escalating. Not wanting his two pretty toys to kill each other, Berengar was quick to intervene as he pulled Tlexictli off of Khorijin and attempted to calm her wrath.     

"Tlexictli, what the hell are you doing to my guest? Let go of her this instant!"     

There were little romantic feelings between Berengar and Tlexictli, their relationship was more akin t friends with benefits, and because of this, she did not feel the need to show the man respect, especially when she felt betrayed by his actions. As a result of this, she pushed Berengar with all her might, forcing him to take a step back, before screaming at him in a shrill tone.     

"You're taking her side? She's the one who ruined my dress! Instead of apologizing and compensating me like a civilized woman, she slapped me across the face and insulted me. I demand satisfaction!"     

Khorijin could hardly understand what Tlexictli was saying, but she comprehended enough to know that the muscular woman was defending her own actions, thus Khorijin decided to use this as a means to throw her fragile relationship with Berengar into question.     

"I didn't know you kept savages around your palace? This crude woman runs into me while running through the halls and forces me to spill my drink. She then slaps me across the face and demands I pay her for damages she caused. If you are going to take this whore's side, then I'm afraid I will have to rethink carrying your child."      

It became painfully obvious to Berengar that this conflict was not going to resolve itself without a bit of competition, and thus he took a deep breath to calm his nerves before presenting a solution that would appease the two barbarian beauties.     

"Khorijin, I trust you were trained on how to wrestle?"     

This statement caused a bit of shock to appear on the mongol beauties' face, but after gaining her senses she silently nodded her head. Having received the answer that he was looking for Berengar, sighed before proposing a competition between the two warrior princesses.     

"Good, I have some mat space in my gym. The two of you will grapple to determine who was in the wrong. Whoever emerges victorious will have to apologize for the words and actions they have taken here. Are we in agreement?"     

Upon hearing such an excellent suggestion on how to resolve their differences, Tlexictli had a wide grin on her pretty face, one which was filled with sadistic intentions. She cracked her knuckles in a show of intimidation before responding to Berengar's question.     

"I think that's an excellent idea!"     

As for Khorijin, she had no qualms with this arrangement. She was an excellent wrestler, among the best her people had to offer. She felt the odds of her obtaining a victory over this brown-skinned savage were definitely in her favor. Thus she responded with a cold gaze as she nodded silently to the man who proposed the solution.     

Seeing that the two women had come to an arrangement, Berengar nodded his head and motioned for the two women to follow him as he led them into the Palace's gym. Once inside, Khorijin was surprised to see the amount of exercise equipment that existed in the room. Most importantly, there was a professional style ring in the corner of the room, where the two women would be competing.      

Before she could properly react to her environment, Tlexictli stripped out of her clothes, and tossed her panties towards Khorijin's face in an act of disrespect. Having succeeded in her efforts, she grinned and spoke to Berengar with a smug expression on her pretty face.     

"Can I make one request?"     

Berengar nodded his head in agreement, giving permission for his concubine to speak her purpose. Which she was quick to do so.     

"I propose that we oil wrestle under the unified german grappling rule set. Is that okay with you?"     

Berengar nodded his head in response to this and agreed to the request.      

"Very well. I accept your conditions. Khorijin, do you wish to wrestle naked, or would you prefer a change of clothes?"     

The mongol princess had finally shown some emotion, with her face brimming with rage. She had never been so humiliated in the past, let alone by this savage of a woman. She utterly refused to get naked and was quick to give voice to this.     

"No man has ever laid eyes upon my naked body. Today will be no exception. Arrange a change of clothes for me."     

Berengar sighed in defeat when he heard these words, as he was hoping that the two beauties would oil wrestle while naked. This was a common exercise that he and Tlexictli took part in at least once a day as part of his fitness routine.     

It was a shame that Khorijin had refused to participate, but he could not fault her for making such a decision. Thus, he ordered a nearby servant to fetch the mongol princess a set of grappling garments, which consisted of a spandex sports bra, and Vale Tudo shorts.      

After changing her clothes in the locker room, Khorijin stepped foot in the ring, where she witnessed Berengar apply the oil to Tlexictli's muscular figure. There was a hint of pleasure on the woman's face as the hands of her lover thoroughly coated her brown skin in the viscous substance. Once Berengar had finished his efforts, he moved towards Khorjin, where he applied the oil to the less sensitive parts of her body. As for the rest, she managed to do it herself.      

With both fighters having accepted the conditions and were fully prepped for battle, Berengar smiled and hung back on the ropes of the ring, planning to witness this feast for the eyes with his fullest attention. After getting comfortable, he gave the command for the fight to begin.      

"Ready? Fight!"     

With these orders given, an epic bout was about to take place between two warrior princesses. One that only Berengar had the privilege of witnessing.      


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