The Spearmaster and the Black Cat

Chapter 52

Chapter 52

0Chapter 52      1


Fifty-Second Episode~ Wyvern Battle    

Editor’s note: I just want to say that I am sorry for this chapter not being posted correctly . I was out for my regular D&D/Pathfinder game night and didn’t find out it was all messed up until after it was posted . The unedited version was posted . I am really sorry…    

(Writing from phone) Ok friends . I know that this chapter is not the best and I missed some things do to being slightly rushed today (I was busy) and my proofreader Gillium is feeling under the weather so they also missed some stuff . If we miss something, we will fix it tomorrow . Thank you and stay beautiful .     

The morning sun rises,    

“It’s morning~ . Everyone . The preparations are ready . ”    

Eris’s high-pitched voice rings out .     

The sleepy adventurers quickly gather without complaining .     

“Well then-everyone . We are going to kill the last of the dragons and ants . The strategy is as we discussed yesterday . As for decisions in the middle of battle, I leave the directions to each clan leader . As for the rear, individual instructions aren’t needed, correct?”    

“Nada . ”    

“Ou . ”    

“Roger . ”    

“Let’s do this thang . ” (TL: I did this on purpose . ) [ED:… . I almost changed it… I was super tempted . ]    

The leaders of the adventurers raise spirited voices .     

“Yes, then, let’s go . ”    

The magic users and bow users of the rear guard follow to the place behind the obstacle .     

I can see Sarah and Butch at the head of the vanguard .     

They slip through the obstacle with quick movements and run .     

Their target is not the imperial ants; it seems to be the Wyverns on this side .     

A little later, I can make out the figures of Lushell and Belize .     

As discussed, Crimson Tiger’s Tempest are the ones acting as the advance guard .     

The moment that Sarah and Butch head to attack the wyvern .     

-Lushell releases paralysis magic, invoking it below the wyvern .     

Bands of light come from the magic formation and seize the legs and body of the wyvern .     

The remaining wyverns seem to understand their companion was attacked by adventurers and all stop moving simultaneously .     

However, the fierce battle between the wyverns and imperial ants does not stop .     

The wyvern that has its movements sealed by the attack of the adventurers ignores the imperial ants .     

The imperial ants continue their furious assault on the wyverns .     

Us adventurers are cooperating with the imperial ants .     

Profiting from the fight, we succeed in separating only one of the wyverns .     

There, Belize fires an arrow from her bow at the sealed wyvern .     

They skillfully stick into the strong scales .     

Are those specially made?    

When I am interested in the bow and arrows Belize is using, the vanguards belonging to the adventurer clans all attack the wyvern together .     

Without being seen, I blend in with them .     

I make eye contact with Rollo and nod .     

Rollo and I begin attacking alongside the assault .     

Swords, hammers, axes, spears, arrows and magic . Multiple attacks fly about in a jumble .     

The hard dark green scales of the wyvern are easily destroyed by the intense attack of the adventurers, green pieces of flesh are flying about .     

I aim for a place where the scales have been damaged and green blood flows out, then fire consecutive while conscious of the twist .     

The black spear pierces deep into the green flesh, when the tip of the black blade reaches beyond the muscle and reaches the bones of the feet, I can feel the collision .     

Rollo also attacks the wyvern, gouging out green flesh with her claws and tearing it away with her fangs .     

Eating the meat, she takes some distance and extends her feeler bone sword into the leg and abdomen creating a conspicuous wound .     

Then, the panther form of Rollo takes a bold action .     

Instead of the feeler going straight ahead as always, instead, it draws an arc and the feeler bone sword stabs directly into the dragon’s wing film . Rollo retracts her feelers and pulls her panther form onto the dragon’s wing .     

Oooh, isn’t that amazing?    

She succeeds in boarding the large dragon’s wing .     

Rollodinu moves towards to wyvern’s back in her panther form, biting the membrane and setting her hooked claws into it,    

That membrane seems to be soft .     

Rollo stabs her bone sword into a gap in the scales of the wyvern’s back and stabilizes herself .     

She runs across the dragon’s back inflicting cuts across its wings .     

The wyvern’s movements are sealed by the magic and can do nothing .     

As usual, she really is a divine beast .     

However, the lower part of its body can move .     

At the back of the wyvern, the dwarf with the conspicuous tattooed face attacks the tail with his ax and a dull sound rings out .     

The scales are scattered and the meat sliced .     

-The long tail is removed steadily .     

Oh, that last movement seems to have been some kind of skill .     

The Dwarf’s body spins lengthwise and the large ax blade descends .     

A single great blow of the ax cuts through the bone of the tail, severing it, and green blood gushes out soaking the Dwarf’s face .     

There is so much blood that the dwarf is knocked over .     

The pointed bone tip of the lizard-like severed tail twitches irregularly . Something indistinguishable from poison foams up from it like green blood .     

At that time, Sarah’s limbs and her grasped cutlasses become gigantic .     

Long red hair grows in the streams from her limbs and her muscles swell .     

Using her enlarged limbs and swords, with an abnormal movement she follows through with the big swords and two thick sword flashes are created .     

A silver line seems to cut through space .     

The two large sword flashes easily sever the thick foot of the injured wyvern .     

What amazing power… This power is at a different level than the other day, is it Sarah’s finisher?    

I saw the red hair change and become enlarged, but this, is this the reason the clan is called crimson tiger?    

The wyvern only has one leg .     

However, Lushell’s magic seems to end and the wyvern begins to move-    

Even if the wyvern only has one leg it opens its one undamaged wing to keep its balance, and creates a light shock wave around it .     

The adventurers on its left are blown back by the wind .     

At the same time the wyvern quickly wriggles its neck and bites in the direction of a faltering adventurer .     

A soldier with his shield at the front is bitten by the wyvern and his upper body is gone in an instant .     

-The sound of flesh being torn .     

-A scream from one of his female comrades .     

However, the wyvern with its wing spread loses its balance and falls to the ground .     

The wyvern’s sudden counterattack ends there .     

As expected, it seems hopeless with its one leg and damaged wing .     

-A chance .     

I aim for the head of such a wyvern .     

I envelope my whole body in Fighting Moji, kick the ground strongly and perform a twisting jump .     

The wyvern’s head comes into view .     

One of its three eyes catches sight of me too late .     

My body revolves . Then, using the physical ability of the Rusivault Vampire lineage and all the strength of my fighting moji enhancement, I bring down the black spear .     

The moment the black spear collides with its skull, a light shock waves explodes .     

The wyvern’s skull collapses .     

The feeling of the black spear penetrating its brain is transmitted through the rod to my hand .     

The eyes and scales on the wyvern’s head go flying and a scale cuts my cheek causing two stream of blood to flow down my cheek, but I ignore it .     

The wound heals immediately .     

The fatal blow seems to have sparked a united attack against the dragon and all the adventurers hit the wyvern directly .     

The wyvern is already dead though…    

Stabbing, slashing, damaging, smashing, burning, burning, it becomes a state of perfect overkill .     

The wyvern becomes little more than dragon meat .     

However, the four-remaining wyverns all immediately react once it dies .     

Ignoring the imperial ants, they all turn their gigantic heads to the adventurers together and open their maws, exposing their crooked teeth .     


A howling roar .     

The wyverns seem to be angry .     

Eh, from the dragons’ mouths, bubbling green water!?    

-Breath attack . Its hue is the shade of dish detergent . It feels dangerous .     

The adventurers, including myself, are taken by surprise because the attack has no preparation other than the roar .     

I urgently eject behind me .     

I drive the chain into the ground near the obstacle at the back .     

-Jump .     

I make the chain retract into my left hand and pull my body towards the obstacle, a movement that exceeds a long player jump . I move through the air as if flying .     

I fall to hide behind the obstacle .     

Rollo also stabs her bone sword into the ground far away and retracts it like the power cord of a vacuum cleaner . (TL: Yes, the author actually wrote this . ) The feeler pulls the panther body through air in a spin .     

She kind of looks like a flying squirrel, it is a little cute, but the situation is not appropriate for that .     

“Everyone- retreat to the obstacle!”    

“Withdraw-back to the obstacle!”    


Eris screams, the leaders of each clan yell, every clan member that reacts too late will take the poisonous breath head on .     

The power of the poisonous breath is terrible .     

Those bathed in it, their faces melt, their bones are exposed, their arms dissolve and their chests turn into gaping holes .     

-A scene of shrieking agony is created .     

However, there are a lot of dexterous adventurers that did not retreat .     

Not to mention the members of crimson tiger, multiple adventurers escape from range of the breath attack at the last-second .     

Immediately, an aurora of recovery magic falls over the heads of those suffering from poison burns .     

The adventurers can somehow still fight, though it could be said they are in a state of confusion .     

However, there is no pursuit from the wyverns .     

What’s wrong? When I am wondering, the wyverns are attacked by the imperial ants .     

The intense attack of the imperial ants against the wyverns runs into them all at once .     

The imperial guard ants, as expected, they really are A+ rank .     

The huge imperial ants use their six big legs skillfully, and one by one blow the wyverns away in a different direction . The wyverns are scattered and retreat while scattering venom .     

One wyvern remains without being blown off, the number of imperial ants is three .     

The remaining wyvern receives the concentrated attack of the three imperial ants .     

Its wings are held, the base of its neck bitten, and its legs chewed on . The eighteen hooked claws of the imperial ants cut through the wyvern’s scales, tearing its flesh .     

The blown off wyverns return to help their companion, but…the balanced has collapsed and will not be restored .     

The imperial ants have the upper hand .     

The giant ants are crushing the wyvern while the pink hair around their necks scatters .     

The final wyvern is going to fly away, but something like a pink thread is released from their mouths to prevent the dragon from escaping .     

One of the imperial ants is entwining the wyvern with pink threads .     

The thick ant legs scratch the entwined wyvern .     

The wyvern tries to put up a final resistance, but it is entwined even further by the pink thread and can barely move . The wyvern that is entwined by the pink thread is dragged like that .     

-A few words of the highlights .     

As expected of skilled adventurers, I as well, although we are only watching the fight between the dragons and giant ants .     

There a woman’s voice, Eris’ voice sounds-    

“Everyone, prepare to fight the giant imperial ants! However, for now, we will retreat to the metastasis formation-“    

“Roger . ” “Yes . ” “Un . ” “Ou . ”    

Everyone answers and goes into action .     

“Eris, we will stay until the end . We will guard the rear . ”    

“Yes, we will rely on you, crimson tiger-“    

I will stay as well .     

“Nnn . ”    

Rollo’s purring comes from my shoulder .     

Tilting her head to the side as if to say; Are you not returning with the adventurers?    

“Hora, Crimson tiger is staying, isn’t it better for us to stay as well . ”    

“Nyao . ”    

She extends a feeler to my cheeks .     

When the paw pads on her feelers touch my cheek, Rollo conveys her feelings .     

『Waiting』 『Hunting』 『Fun』 『Playing』    

“Haha, it’s fun?”    

You compare hunting to play, do you?    

I cannot think of a clan with so many elegant women, I gather myself and go to announce myself to the members of crimson tiger .     

On the contrary, the three giant imperial ants seem uninterested in the actions of the adventurers including me, and are dragging one of the wyverns into the hole .     

Aw, this is disappointing .     

The giant imperial ants seem to have finished their business after exterminating the wyvern flock .     

“We prepared a little, but they retreated . There’s no signs of dragons either…”    

Sarah says while surveying the left and right .     

“Yes . The wyverns that flew into the sky have disappeared . ”    

Lushell is attaching her large staff to her back while looking up in the sky to confirm it .     

“Captain, is the request complete with this?”    

Butch’s cat ears that do not suit his muscular body both twitch, and he straps his broadax to his back .     

“It seems so . ”    

“Good . It seems we don’t have to fight the giant imperial ants . In fact, I have very few adamantine arrows left, so this is good . ”    

Belize also returns her long bow to her back, and places the arrows with an orange arrow head into her quiver .     

I look too, and put away the black spear .     

“Now then, I guess we’ll return . ”    

“Un . Let’s go to where Eris is . ”    

Sarah starts running in the direction that the adventurers withdrew .     

All of Crimson Tiger follows, running slightly behind .     

I put Rollo on my shoulder and follow too .     

“Eris-san, the imperial ants retreated . The wyverns were defeated and the dragons seem to have disappeared . ”    

“Oh really? Well then, shall we return to the guild and bring a cart? We can quickly collect the corpses of the ants and dragons that way . There are this many corpses . It is before the evil dragon king subjugation too, so we can expect the price of the materials . We can expect extra . ”    

Eris talks while make a gesture with her index finger and thumb indicating money .     

That symbol seems to be universal .     

“OOooh . ”    

“Fighting was worth it . ”    


“Hurray! It ended surprisingly early . ”    

“Ou, we’ll have a party tonight!”    

The shouts of the adventurers shows their joy for the request being completed .     

Some of them are lamenting the death of a companion, that group does not express their joy…    

In this way, the urgent request is completed safely .     

The materials of all the corpses are bought and extra gold is given as a reward .     

In the reward bag handed by receptionist-san there are ten extra gold coins, totaling Forty-five, so there are four white gold coins and five gold coins inside .     

“Well then . ”    

I greet receptionist-san briefly and leave, tossing the bag of gold coins into the item box .     

I head to the exit to leave the guild .     

“-Shuya . ”    


“Aren’t you being cold? Leaving by yourself so quickly . ”    

The source of the voice is Sarah .     

The other members of Crimson Tiger’s Tempest approach as well .     

“So the captain says . ”    

“That’s right . ”    

“Shuya, it can’t be stopped if it comes to this…”    


Butch-shi looks embarrassed .     

“Shuya, quit the ‘san’ already . Butch is fine . ”    

“Got it, Butch . I planned to head back…”    

Sarah cuts in,    

“-Maa, maa, Shuya . Don’t hurry . Aren’t we comrades in arms? After this, we intend to go drink at a bar, how about it?”    

Honestly, I would like to drink with beautiful women .     

However, the invitation seems noisy so I will pass .     

“…I’m thankful for the invitation, but unfortunately I have to decline . Sorry . ”    

“Che, then, I wanted to invite you to the clan again…”    

“Doesn’t it seem to be captain? But, isn’t Shuya-san unlikely to waver?”    

“It can’t be helped . Captain, we have a different way of life . You should give up . ”    

Saying so, Belize removes part of the armor on her chest .     

She exposes her upper chest more and approaches me with her jiggling melons .     

Ku, this is dangerous, more dangerous than the wyvern .     

Still, if I am to be eaten by a huge breast monster…[ED:Stfu already . ]    

“It’s been a long time since I saw captain’s ears fall down…”    

Butch seems to be worried about Sarah and is not paying attention to Belize .     

“Belize…it’s no good?”    

Sarah’s tone is quiet, but she talks to Belize in a way that suggest she is holding back her anger .     

Hou, relief or regret, my feelings are complicated…    

I ignore it since a small fight has risen between Sarah and Belize .     

I wanted a taste of the sensation of the voluptuous melons, but I will leave it .     

I lift one hand and wave it .     

“…Then well, everyone . If we meet again on a different request, please be kind to me . See ya-“    

I bid farewell and leave the guild quickly .     


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