The Spearmaster and the Black Cat

Chapter 174

Chapter 174

2Chapter 174     

I returned to Halphania, the royal capital of the Zamalia Kingdom, where my father lives, under the stifling heat of high noon .     

At once I visited various stores of acquaintances to sell the ancient gold coins I had received from Shuuya . After being referred to one store in particular, I hurried over there .     

At that specialized antique shop I could sell the ancient gold coins at a rate of one ancient gold coin for one platinum coin and five gold coins .     

Put together with the money I had received from Sol, it amounted to quite a hefty sum .     

Really, thank you, Shuuya .     

It took me a few days and I had to sell all ancient gold coins, but I was able to find an excellent doctor to spend all the money on the medical fees for my father .     

The doctor, a scaled manKaramnian, talked about a precious medicine, refined by using an Amros pearl, the web of a pigmin which can’t be found anywhere but on the island of Amros located in the Lodelia Sea, the feather of the Holy Bird Cuncludo, and the flesh of merpeople .     

But it looks like he was right . Father’s terrible curse wound is gradually healing .     

“…You, the money for this medicine…”    

“Yeah, I did my best at work, so don’t worry about it . Dad, if you directly apply this medicine on the wound, it will be gone before long . You have to put up with this just a bit longer . ” (Yui)    

“Work, huh? I heard about the one that succeeded my post…”    

“Don’t mind it . The Frogman family is still persisting . ” (Yui)    

“…Yeah, sorry . Yui, thank you a lot . ”    

Dad is very skinny .     

After he talked with vacant eyes to me, he closed his eyes and fell asleep .     


A few days passed and the curse wound had completely disappeared from Dad’s body .     

He’s still bedridden, but he has visibly gotten better . I used the opportunity to ask Dad something that made me wonder .     

“Dad, how did you get this wound?” (Yui)    

“This is an injury I received from sacrificing myself in a battle against Hyatos-sama’s political enemy . ”    

“What did you say!?” (Yui)    

“You didn’t hear about it?”    

“…No . So you’re saying you didn’t received any decent support while suffering from illness, even though you protected Hyatos-sama?” (Yui)    

“It couldn’t be helped . In a certain way it’s a warning . I made a mistake while being no more than a game piece . ”    

Dad lowers his eyes slightly, seemingly feeling pathetic .     

“But…” (Yui)    

“―But you were hired, weren’t you? That became a big help, didn’t it?”    

“Ah, yeah…” (Yui)    

“Yeah, your skills as assassin are top notch . I’m sure you will manage to contribute in various ways…*cough* *cough*”    

Suddenly he has a coughing fit .     

“You alright, Dad!?” (Yui)    

“Yeah…I’m going to sleep for a bit . ”    

I actually didn’t tell Dad about it, but I still haven’t reported back to Hyatos-sama .     

More than a month has already passed since I’ve returned .     

Hyatos-sama should be fully aware of my activities since coming to this mansion .     

If I don’t report to him quickly…is what I thought, but I’m scared of doing it .     

Until now it has never happened that I failed in following my orders .     

Sorry, Dad .     

Because of me…Dad, the Frogman family might be crushed .     

In depression I head over to Hyatos-sama’s big mansion and recount the details of the events .     

“…I see, so you’ve failed . ” (Hyatos)    

I bowed my head in the Marquis family’s office with its characteristic cedar wood scent .     

“I’m terribly sorry . ” (Yui)    

“And you’re     


late in coming here, aren’t you? I heard that you made various efforts for your father?” (Hyatos)    

“Yes . ” (Yui)    

“Do you know why I didn’t made a move on your mansion?” (Hyatos)    

“Because Dad was a great soldier and assassin?” (Yui)    

I reflexively creased my forehead and looked at the Marquis .     

“Indeed . It’s because you and your father are former subordinates who contributed to my cause . But, you showed up here late…returning while knowing that orders are absolute for the     



Right Hand】    

, didn’t you?” (Hyatos)    

Hyatos-sama narrows his fox eyes and glares at me .     

“Yes . ” (Yui)    

“An immediate reply, huh…? You, Yui, did the atmosphere around you change somewhat after chasing after that lancer?” (Hyatos)    

This man is perceptive .     

Did he see through me finding my first love?    

“…N-No, I just experienced with my own body that there are opponents against whom my swordsmanship doesn’t work . ” (Yui)    

“I see . I’m well aware that there aren’t any opponents who were able to escape your assassination in Zamalia . I guess the lancer you pursued is special after all . ” (Hyatos)    

“Yes . ” (Yui)    

“I’d like to state my own humble opinion, but are you going to pardon her failure, Your Excellency?”    

The one asking while bowing next to Hyatos is a lean man called Azekay who possesses cloudy, grey eyes that have a size like those of a goldfish .     

He’s a person originating from the island nations and could be called an important leader of     

【Anbu’s Right Hand】    

, possessing a unique combat occupation called Corpse Caster .     

“Of course there’s no way that I can simply forgive her . ” (Hyatos)    

Hyatos throws a parchment at me .     

Once I pick it up and look at it, it listed another assassination order .     

“If you follow this order, I will make an exception and forgive you . You are the sole survivor of Nebulous’s three masterpieces . Even as assassin, you can become a bodyguard . Losing your dual katana skill would be regrettable . ” (Hyatos)    

“Yes! Thank you very much . ” (Yui)    

“…Besides, the matter with Nereis’Kary went well . ” (Hyatos)    

It seems the job was finished while I wasn’t here .     

Certainly…besides the usual members Azekay and Rayku, several men and women that seem to be skilled fighters, who I don’t recognize, are standing in the back and in front of the right and left corner .     

Probably shadows that had been newly employed by the organization .     

I’m called one of Nebulous’s masterpieces, but in the end I’m no more than a single game piece .     

“…As for the matter with that lancer, we will pretend that we ran into a stone at the roadside . ”    

Probably because the kidnapping of the princess went smoothly, Hyatos-sama is in a good mood .     

I guess it has also been exposed to the people of Leften Kingdom that their leader has been involved with Zamalia and a marquis of Oseberia .     

“That might be the best . Rather than that, the plan to lead the nobles of Leften Kingdom around by the nose was truly admirable . ”    

The one praising Hyatos is a tall man with a bald head called Rayku .     

“Rayku, your subordinates performed quite well, didn’t they?”    

“Yes, indeed . The prided     

【Twilight Knights】    

of Leften’s     

【Secret Agency】    

killed several of my skilled subordinates, but…we managed to succeed . This is also a result owed to Your Excellency’s precise predictions and commands . As expected of Zamalia’s Sage . It’s said there’s no one equal to you in Zamalia, Marquis-sama . ” (Rayku)    

Rayku lines up one flowery flattery after the other while folding the outer corners of his eye with a smile .     

“Hahaha…well, I have the confidence to influence the current affairs better than the Lolju faction, the Rasny faction or the remnants of the old generation . ” (Hyatos)    

“Yes!” (Rayku)    

“The one more problematic than the mob of nobles within the country is the that female fox outside the country, Chardonnay…” (Hyatos)    

“…Oseberia Kingdom, huh? If I remember correctly, it was the subordinate of that Marquess who used a dark guild to maneuver around in the     

【Violent Tower City Senapua】    

, wasn’t it?”    

“That’s right . It’s reliable information from     

【Commandment of Rosen】    


【Gate of the Hidden Evil】    

after all . ”    

…Marquess of Oseberia?    

If she’s competing against Hyatos, she must be quite the woman .     

“Oh? Yui, you were still here? Head over to your next job now . ” (Hyatos)    

A glare flashes in the Marquis’ eyes .     

“Yes, sir! Excuse me . ” (Yui)    

Tightly grasping the parchment with the target’s description, I leave the room right away .     

I come out at the main street after exiting Hyatos-sama’s big mansion .     

The names of a certain merchant and his adventurer guards were mentioned in the order .     

It seems to be a peddler group that came from the island nations .     

Anyway, if I don’t accomplish this mission until Father recovers completely…    

I press the switch of the magic tool for contacting the thieves guild located at the hanging bell in the harbor in order to head to the mission site . Although it might be called a magic tool, it only fires a magic fire into the sky .     

While taking a rest at a street’s terrace bar with an overhanging roof, I wait for the contact from the familiar of my acquaintance in the thieves guild .     

―Ah, there it is, the crow familiar .     

It landed on my table .     

“WHaT, yOu caMe, bACk, YuI? WhaT’S witH, YOur uSuAl, pARtnErs, ZiEVe, and apOL?”    

The black cat-chan that followed Shuuya around didn’t talk, but this crow can pass on the words of its master .     

But, it’s limited to just repeating the words . It has no own consciousness .     

“Both died . Leaving that aside, it’s been a while, Ebi . Can I ask you for your help again?” (Yui)    

I show the parchment to the crow .     

“…TO fAiL tHe MIssIoN wiTh yOU thERE…” (Ebi)    

“Don’t mind it . I’d be happy if you could take a look just like in the old days . ” (Yui)    

“…UNderStooD . …tHEse gUYs aRe A comPANy THat haS thROwn iT’S WeiGht aROUnd hErE mosT REcenTLy . tHeY HavE a NEw sToRe loCATed aCroSS tHe PuPPet StrEeT oN thE HAlL SquarE . ThE gUarDS aRE calLed TaGGle BroThErS . ThEY aRe lYcaNtHRopeS . QuitE FoRmidAble . ” (Ebi)    

“Nothing less of you, Ebi . That was fast . Even if they are tough, it will be fine . I will make quick work of them myself . ” (Yui)    

“…i SeE, bYE ThEn――” (Ebi)    

The crow flew off .     

Lycanthropes, a kin of demons, huh?    

It will be a bother if they transform, but if they see these even once, I should be able to defeat them with ease…    

But, this time I’m alone . Since Zieve, who excelled at sensing presences, isn’t with me anymore, I have to be careful .     

It will be fine as long as there’s no opponent at Shuuya’s level, but there’s definitely no way for there to be several people like that spear, no, magic spear user . I’m overthinking things .     

Alright, let’s get rid of the Taggle Brothers first .     

The Tsuchikado Company comes after that .     

I start running .     

―Arriving at the Puppet Street, I immediately recognized the target store .     

is already active .     

I check each nook and cranny around the store…    

Hidden alleys, the existence or absence of stairs and windows, the number of guards, and escape routes .     

I immediately spotted the Taggle Brothers .     

They are wearing spiked leather armor on their huge builds, and abnormal fur is growing out of their gloves, as characteristic for lycanthropes .     

I could also confirm moon symbols on their foreheads .     

Because they transform, they are often mistaken as mutation of leopard people, but lycanthropes are a totally different species .     

I confirm my targets with .     

I will carry out the mission tonight .     



The moonlight fully illuminates the Puppet Street .     

I clad my whole body in the Magic Combat Style and ran up to the reddish brown roof of the building next to my target .     

After leaping over from there, I land in the drain, arriving on top of the roof of the Tsuchikado company’s residence .     

The two lycanthropes are standing guard on both sides of the entrance door, looking out over the street .     

I looked down right below at my two targets .     

―Time to go in .     

Turning the blades of Azelos & Versage downwards, I descend in a straight line .     

I killed one of the guards by stabbing with the two swords, obviously breaking the lycan’s spine .     

However, the other guard’s reaction is swift .     

Even after his brother was killed by me, he still drew his weapon calmly and closed the distance .     

“Who are you?”    

“…” (Yui)    

Just for caution’s sake, I activate once more .     

“――Those eyes! I know――”    

The lycanthrope’s face was cut in two .     

I had shortened the distance with Magic Combat Step, and slashed down with my back-hand sword, Versage .     

That’s what happens if you talk in the middle of a battle .     

Had he transformed, he might have gained a bit more time . What a stupid lycan .     

Now, I just got to finish off Tsuchikado and it will be over .     

I mustn’t displease Hyatos-sama until Dad recovers .     

Once he does…I’m going to chase after Shuuya .     

I want to meet him, I really want to see him…I feel as if my heart is being squeezed while a heavy weight is pressing down on my chest    

While thinking about such things, I trespass into the Tsuchikado company through a side door .     

Goods are still stored in boxes here and there .     

Tsk, the female employees were still awake…    

I quickly hide myself and let them go past .     

At the end of a corridor I discover a bedroom different from the other rooms .     

Tsuchikado is probably in there .     

Once I enter, four people slept on the bed .     

…Two of them are children .     

There’s also a person that seems to be his wife .     

Only the company’s Tsuchikado was mentioned in the commission .     

It should be fine if I don’t kill…his family, but limit it to just the man .     

Am I…hesitating?    

I check his features as described in the order .     

It’s him . I thrust Azelos into the chest of the bearded human man .     

“…Papa . ”    


One of the children woke up .     

Our eyes meet .     


It’s a child resembling the man .     

I have to deceive it .     

“…The teeth fairy of darkness . ” (Yui)    

“Teeth fairy-san, why are you here?”    

“…I came to see whether you’re sleeping properly . If you don’t close your eyes, I’m going to pull out your teeth so that you won’t be able to sleep anymore . ” (Yui)    

“Oki . I will close my eyes~”    

The child did as said…    

It hasn’t realized its father’s death .     

It’s a rule to kill all witnesses .     

But, for the current me that’s impossible .     

Even though I killed women and children without questions asked in the past .     

…It looks like the past me doesn’t exist anymore .     

I learned of the warmth of others after falling in love with Shuuya .     

I escaped from there in a hurry .     

Running away like an amateur without even using the escape route…    

Once I came to, I was crying .     

It, for me…it might be impossible to be an assassin any longer .     

I rushed to Hyatos’s mansion while wiping my tears away .     

Coming from the reception hall, I open his office’s door and enter .     

“…Welcome back . I suppose you finished your mission properly . ” (Hyatos)    

“Yes . I killed the Taggle Brothers and the merchant of the targeted Tsuchikado company . ” (Yui)    

“…Hmm . Elisha, what do you think?” (Hyatos)    

What? Hyatos turns his eyes towards behind me .     

I look over my shoulder .     

A masked woman in black clothes appeared from the shadows, swaying like a haze .     

“Yes . She finished off the guarding lycans in a flash without allowing them to transform . As expected of Zamalia’s notorious assassin…she also killed the president of the Tsuchikado company without a doubt, but…even after having been spotted by his family, she left without killing them . Thinking that it might be a grave mistake, I patched up things properly . ” (Elisha)    

What!? That means she killed those children!?    

I glare at the woman called Elisha .     

“Oh my! What’s with that look of yours? Even though I followed up on your blunder…” (Elisha)    

“I see…that means your skills haven’t dulled . Yui, why did you turn a blind eye at them?” (Hyatos)    

I look back at Hyatos .     

He’s staring at me sternly with his eyes squinting .     

I should have been more careful…as there’s no way that he would loosen his monitoring .     

…As thought, I disqualify as professional killer .     

I guess I will honestly fess up now and here .     

“…It’s because I didn’t want to kill them . ” (Yui)    

Upon my words, Hyatos’s fox eyes widen in surprise .     

“That I would hear those words from you…” (Hyatos)    

“Hyatos-sama, what shall we do?” (Elisha)    

Elisha asked with a trace of killing intent in her voice .     

“She ignored the family, but she finished her job, right?” (Hyatos)    

“Yes . ” (Elisha)    

She nods .     

“Then let’s pretend it didn’t happen this time . ” (Hyatos)    

“…Yes, milord!” (Elisha)    

She answers with dissatisfaction while looking at me .     

I can’t properly see her eyes due to the mask, but she must be glaring .     

It looks like Hyatos is going to forgive me .     

But…I can’t feel safe .     

His eyes are cold and piercing, and he’s clenching his teeth . If I make another mistake, he might make us suffer with his authority .     

I have to get back to Dad as soon as possible .     

“…Excuse me then . ” (Yui)    

“Yeah . Make sure to come back here later since I’m going to hand you new instructions…” (Hyatos)    

“Yes, milord . ” (Yui)    

I leave at once, exit the mansion and return home .     

“Dad, I’m home . ” (Yui)    

“Welcome back, Yui . ”    

It’s Dad . He came to welcome me on his own feet .     

He’s still as skinny as before, but it’s Dad .     

“――Daddy!” (Yui)    

“Haha, hey, calm down a bit…you’re going to break my chest . ”    

“Ah! Sorry . ” (Yui)    

I immediately separated from him .     

“It looks like you can stand by yourself already . ” (Yui)    

“Yeah, as you can see my muscles have degenerated, so standing is the most I can do at the moment, I guess . ”    

“But, I’m happy . You survived . ” (Yui)    

“That’s true . However, there’s something important I have to tell you . ”    

Dad looked sad .     

“What? However, you should still rest some more to get better . ” (Yui)    

“No, I can’t burden my daughter any longer . …I thought about it all the time yesterday, but I plan to discard my name as noble soon . And, I intend to try speaking with Hyatos-sama about leaving you alone . ”    

“Eh!? That’s in vain . It’s impossible that he will agree…I mean, even today he looked at me with his piercing fox eyes and…” (Yui)    

Although it’s still far off from his past self, Dad dons a stern expression when I start to get evasive .     

“Did something happen!?”    

“No, it’s not like that, but…I failed my assassination order, was entrusted with a job to prove myself again, and finished it safely, but as it seems that I still haven’t regained his trust, he looked at me harshly . ” (Yui)    

“…Yui, pack your things at once…”    

Dad instructed me with a hoarse voice while his expression became gloomy, obviously becoming white as a sheet, even though he’s already pale .     

“Eh? Why?” (Yui)    

“No matter how excellent and talented a person, there’s no way for Hyatos-sama to forgive someone who made a mistake…”    

“But, at today’s mission report Hyatos clearly said that he will regard it as inconsequential . ” (Yui)    

“He said that to put you off guard . Besides, if he realizes that I recovered, he will like come to kill us . ”    

What’s the best thing to do…for Dad…?    

Shuuya…what should I do?    

“…Such a…but, where are we headed? This area is like his backyard . Besides, Dad, you can’t really move with that body of yours, can you?” (Yui)    

“…I thought about gaining a little bit more time, but I was a fool…I will remain here . You are to get out of the capital, using the coach in the back, and head to the Forlen Bay . There should be a hiding place in the copse located inside the bay that full of shipwrecks . ”    

“No way . What are you talking about? Just when you finally recovered, Dad!” (Yui)    

“Yui . It’s okay . It’s fine for the bloodstained history of the Frogman family to come to an end . You’re an assassin, but you have a beautiful face resembling that of your mother in her youth . I don’t think that there are many men who can outdo you, but if you find one…you must not let him get away . ”    

Dad is about to leave the room to try breaking through the urgent situation .     

I stop him by grabbing his arm .     

His body is as light as if it’s a lie…and his legs are tottering a bit .     

It’s still impossible for Dad…    

“…I won’t allow you to do as you please . The person, who scolded me in the past, wouldn’t have said such fainthearted things . We will head to the Forlen Bay together . You understand?” (Yui)    


“Stop the annoying bickering! We will take the remaining medicine and ride the coach together . ” (Yui)    

“…Hahaha . ”    

Suddenly Dad widens his eyes and laughs .     

“What!” (Yui)    

“Nah, just that Stop the annoying bickering was just like before…I guess we are birds of the same feather after all . ”    

“That’s only natural, no? Now, help me with the preparations . ” (Yui)    

“…No helping it, I guess I have to follow my daughter’s instructions . ”    

I put plenty of recovery potions which I bought against Dad’s sickness inside two knapsacks .     

There are food supplies at the hiding place, but I still load some onto the coach, just for caution’s sake . I had Dad get on as well .     

The horses’ condition looks fine, so they will be able to gallop for quite a while .     

“―Dad, are you ready?” (Yui)    

I turn around to the back after getting onto the driver’s seat .     

“Yeah, I still don’t feel any presences around the house . Depart when the moon is hidden by clouds . I leave the the timing to you . ”    

“Ok . ” (Yui)    

And then, the instant the moon got covered by a big cloud ― I moved the coach .     

We rush out from behind the mansion in one go, coming out on the street .     

Leaving towards the eastern highway, I head towards the eastern gate .     

Since it’s very late at night, there are few people out on the streets, allowing us to smoothly pass through the gate .     

“Dad, we safely got through the eastern gate!” (Yui)    

“Okay, there are no presences following us from behind either . Keep going at it with full speed . And don’t worry about the horses . ”    

“I know――!” (Yui)    

After that, I move the coach straight east for a day and night with breaks while keeping the coastline at my left .     

After a while we arrived at our hiding place in the Forlen Bay that’s referred to as ship graveyard .     

Fortunately no pursuers seem to follow us .     

For one, for two, and then for five days no one approached our refuge inside the copse of trees .     

Dad drinks his medicine, eats food that included medicinal plants, and does muscle training, gradually recovering his healthy body .     

He recovered up to the point that he can grasp a weapon and do practice swings after a long time .     

And, since his skill in sensing presences has become sharper while I was not there, I left the task to Dad .     

I kill the monsters spawning in the vicinity .     

Occasionally there are monsters who come to the sandy beach from the ship graveyard .     

Even now I was squaring off against a monster on the sandy beach .     

It’s a monster called Rayuna, apparently a unification of human and fish, with four, dark red eyeballs .     

The long, sharp claws growing on its five fingers are its main weapon .     

It’s skillfully handling its expendable claws…what a troublesome opponent .     

It extended two claw swords from among its five fingers, and was on the verge of leaping at me again .     

―But, I pruned the extended claws with after a with Azelos & Versage . Before it can extend its claws again, I kick the sand with Magic Combat Step, rotate and cut the Rayuna’s torso in a straight line with .     

With this, it’s the tenth .     

I don’t expect any other Rayuna to come here for the moment .     

I saw them turn around to the shallows and then run away, withdrawing to their dwelling in the ship graveyard .     

Defeating such monsters has become a daily task . After talking with Dad about the escape routes around here, I planted traps and the peaceful days continued for seven days while I felt as if light green evil discouragingly spread from the tree stumps…and then, on the next day…    

At lunch Dad, who had practiced, suddenly entered the hut with a pale face .     

“A great number of pursuers has come . It seems Hyatos-sama has found this place . . ”    

“Eh!? Even though there was supposedly no presence that clung to us . ” (Yui)    

“There are probably many fellows who have learned a that exceeds my presence search . I guess he had an expert follow us . ”    

“We have to escape! Besides――” (Yui)    

At the moment I tried to head outside, a black clothed woman holding a drawn blade stormed into the room while throwing an earthenware jar on the ground, causing it to burst loudly .     

I was too late…    

“Pathetic, former assassin and her father, who has been allowed to stay a live as a warning . ”    

It’s a woman wearing a white mask .     

She was called Elisha by Hyatos .     

“I won’t let you guys do as you please!” (Yui)    

“Humph, your assassin skills are fairly good, but why had you been Hyatos-sama’s favorite despite being unable to sense the difference in numbers? Well, I guess you offered him your seedy-looking body like a prostitute . From now on I will become Hyatos-sama’s favorite by using my own abilities . In the end, you’re just a stupid woman that can only use katana, that means――” (Elisha)    

The woman, spitting vulgar words, handles her katana, which was clad in a black light, like a leaf that’s shaken by the wind . She unleashes a sword thrust towards my breast .     

While quickly warding off her frontal thrust with Versage’s blade, causing the peculiar metallic sound characteristic to sword clashing, I move sideways .     

“Tsk, eat this . ” (Elisha)    

The woman clicks her tongue and moves to the back of the small hut in order to cover her flanks .     

“Elisha, did you forget what you had been told by Hyatos-sama?”    

“Saizol…I know . ” (Elisha)    

After holding a conversation with the comrade behind her, I saw how she glanced at me with her blue eyes below the mask…and then retreated outside the hut .     

“Dad, it looks like we’ve been completely surrounded . ” (Yui)    

“Yeah, I guess we have no choice but to face them . …I’m still not at peak condition, but even I have techniques that I acquired on various battlefields . I’m the man called     

Shadow Ogre Kaldo    


【Anbu’s Right Hand】    

. ―Yui, we will cut our way through together!” (Kaldo)    

Dad powerfully swings the longsword in his hands .     

It’s still not at the level of his past self, but his slash is plenty sharp .     

I recall the days when I trained under him .     

“Ok . The escape route we confirmed the other day is fine?” (Yui)    

“Yeah, we travel along the sandy beach and then take a boat at the southern Ruja Village . ” (Kaldo)    

“Aight . ” (Yui)    

I escape our hiding place with Dad through a hidden door in the back .     

We plunged into the grove of trees while scattering mineral dust .     

But, one black clothed pursuer after the other shows up between the trees .     

We can’t get away .     


I bring down one with a sharp upward slash of Azelos .     

“Don’t give up!”    

Dad’s throwing knife killed a guy that assaulted me with his sword from the opposite side by hitting him in the forehead with .     

While straightforwardly closing the distance to a spear holder, who closes in on father to stab him from behind, with Magic Combat Step, I imagine Shuuya’s spear thrust, and unleash a sword thrust with Versage .     

I finished off the spear holder by stabbing through his heart .     

“Nice move . ” (Kaldo)    

“Same to you, Dad . ” (Yui)    

At first it went well, but the black clothed attackers gather around us successively, obviously surrounding us .     

Besides, it bothers me that that woman, Elisha, still hasn’t shown up .     

“Oh my, oh my, the soldiers…even if you ran away, your sword skills are top notch after all, I guess . But, your slashes have grown dull . You aren’t able to conceal your fatigue . ”    

This voice…so Elisha has come, huh?    

“Shut up! Are you all talk? Aren’t you going to attack?” (Yui)    

I responded to Elisha angrily .     

“Just wait…I will kill you after humiliating you so much that this cheeky mouth of yours will beg for mercy . ” (Elisha)    

“Elisha, do your job instead of prattling silly things . ”    

“Yeah, yeah . ” (Elisha)    

A masked group appeared alongside Elisha .     

Skilled assassins, huh?    

The masked man is a lancer…    

Shuuya… I want to see you…    

“Yui! Don’t space out . ”    

Alongside Dad’s stern voice, we split to the left and right .     

Moving flexibly like in his heydays, Dad parries the sharp thrust of the lancer while dodging Elisha’s sword .     

“The final moment’s of the White-Eyed Death God are mine!”    

A masked man holding two swords slashed at me while shouting something like that . He performs a rotational slash with a skill similar to Dancing Slash .     

―Extending both, Azelos & Versage, to the front in alternation, I block the continuous, rotational blade attacks .     

Once I blocked all of them, I immediately activate .     

While revolving like a spinning top, I launch double katana attacks with Azelos and Versage at the masked guy .     

Just like me, he blocked the continuous attacks, but the difference of our blades became apparent at this point . At the moment his blades broke after being chipped by my sword attacks, I succeed at cutting his throat .     

A single skilled fighter went down, but Dad’s leg is wounded, and he’s about to suffer another strike .     

“――Dad!” (Yui)    

I immediately run up next to Dad, and block Elisha’s thrust, which could have become a fatal blow, by knocking it away with Versage .     

“Tsk, again?” (Elisha)    

Elisha seems unable to stomach that I could defend against her thrust . While clicking her tongue once more, she fixes her sword stance .     

Meanwhile the number of masked leader-class fighters increased by one and then two .     

Dad and I confront the surrounding enemies while standing back to back .     

Our opponents slowly narrow the encirclement .     

“Yui, I’m happy . After all I’m able to fight back-to-back with you like this . ” (Kaldo)    

Dad tries to encourage me from behind even while we are in this precarious situation .     

“Dad…” (Yui)    

I say Dad, but I, Shuuya…help…where are you!? I fruitlessly screamed towards Shuuya in my mind .     

“It’s as Hyatos-sama said…your abilities…eyes like a death god . What annoying eyes, they are…your movements have become sharp . ” (Elisha)    

Elisha says while looking at my .     

Right after that ― it’s very faint, no, familiar, unforgettable, red border lines appeared inside the forest .     




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