Life, Once Again!

Chapter 91

Chapter 91

3Chapter 91     1

Chapter 91    

“So… what’s all this about?”    

She wanted Hanna to explain what was going on . It was nice that they came to a nearby fruit juice shop . The kiwi juice she got was pretty good, so that was fine, too . But… The question she wanted to ask the most was still unanswered .     

“Well… how do I explain it . ”    

“Explain it?”    

“A date?”    


“Between you and him! Haha . Hahaha . Heh… Don’t look at me like that . I’m your senior, you know . ”    

She glared at Hanna for a few more seconds before turning to look at Maru, the boy was drinking his mango juice with the most serene expression in the world . He grinned when their eyes met, which only managed to annoy her further .     

“Did you ask for this?”    

“No, Hanna started it first . ”    

“Sis! You didn’t tell me anything about this?!”    

Hanna twiddled her thumb nervously .     

“Well… If I told you, you wouldn’t have come . ”    

“Of course . ”    

“So I kept it a secret . Surprise!”    

She rolled up her fingers into a tight fist, which made Hanna look away again . To think she used to look up to this person in the past…    

‘I’m the one at fault for having expectations from her after seeing that CD . ’    

In her school’s club room, there was a CD with some of Hanna’s performance . It was a recording of Hanna’s exceptional act of Faust making a deal with the devil incredibly well . She’s looked at the video countless times at this point, but her admiration of Hanna didn’t last long . It stopped the moment they first met, actually .     

“I feel sorry for big brother Suchan . ”    

“Hey, come on . ”    

Hanna put a hand over her mouth and grinned . She could only feel sorry for Suchan, who would probably get whisked around by Hanna after marriage .     

“In any case, you two should have fun . ”    

Hanna took out two tickets as she spoke . They were tickets to a pretty popular theater near Hyehwa station .     

“Wow . ”    

She snatched the tickets immediately, she wanted to watch this particular play for quite some time . Did Hanna remember when she offhandedly mentioned it once? Hanna winked at her with a smile .     

“You gave me a cake for my birthday, remember? It’s for that . ”    

“Ah . ”    

“And so!”    

Hanna stood up from her seat .     

“I’m leaving!”    

The woman walked off to the exit after shouting bye . She tried to grab Hanna with her arms, but the woman evaded her with ease .     

“Big sis!”    

She was too late . Hanna was already gone from the cafe, and when she ran outside, Hanna was nowhere to be seen . The woman was too damn fast at running . She gave up and looked back into the cafe with a deep sigh .     

“And he’s… well, him . ”    

Maru was drinking his juice as if all of this wasn’t related to him at all . When their eyes met, he smiled again . Does he usually smile this much? He looks better when he’s not smiling . When she walked back inside and sat down, Maru stared at her from his seat . His blatant stare kind of made her feel embarrassed .     

“What are you going to do now?” she asked .     

“You got the tickets . ”    

“Yeah . ”    

“We should watch it then, right?”    

“ . . . People say you’re shameless pretty often, don’t they?”    

“Who knows . ”    

“Hah . . . ”    

Looking at the ticket, it was scheduled for today . As a matter of fact, they would have to make a run for it to watch it .     

“We should probably be able to squeeze lunch in beforehand . ”    

Before she knew it, Maru was right next to her looking down at the ticket himself . She flinched in surprise and stared at his face for a few seconds .     

“Let’s go, we’ll be late . ”    

Saying that, Maru reached out to grab her wrist .     

W-what the!    

The boy pulled her up gently . His hand was moving so naturally that she almost thought he’s done this multiple times in the past . She looked at Maru’s back in a daze .     

‘Why… does this feel familiar?’    

The boy’s slightly large back looked oddly familiar, as if she’s seen it many times in the past . She stretched out her hand, feeling a strange sense of sadness inside her, and gently put it on top of his shoulder . That was when she came back to her senses .     

Goodness, what did she just do? She put her hand back down and stuck it right into her pocket . She was confused . What just happened?    

“Did I have something on me?”    

“Yeah, yeah? Yeah! Y-you had some dust on your shoulder . ”    

“You brushed it off? Thanks . ”    

“No… problem . ”    

She looked down, as her cheeks puffed up like a little frog . Why did she just do that? She shook her head before raising her head again with a shocked look .     

“Hold on, why are you holding my hand like it’s the most natural thing to do?!”    

She completely forgot in her shock that she was still holding hands with him . The boy’s hand was rough . She pulled her hand out of it and looked at Maru with a pout .     

“I can’t?”    

“Do you think it’s really normal to hold a stranger’s hand just like that?”    

“This is our third time meeting, though . ”    

“ . . . That’s true, but still . ”    

“Alright . I won’t do it . Just watch that play with me . I’m giving up one thing here, so you should too . ”    


“Or we could just hold hands again . ”    

Maru stretched out his hand again . What the heck?    

“Fine! Fine, we can watch it! Darn it, you’re ridiculous!”    

“We should hurry, then . If we miss the train, we won’t have time to eat . ”    

“Oh? You’re right . ”    

She flipped her hand to look at her watch . Right then, Maru grabbed her hand again . What was strange was that for a brief moment, she didn’t think this to be unnatural . As a matter of fact, she probably would’ve walked forward right there with him if she didn’t become consciously aware of it .     

“Ah, sorry . I said I wouldn’t grab your hand . ”    

This time, Maru let go first and apologized surprisingly politely . Despite doing several odd things, he was a gentleman when it came to these things . She looked down at her right wrist, she could still feel Maru’s warmth on it .     

‘ . . . What the . ’    

That was the only thing she could think of when she realized that she didn’t actually hate that warmth .     

* * *    

After coming out of the second exit of Hyehwa station, she flinched as she got hit by the sudden wind . Cold winds like these were the ones that reminded her that it was December .     

“It’s co . . . ”    

A shadow rose up right in front of her as soon as she opened her mouth, it was Maru . Before she realized what was going on, he stretched his arms out towards her . She tried to step backwards, but realized there was something warm getting wrapped around her neck right then .     

“It’s cold, wear this . ”    

“ . . . Yeah . ”    

It was Maru’s scarf . A soft scarf that had a lot of fluff on it, the type that she liked . She sniffed her nose a little bit . The scarf smelled pretty good . Did it get washed recently?    

“Want to try going there?”    

Maru pointed to a pasta restaurant on the other side of the road .     

“Over there?”    

The outside of the restaurant was decorated with logs and a fancy-looking signboard . The customers inside all looked like they were either college students or older . That is, the restaurant looked really expensive .     

“Let’s go . You like cream pasta and pizza with not many toppings, don’t you?”    

Maru walked forward after speaking . She silently agreed with him inside, before realizing what the boy just said .     

“Wait, how did you know that? That I like cream pasta?”    

“ . . . I heard it from Hanna . ”    

She easily caught that hint of surprise from the boy’s face . He was lying, she was sure of it .     


Plus, she never told Hanna her favorite food . After all, Hanna was only ever interested in her own favorite food: army stew .     

“ . . . Just a feeling . Don’t girls like stuff like cream pasta?”    

“Well, you’re not wrong, but… That doesn’t make this any less suspicious . ”    

“I just guessed . ”    

He regained his composure . Did he really guess? Or did he have someone telling him information about her? She could easily think of a few candidates on the spot, they probably worked with Hanna for this .     

“Anyway, it’s cold . Let’s go inside first . ”    

Maru casually grabbed her hand again . She let out a short laugh, but didn’t pull away this time . At least it was obvious that he cared for her .     

* * *    

She finished her food almost as soon as it came out . Maru smiled internally . Be it in the future or right now, her appetite was unchanging . She always ate well, and she used all of that energy for when she was on stage .     

‘That reminds me . . . ’    

Memories were giving birth to more memories . One by one, Maru started remembering events that he shared with her, each one making him want to smile more and more . Most of his memories were gone, but the times he shared with her were still deeply rooted in his heart .     

“You smile really often,” she said curiously .     

Of course, I would . You’re right there with me .     

Maru swallowed those words and brushed himself off to be the type that smiled a lot .     

‘Well, it’s going well so far, at least . ’    

Her favorite perfume, favorite scarf, and favorite food . Maru made use of his memories as much as possible to prepare for this day . He was confident that today was going to be a success . After all, he did have quite a bit of experience with women before he married .     

“Hm, hm hm, hm hm . ”    

She started humming in happiness . Ah, he hadn’t heard this sound in a very long time . Just watching her hum to herself made him happy . For a few seconds, he stopped doing everything else other than listening to her sing . That melody… It’s the one she sang when they first met . The one that she liked to sing whenever she was happy or sad .     

[This is a happy and a sad song . ]    

He remembered now . When she told him that line, her face was colored with tears .     


She opened her eyes and immediately looked down in embarrassment .     

“Why didn’t you tell me?”    


“People are watching . ”    

Indeed, some people were watching the two of them with a smile on their faces . A loud hum like this in the middle of a quiet store was more than enough to garner some attention .     

“I didn’t want to interrupt good music . ”    

“No… Ugh, whatever . ”    

“Thanks for the music . It was very good . ”    

“ . . . You’re not going to get anything out of that praise, you know . ”    

“Doesn’t matter, I already listened to your music . ”    

Maru stood up first and pulled her chair back a little .     

“Do you come to places like this often?”    

“Mm, no . ”    

It wasn’t a lie . It was his first time coming to a pasta place in this life . Of course, before that, he used to come here with her often . As a matter of fact, their dates always involved a pasta place in them .     

Right then, Maru was assaulted with so many memories that he started getting dizzy . When he grabbed his head and stumbled a little, she grabbed his arm with a surprised expression .     

“W-what the . Are you okay? Are you sick?”    

“It’s nothing . I just tripped a bit . ”    

“What, you surprised me . ”    

She calmed down pretty fast, Maru’s head went blank again . It looked like he could only remember fragments of his memories, not full ones . He grabbed the bill and walked over to the counter . The waiter asked them if the meal was good .     

“It was delicious . We’ll come again,” she answered for him .     

Maru handed his card over . He finished paying and turned around after grabbing the receipt . She immediately snatched the receipt out of his hand .     

“ . . . 80 thousand?”    


“Just pasta, pizza, and a drink?“    

“Well, it’s good as long as it’s tasty . ”    

“No, but . . . ”    

Then again, at this time, for people of their age 80 thousand won was a lot of money . She stopped at the entrance for a second before taking out a little wallet from her bag . She swallowed nervously before fishing 40 thousand won from it .     

“Here, here!”    

She was handing it over with nervousness on her face . That was probably a massive chunk of her allowance . Maru refused for now, but she kept pushing the money onto his face . In the end, he took it .     

“I wouldn’t have come here if I knew it was going to be this expensive . ”    

She was shaking her head dejectedly . Maru watched her walk outside for a second, before walking back to the counter .     

“Can I borrow some pen and paper, please?”    

* * *    

The line into the theater was pretty long . It was a popular theater, so all of the seats were filled . She recalled that lots of people gathered here since the theater didn’t even have online ticketing to begin with .     

“What did you do in the restaurant just now?”    

“I asked for some tissues . ”    

“Ah . ”    

She nodded .     

“It’s dark inside, so please walk slowly . Thank you . ”    

They entered the theater, following one of the actors . For a small theater, the distance between each seat was surprisingly large . The seats were very comfy, too . The stage only had a few pieces of furniture on it, lit up by an orange light as the setting for a romantic comedy . A lot of her friends said it was really good, so she had a huge expectation for it .     

“You must like plays . ”    

“Of course!”    

“That’s good . ”    

Again with that smile of his . She avoided Maru’s eyes and focused on the stage . Just now… she felt something flutter up in her chest .     

‘No no, I’m just excited for the play!’    

Right! She should just focus on the play . She looked at the stage intensely .     


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