Life, Once Again!

Chapter 126

Chapter 126

1Chapter 126      1

Chapter 126    

“There must be something for you to call first . ”    

- What, you don’t like it?    

“No . I like it . ”    

- You always say you like it no matter what I do .     

“It’s better than not liking it . So, what’s going on? I’m sure it’s not calling to see me at this late hour . ”    

- I’m going to have to miss practice tomorrow . It’s the anniversary of my father passing away, so I’m going to spend the day with my mom .     

“Oh, right . Should I come visit and bring you something?”    

- Yeah right . I know you don’t want to come .     

She was right . Maru wanted to be by her side, but he had no plans to visit her house and concern himself into her family matters . It was too early for that . Plus, it would be better for each family member to fill the hole that their past father left in their hearts . Maru decided to just pray for her from afar .     

- You’re not misunderstanding what I said, right? I didn’t mean that you didn’t care .     

“I understood you, don’t worry . Spend a good day with your mother . ”    

-… Okay .     

“Don’t cry too much . ”    

- Who’s crying? I’m used to it now . It just feels hollow .     

“Sure, it’s good to hear that you’re not going to cry . ”    

Maru could picture her gently biting down on her lower lip on the other end . Even as an adult, she always cried on the anniversary day of her father’s passing . Even when so much time had passed, she’d cry like a broken fountain . He understood that all this came from her inner tenderness and love, she’s truly a warm person at heart . Her tears would roll down like a little child’s, proving the pureness of her emotions .     

Being a confident woman, she never wanted to show this side of her to others . Maru always loved that she could be such a responsible, mature woman on the outside but possess a sense of tenderness and innocence on the inside .     

Immediately after hanging up the phone…    

“Who is it? Who is it, huh?”    

Maru didn’t know how to respond . He said a few words to placate Dojin and misdirect, but Dojin was still glancing at Maru with doubt .     

“It was a girl, right? Right?”    

Dojin sure had an active sixth sense .     

Maru just shrugged .     

* * *    

“Come in . ”    

Geunseok gulped down hard as soon as he heard the door opening . He saw Suyeon wearing skin-tight orange leggings and a loose tank top that showed off her midriff . He could see a yoga mat on the floor and a Yoga instructor giving instructions on TV .     

- Stretch out your legs, Now take a deep breath and…    

He followed her into the living room while listening to the instructions softly coming out of the TV . Suyeon pointed toward the sofa with her chin and told him to sit .     

“Let me just finish this part . ”    

“Okay . ”    

He felt that Suyeon’s smile was mysteriously sexy, the sexiness of her smile was amplified by her clothes . On top of the smooth mat, Suyeon sat with her legs stretched forward and bent her upper body downwards . Her body was like a flip phone, completely folding down . Her chest was touching her legs and her hipbone was showing its oddly attractive contours . In this position, her butt looked as tight as fully expanded water balloons . All of this was accentuated from the skin-tight leggings, he can even catch a glimpse of her underwear . Geunseok couldn’t take his eyes off of her . Utter fascination . Yurim’s skinny body couldn’t compare to this developed female body .     


The ridges on her back smoothed out as she slowly exhaled . He could see her toned and developed muscles come alive with each small action . She unraveled and started sitting on top of the backs of her feet . On TV, the words ‘Downward Dog’ rang out from the instructor . Suyeon bent down again and stretched her upper body with the palm of her hands far in front of her on the ground . With her back bent in this position, he could see her top open up and see the black lining of her bra . Geunseok balled his fists on top of his knees and squeezed . He found that just looking at this developed woman excited him . He started staring at her feet when she arched her back and lifted her chin towards the ceiling . As he moved his gaze upward, he couldn’t see a single wrinkle or imperfection on her beautiful face .     

His throat started burning, he wanted to drink some water but was unwilling to get up . He wasn’t stupid enough to miss this sight for a drink of water . He wished that his eyes could record so that he could store this sight forever .     

Suyeon continued with her yoga exercise for a further 30 minutes . Looking at her flex her body this way and that, he didn’t realize time flying by .     

“Phew . Geunseok . ”    


His voice came out weak and cracked, as he suddenly spoke after being enraptured .     

“Are you sleepy?”    

“O-Oh, no . Did you need something?”    

“Can you help out?”    


“Press down here . ”    

Suyeon laid down on her stomach and gestured at her ankles . Geunseok nodded his head, slowly came up to her, and gently pushed down . He felt her lively vigor from his fingertips, her skin felt firm yet supple . He could tell that her toned, developed legs came from rigorous training .     

“Thanks . ”    

She smiled briefly and then started to curve her back and lift her upper body . He couldn’t help but appreciate her flexibility and upper body strength . Her back arched like a bow as that had its string pulled . He marveled at the beauty of her curved back and the firmness of the two mounds right below .     

“Can you press down a little above my calves?”    


“Come up a little more . ”    

He nodded his head and slowly brought his hands upward . He could have lifted his hands and placed them on top of her calves, but he slowly slid his hands up her knees as if he was giving her a massage instead .     

“Hahat~ That tickles . ”    

Luckily, Suyeon didn’t seem like she minded . His lips were parched and dry, a sense of nervousness and anticipation arose . She started raising her upper body once more . She didn’t lift herself as high this time, but he was still able to see the muscles showing right underneath her shirt rippling .     

“This time, push down here . ”    

Geunseok hesitated . The place she was pointing to was just above her butt . It was where her orange leggings and open skin met, this was pretty much the upper part of her butt .     

“Here?” he asked at a loss .     

“What? Are you being self-conscious? Because you’re a guy?” she quipped .     

Suyeon gave a quick smirk . Hearing her playful tone of voice, Geunseok felt a little slighted . “No problem,” he said and quickly placed his hands where she instructed . He could feel the softness underneath his fingers . A feeling of wanting to touch everywhere arose in him .     

She refocused on her yoga and carried out the instructions on TV, her face didn’t show any noticeable emotion . As she was going through the motions, he started lowering the position of his hands . This wasn’t overconfidence . He felt that the mood was leaning in this direction, as if there was some mutual understanding that he could go lower .     

As if to prove this fact, Suyeon continued like nothing happened . She actually started tightening her butt even more, as if saying ‘how about this’ .     

Geunseok had been putting a lot of downward force . What he felt was not the flexing of the hips but a part that had its own bouncy quality, it was soft and somewhat nonconforming . A bunch of erotic thoughts crossed his mind, he had to take a few meditative breaths to calm his racing heart . This was probably the finish line . She probably only wanted to go this far as a coquettish tease . If he took a further step from this point, it would just make him a pervert . He told himself that he should enjoy this moment, within the boundaries .     

He couldn’t stop his deepening infatuation for her . He never knew that women were such attractive beings . He couldn’t even remember all the girls he dated in middle school . No, wait, could those relationships even be called dating?    

His relationship with Yurim… was definitely different since there was some emotional support and dependence involved . Yet, he couldn’t get away from the childish feel and nature of the relationship . Yurim was the type of girl that he got tired of soon . It was comfortable and nice having her around, but he wouldn’t miss her if she wasn’t around . She was that type of existence for him .     

“Thanks,” she said with a smile . He felt something dash through his stomach as he watched her gently lift away her slightly damp hair .     

“One moment . Let me quickly wash up . ”    

“You can take your time . ”    

“It’s so late already . Won’t your folks be worried? It’s already 11pm . ”    

“It’s okay . My parents trust me . ”    

“Oh? Okay then . ”    

She playfully squinted one eye and walked to the bathroom . A little later, he could hear the sound of water flowing out . He started imagining Suyeon washing her sweaty body . While in the middle of his daydream, he took out his phone and flipped it open . Of course, it was Yurim .     

“Yeah . ”    

- I got home . You?    

“I’m home too . I’m actually getting ready to sleep . ”    

- Already?    

“What do you mean already? It's 11pm . It’s time to sleep . ”    

- Oh, okay . I guess you can’t talk right now then .     

“Sorry . I’m a little tired today . I’ll make up for it tomorrow and listen to whatever you want to say . ”    

- Don’t say sorry . It’s fine . Go to bed then . Dream of me .     

“Yeah . I hope I dream of you too . ”    

As soon as he hung up, he took out the battery . She couldn’t even read between the lines . He realized that girls who put guys on a pedestal were the most boring ones . There needs to be some tension, some give and go . Yurim didn’t have any of this . It was kind of a waste to just let her go, so he decided to keep her around for now .     

After waiting a while longer, Suyeon stepped out of the bathroom wearing a gown . She was drying her hair with a towel when she sat down on the sofa with her legs showing between the split in her gown . There were a variety of cosmetic products on the coffee table in front of the sofa .     

A wonderful fragrance wafted from her body . He could see the drops of water on her chest, where the gown opened up in a V-shape . He felt a sudden urge to touch her .     

"Our instruction time is tomorrow, but why did you want to see me today?”    

"I had a few things to ask you . ”    

"Hmm, few things? Okay . Ah! Geunseok, can you hand me that?”    

Geunseok, quickly grabbed the purple glass bottle of skin lotion and handed it to her . She started dabbing skin lotion on her face with a cotton pad .     

"How’s the acting club?”    

"We edited the script a little . ”    

"This late? With just a week left?”    

“Yeah . ”    

“Wow, instructor Miso must really have a lot of faith in you guys . You can’t do that with people you don’t fully trust . ”    

Suyeon twisted her torso and put her silky white legs on top of Geunseok’s lap, his body slightly shook .     

“You see that body cream there?”    

“… yeah . ”    

“Can you apply that on my legs? It’s gotten so cold recently that my legs have been drying up . I’m not sure if my stockings will survive . ”    

She had on a wide smile .     

* * *    

“I’ll take off now . ”    

“Next time call earlier . Come by when you specifically need something . It’s not good to waste time like this when you’re so busy . ”    

"Okay, I’ll do that . ”    

She smiled and waved goodbye . Geunseok bowed and left the apartment . As soon as the door closed, Suyeon started laughing and said aloud,    

“A little child trying to act like a man . ”    

When he had slightly lowered his hands onto her butt, she had to hold in her laughter . He must have felt that he was going with the flow, but for her, it was like dealing with a curious little child . This is why she disliked young kids . If you spend a little time with them, they suddenly think whatever they want .     

“Still, he’s not half bad look-wise, so I’ll let it pass . ”    

He had wide shoulders and was over 180cm tall . Outwardly, he had some handsome features, but he was a little kid inside . She thought it was at least fun to play around with him, but not enough fun to do it for nothing . She received money from Junmin to help out and guide him, but this wasn’t reason enough .     

“How can I benefit from this?”    

She walked toward the sofa, sat down, and started putting cotton balls between her toes . She decided that pink would be good today . After giving herself a pedicure, she opened her laptop on her lap . She went onto the actor information exchange website and clicked around until she arrived at the independent film page .     

“Now this is a man . ”    

A picture popped up from her screen . It was a picture of a guy with the director and staff members all happily smiling at the camera . Suyeon tilted her head and focused on the guy .     

“I want him . ”    

Hong Geunsoo .     

She accepted Geunseok’s childish ways for one reason, to meet Geunsoo . If she were to be introduced by Junmin, there would be too much of a business vibe . There were probably other women who tried that way . But what if she approached him through his brother?    

“Let’s think about this more later . ”    

Geunseok’s feelings and self-confidence may take a hit, but she didn’t care . It was nearing the end of her promise with Junmin anyway . It was until the end of the year, so her obligation to spend time with him was essentially finished .     

“Goodnight, my darling~”    

Puckering her lip, she blew a kiss at the screen . Suyeon was a woman who knew what she wanted and what she had to do to get it, not to mention men . Geunsoo would be able to fulfill her in bed and also in business . Of course, she wanted him .     

“That came out well,” she said as she looked at the sparkling nail polish on her toes .     


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