Life, Once Again!

Chapter 173

Chapter 173

1Chapter 173      3

Chapter 173    

The following chapter you are about to read contains mature content . We chose not to censor it as we didn't want to interfere with the author's intended flow for the readers . Read at your own discretion .     

“Don’t start anything unruly, don’t sleep during lectures . Let’s start today off well as always . Class pres, come over here . I have something for you . ”    

Taesik’s brief morning announcement concluded . Despite what the homeroom teacher just said, the students all collapsed onto their desks as soon as he left .     

“Quite a few students came yesterday, I heard?” Dojin asked, tossing Maru a piece of candy .     

It was a grape flavored one today . Maru popped it into his mouth before responding .     

“Fifteen . ”    

“That’s a lot . Three’s no problem then, right?”    

“We’ll have to see, but yeah, I think so . ”    

Fifteen students came on the first day . They looked pretty impressed with the club, so Maru did have some expectations .     

“I’ll help you guys out if you need props . Hit me up any time . ”    

“Was planning on it already . ”    

Everyone may have left the club, but their passions were still here . Taejoon and Soyeon also volunteered to help at any time .     

“Hope we get someone talented . ”    

“Right . ”    

It’d be nice if they got someone who was very deeply interested in acting . Maybe about ten of them? With that that expectation in mind, Maru pulled out his textbook for first class .     

* * *    

“ . . . . . . . ”    

The three members were speechless when they gathered at the club . It was 5:30pm, the first years were probably long gone from school already .     

“No one came . ”    

Geunseok stepped outside to check one more time before coming back in, he had a frown on his face .     

“What the heck? Why’d no one come?”    

“How would I know?”    

“You sure you didn’t say unnecessary stuff to them yesterday?”    

“They needed to know that the club’s going to be hard . We don’t just play around all day, you know . ”    

“But what if no one comes because of that?”    

“We don’t want people who are just looking to play, either . ”    

“Hey, don’t talk back to me like that . I’m the club president . What are you going to do if no one comes?”    

Geunseok angrily picked up his bag from the floor, Daemyung hurriedly called out to the boy .     

“Where are you going?!”    

“They aren’t going to come anyway . I have a lesson today . You guys can take care of everything else . ”    

“But you’re the president like you said… If you aren’t here . . . ”    

“But there’s no one coming . What am I supposed to do?”    

“Maybe we should think of the reason together?”    

Geunseok put a hand over his head angrily as he opened the clubroom door .     

“I’m busy, unlike you guys . You can think a bit yourselves . You know it’s your fault if no one comes, right? Han Maru?”    

Geunseok left with just that . Daemyung sighed and turned to look at Maru .     

“What do we do?”    

“We’ll have to do something starting tomorrow, obviously . ”    


“You should go back yourself today . You’re supposed to be working on that scene with Mintae anyways . ”    

Mintae and Daemyung were working together on making a script recently . Daemyung was in charge of the main story, while Mintae and Maru were in charge of the refinement .     

“What about you?”    

“I’ll stay here for a bit longer as I clean up . Who knows, maybe someone will come . ”    

Daemyung stood up with a nod . With his time divided between practice with his coach, scriptwriting with Mintae, and working for the club… the boy had pitiful little time every day . Maru wanted to help the boy out a little bit .     

“I’ll take it from here, so you go work hard on that script . ”    

“Got it . You should go back early as well . Let’s figure things out tomorrow . ”    

With that, Daemyung left as well . Maru took a look around the empty clubroom . In the past, there was so much stuff inside that only five people could squeeze in . Nowadays, fifteen people could easily sit in it . It was still a bit small in retrospect, but it felt quite spacious now that he was all alone . They worked hard with the mindset that they would make new memories in the coming year . But at this rate… memories be damned, the club might be disbanded altogether .     

“I guess there’s no choice . ”    

He’ll have to find a few lazy kids and enlist them in the club . That should at least let them keep their clubroom, but they wouldn’t be able to participate in the nationals . With three people taking care of props, acting, and everything else… running a play was entirely impossible . They could manage at the cost of their spare time and their schoolwork would also suffer, it wasn’t a good method in the slightest .     

‘Can’t advertise even more . . . ’    

Teachers only allowed clubs to advertise once in their classes . Doing it again would mean that they’d have to approach the first years’ while they were on break, taking time away from them during their rest break wouldn’t be a good thing at all .     

‘Guess we’ll have to throw out posters one more time . ’    

If he didn’t want to waste their time, posters were the way to go . He’ll probably have to hand them out using the student board with some chocolates attached . As Maru thought about a way to draw interest to the club, he turned to look at the window . He could see a little shadow on it, someone was trying to look inside .     

‘Who is it?’    

Maru opened the clubroom door with a creak .     


The male student in front of the door stepped back in surprise . He was a very short individual, no taller than 155cm, the boy only stood up to Maru’s chest . He had a poster on his hand, the one for the acting club .     

“Did you come to take a look at the club, by any chance?”    

“What? Ah, yes! Hello! I’m Ahn Bangjoo, first year in mech engineering!”    

The junior greeted Maru with a 90 degree bow, he was so loud that even Maru had to take a step back . The third years who were still in the school looked towards their clubroom in surprise as well .     

“You’re a bit loud . ”    

“I’m sorry! I am a bit loud, yes!! I apologize!!!”    

The boy’s voice rang across the hallway one more time, the third years that were studying inside the college prep classrooms stepped outside with a frown . Maru quickly pulled the first year into the clubroom before apologizing to the third years .     

“Let’s be quiet . I know this is the acting club and it’s our jobs and all, but you know what I mean, right?”    

The third year pointed at his class sign . ‘College prep’ . Maru apologized once again . Right then, the first year popped out of the clubroom and bowed towards the third years .     

“I’m sorry! I won’t be loud again!!”    

He was still as loud as ever, the third years could only laugh it off as they waved the two of them away . Maru pulled the first year back with his hand before closing the door .     

“Ah . . . ”    

The junior seemed to have realized what he just did .     

“Nice voice . ”    

“What? Ah, yes! I’ve heard that my voice is quite loud from a young age! My granny… no! Grandmother said I’d be a great . . . !!”    

Maru quickly put his hand over the junior’s mouth . Their clubroom wasn’t soundproofed, being loud here wouldn’t be very good .     

“Quietly . Got it?”    

The junior bowed when Maru took his hand off . Was this kid just energetic, or stupid?    

“I’m sorry . I get loud when I’m nervous!”    

“Better than trembling, I guess . Ah, sorry, I might’ve been overly casual with you . I hope that’s fine?”    

“Of course!”    

The boy was starting to get loud again, Maru quickly stuffed a bottle of yakult into the boy’s mouth .     

“Thank you . ”    

Energetic . Maru smiled and motioned the boy to take a seat .     

“Sorry, we don’t have any chairs . ”    

“It’s alright . Grandmother used to always say that ‘good men always needed to keep their privies cold . ’”    

“ . . . True . ”    

Maru sat down in front of the first year . Ahn Bangjoo, was it?    

“You came to take a look at the club, right?”    


“I see . ”    

At least they got one person .     

“So, let me tell you about our clu . . . ”    


Bangjoo widened his eyes as he looked over at Maru, Maru ended up closing his mouth in shock .     

“I want to be like Jackie Chan!”    

“ . . . What?”    

“My dream is to be like an actor like Jackie Chan!”    


“Jackie Chan!”    

Bangjoo had fires burning in his eyes, the boy was serious . Ah . Maru felt his head start hurting . A total weirdo came .     

* * *    

Her long hair slid down her white shoulder, Suyeon slid her hands over the chest of the man below her as she pumped her hips . The man moaned pleasurably with the loud sound accompanying it . He raised his hand, Suyeon knew that the man liked her chest . As she rubbed her hips sideways, she leaned forward . The man started massaging her breast with his hand .     

“Very firm . ”    

“You only realized that now?”    

“I can’t get enough of a toned woman’s body . ”    

“Oh my, how perverted . ”    

Just like how children tend to hang onto the toys that they like, the man couldn’t get enough of Suyeon’s breast as well . Suyeon thought it was about time to end this, Men seem to think of women’s breasts as playthings at times . They just had no idea of just how sensitive breasts were, and how much pain they’d suffer . Suyeon sped up the movement of her hips, she could see the man try his best to endure with gritted teeth to no avail .     

“W-wait . ”    

“Don’t want to . ”    

Suyeon was a fan of this position, the cowgirl . She liked being above men, thinking that she had this man under her control fueled her libido . Besides, she could end this whenever she wanted . She bounced her hips as hard as she could, the man tightened his grip on her chest . Suyeon moaned loudly before dropping down onto the man, she could feel the strength sap away from his hips through her flesh .     

“Was it good?”    

“Hah, the best . ”    

Suyeon got up from the bed first, she flicked the man’s floppy thing once before heading into the shower . When she finished cleaning herself up and stepped out, there was food in the room, courtesy of room service .     

“I’ll be going first, so enjoy your meal . ”    

“You should eat . ”    

“Excuse you, producer, but I’m not about to bring my private life into this . ”    

“Ah, that’s right . Sorry . ”    

“Besides that, when’s that next drama happening?”    

“Probably the next quarter . Besides that, you’re already looking for work? Don’t you need to rest?”    

Suyeon shook her head . Her miniseries ended last week, it was a big payout, 30% viewership . Even so, Suyeon wasn’t satisfied .     

‘That woman . ’    

The main actor, Ahn Joohyun, took all the spotlight . Worse, Suyeon had to admit that this woman was better than her . She felt humiliated when Joohyun was next to her .     

The woman, who didn’t care much for money and whose work spanned many different genres . She was a bonafide professional, her skills had the media following her every move . Suyeon initially planned to be a side character that could eclipse the main character, but she was completely buried . She couldn’t even get an advertising contract signed from this .     

“I don’t need rest . Thinking about that Ahn Joohyun just makes me so pissed . ”    

“Why don’t you rest though? Just come with me to Guam and . . . ”    

“Producer? I already told you to leave my private life out of this . ”    

“Ugh, you’re so cold . ”    

“That’s my charm . ”    

“Fine . You can go now . ”    

“I’ll see you next time . ”    

Suyeon stepped out with her clothes . She came down to the lobby through the elevator and checked out with a different room key . Just as she was about to step outside, her phone rang with a call from Junmin .     


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