Life, Once Again!

Chapter 157

Chapter 157

0Chapter 157      1

Chapter 157    

She had a very beautiful smile . Judging by what Maru called her earlier, her name was probably Miso . The woman walked over to them as she looked around the room . Her eyes fell on the teddy bear and she smiled .     

"So Soojin's been here?"    

"Yes, I feel like a little girl," Maru responded as he tapped at the teddy bear's head .     

Miso's eyes turned to look at Suyeon, who was still sitting on the bed .     

"Eh? Ms . Suyeon?"    

"Long time no see, Ms . Miso . "    

"It hasn't been that long . I heard your voice through the phone several times already . "    

"But it's been six years in reality, hasn't it?"    

"That's right . How odd . People in this industry tend to meet often too . "    

"It really is odd . We haven't even tried to avoid each other either . "    

"Would you like to go for a drink, since it's been so long?"    

"No, I have work . "    

"Ah, I see . How about you leave, then?"    

"No thank you . Plus, investing time into Maru doesn't feel so bad . "    

Suyeon smiled at Maru after finishing her sentence, she wasn't a fan of Suyeon's movements for some reason . Miso wasn’t particularly friendly towards this woman either .     

“You must know Maru,” Miso asked Suyeon as she handed over a juicebox .     

She received the juice box awkwardly as Miso finally turned to greet her .     

“Hello . ”    

“Ah, hello . ”    

“Mind if I sit there?”    

Miso was pointing at the chair next to her . She nodded . Miso took her seat and crossed her legs . She kept glancing at Miso from the side, the woman had really thin legs .     

“I don’t know him that well, honestly . Hopefully it doesn’t stay that way, though,” Suyeon finally responded .     

“I heard it’s pretty rude to visit strangers in hospitals . ”    

“Really? I disagree . ”    

They went straight back to arguing again . What was up with all of these visitors? None of them were normal so far .     

“Big sis . ”    

Bada was pulling at her clothes, the girl seemed to want to go outside for a moment . She slid out of her seat and got a little further away . Even now, Miso and Suyeon were still bickering with each other . Maru watched them for a little while before getting back to reading his book . Maru was flipping through his pages with a yawn . The two women continued arguing with each other, completely disregarding him . Just what was happening?    

“These two don’t like each other, do they?” Bada whispered .     

It really wouldn’t have mattered if the girl raised her voice though . The two women were talking so intensely that they didn’t look like they could hear anything .     

“I think so . ”    

“What the heck does my brother do outside? Why are there so many adults visiting him?”    

“I’m wondering the same thing . ”    

Bada looked at the bed with a confused expression, She turned to look as well . Maru let out a sigh as he closed the book in his hands . Its hardcovers closed with a snap, the two women finally closed their mouths .     

“Thank you for coming . But any more of this and I’m really going to get a headache . If you two have something to talk about, I recommend the cafe next to the hospital . Also, instructor . ”    


“Did we pass?”    

“Ah, right . That’s what I wanted to talk about . ”    

Miso made a ‘v’ with her hands .     

“Passed with flying colors . The nationals are next week . We’re representing the Gyeonggi province with Myunghwa High . ”    

“I expected as much . You told the kids to not text me about this, didn’t you?”    

“Of course . Such good news shouldn’t be delivered by text . ”    

“No wonder no one responded . ”    

Maru turned to look at Suyeon this time .     

“Thank you for coming . But I am a little bit disturbed by your presence, if I’m being honest . We’re practically strangers, Ms . Suyeon . ”    

“Call me big sist . . . ”    

“We can think about honorifics later down the line . But if you have nothing special to say, I’d appreciate it if you could leave . Things would probably get loud again if the two of you stay here and it’s not like I can kick out my own instructor . ”    

“You’re surprisingly cold, seeing how you just draw a line . ”    

Suyeon leaned forward to Maru . Looking at that, she frowned from across the room . The woman was clearly taunting Maru . She retracted her previous thoughts about the woman, this Suyeon has bad news written all over .     

“I won’t be able to see you off . My leg’s a little bit damaged, as you can see . ”    

Maru spoke as he scratched his eyebrows . Suyeon pouted, seemingly having expected a different answer . She ended up shrugging in defeat .     

“Please be a little bit more friendly if you can next time . I want to be on good terms with you if possible . ”    

“Of course, if I get the chance . ”    

“If you don’t?”    

“Well, life will go on regardless . Can you please leave now?”    

Suyeon’s eyes widened . Maru’s voice was calm and relaxed, but he had strength behind his words . The woman’s lips straightened, and her eyes were frigid for the briefest moment . A smile returned pretty much immediately, but she definitely caught it . This was a scary person, she just knew it .     

“You’re too much . I even took out time on my schedule to come to visit you . ”    

As Suyeon raised her hand to towards Maru’s face, he grabbed her wrist firmly from the air .     

“ . . . That’s cute . ”    

“There’s no way such a big dude like me would be cute . ”    

“You seemed like such a quiet kid the last time I saw you . Who would’ve thought you’d be so feisty? So that Maru I saw on stage wasn’t anything exaggerated after all . ”    

Suyeon retracted her hand with a slight pout, she buttoned up her jacket and picked up her bag .     

“I’ll see you next time, Maru . ”    

“Please take care, Ms . Kim Suyeon . ”    

“Wow, cold until the very end . ”    

Suyeon got up as she flipped her hair back . She watched the woman step out of the room, catching a glimpse of the woman’s face before her figure disappeared entirely .     

‘A wild dog . ’    

That was the only impression she could get from it .     

“I feel sorry for no reason,” Miso said as she licked her lips nervously .     

“Seriously . Did you two really have a reason to start fighting in front of a patient? I thought my wounds were going to explode again . ”    

“Hey, it wasn’t that bad . ”    

The atmosphere of the room loosened up again .     

“Oh my, I forgot to even introduce myself . I’m the instructor for the acting club he’s in . ”    

Miso put a hand over Maru’s head and shook it . This time, unlike what he did to Suyeon, Maru let her do it . Looking at that made her realize that Maru was actually very picky when it came to people, that made her feel a little relieved . The boy always loved to tease her . That was a good sign, wasn’t it?    

“I’m his sister . ”    

“Ahh, Maru had a younger sister, huh? How’s he like at home? He’s a total meanie that says whatever he wants, isn’t he?”    

“That’s right . He has matured recently though . ”    

“Is that so?”    

The two of them shared a hearty laugh, she let out a small giggle as well . Miso looked towards her .     

“You’re a sister as well?”    

“No, a friend . ”    

Bada butted right in .     

“She’s his girlfriend . ”    

“Oh my god . ”    

Miso put Maru under a headlock and shook him . The boy could only manage to squeeze out an “I’m a patient” . She smiled, feeling her cheeks heat up a little . She was embarrassed, but it also felt good hearing that from Bada .     

“Were you surprised to hear that he got hurt?”    

“Yes . ”    

“Was he honest with you?”    

“No, he had the gall to tell me he was okay at first . ”    

“I knew it . This kid worries way too much about everything . Especially about other people . Well, I guess that’s what makes him so likeable . ”    

Miso seemed to know Maru very well . Then again, she was his instructor . Maru managed to get out of the headlock and fixed up his hair before talking again .     

“So we both managed to go to the nationals . ”    

“Looks like it,” she nodded .     

“Eh? What do you mean?”    

Miso blinked in confusion . Ah, she didn’t explain, did she?    

“I’m from Myunghwa High’s acting club . ”    


“Yes . ”    

“Mm, so a competitor?”    

“Y-yes, pretty much . ”    

Miso narrowed her eyes, the woman’s gaze felt hot and pressuring . It was kind of becoming a little too much, actually .     

“Aren’t you going to celebrate?”    

Maru took Miso’s attention away just at the right time . The woman sighed lightly in response .     

“I was hoping to leave when the kids get here . ”    

“When the kids get here?”    

Right then, the hallway outside started getting very loud .     

“Is it here?”    

“I think so . ”    

The door opened . Yoonjung was the first to step in with a big smile, the other club members followed in behind her .     

“We’re here!”    

“Maru, are you okay?”    

“Seriously, you . . . ”    

She stepped aside to look at the club members . They were all people who worked alongside Maru to create such an amazing play . Being all people from the same club, they seemed to be good friends with Maru . Well, all except two of them, by the looks of it . One of them was the tall boy . She recognized him in an instant .     

‘The boy who was good at acting . ’    

She could remember the boy’s acting as clear as day . He had quite the charisma on the stage, so it was hard to forget him . Next to him was a shorter girl . She looked rather cute, but also incredibly nervous for some reason as well . Her eyes went to extraordinary lengths to avoid Maru .     

It was odd .     

She started staring at the short girl without realizing it . Their eyes met for an instance and the girl paled like she just saw a ghost . She turned away . Was the girl sick? Or did the girl have bad memories of the hospital? Ah well, at least she came to see Maru .     

“Was the cause of the fire discovered, by the way?” Maru asked Miso .     

Miso’s smiling face stiffened .     

“We found a tube of glue next to the burnt costumes . They’re not something we use . We only used silicon, to begin with . ”    

“That means . . . ”    

“We don’t have anything solid yet, but the fire might’ve been intentional . ”    

“I see . ”    

Maru looked towards her as soon as he got that far .     

“I’ll leave for a bit,” she said as she turned .     

Maru stopped her .     

“No, we shouldn’t talk about this here anyway . ”    

Miso joined in with him .     

“Yes, you should stay with Maru . We need to leave soon . I’ll give you a call once this all gets sorted, Maru . ”    

Miso left first after telling Maru to get better . One by one, the club members promised to come again before walking out .     

“Who’s that, by the way?” A boy sucking on candy asked .     

He was being quiet about it, but she heard him regardless .     

“Girlfriend . ”    

“ . . . What?”    

“Dojin, can I just be alone with her for a bit?”    

The boy exited the room visibly dejected when Maru waved him out . The room was quiet once more .     

“Phew, finally . Bada, can you buy me some kimbap outside?”    

“Mm, sure . I’ll be out for a few minutes . ”    

Bada went outside with a grin .     

“Finally, just us two . ”    

Maru was saying something so embarrassing so calmly . She smiled lightly as she took a seat .     

“Aren’t you popular, Mr . Maru . ”    

“You just realized?”    

“My goodness . ”    

“You’re a lucky girl, did you know that?”    

“You . . . ”    

“Kidding . I’m the lucky one here . ”    

“ . . . . . . ”    

Maru extended his hand towards her, she grabbed it .     

“I’m sorry for getting hurt . For making you relive those memories . ”    

Just how much of her mind did he read? She could only smile defeatedly, she couldn’t get angry like this .     

“ . . . Don’t get hurt from now on . Don’t lie, either . ”    

“Okay . ”    

“If you’re going to get hurt, ask for permission first . ”    

“Okay . ”    

“You’re just saying okay to everything . ”    

As she looked at Maru with a smile, his face started inching closer to hers . His lips pecked away at hers quickly, she blinked in confusion for a second before pushing him away .     


Maru pointed at his cast with a grin when she tried to push him harder .     

“I’m a patient, go easy on me . ”    

This guy… Well, she didn’t… hate it .     

“Ohh . ”    

A sound came from outside the room, she turned around in surprise . Bada was looking at the two of them with a smile .     

“You’re a brave one, aren’t you, sis?”    

Hah… Was everyone in Maru’s family like this?    


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