Life, Once Again!

Chapter 55

Chapter 55

2Chapter 55      1

Chapter 55    

“Have you been here before?”    

Bada was pretty amazed watching her brother navigate Dongdaemun market like it was his home .     

Dongdaemun market . It was the place to be if you were short on cash but still needed clothes . Bada was planning on coming here with friends before summer break ended, but they had a hard time scheduling . She gave up on going with them and came with her big brother instead .     

‘Come to think of it, I’ve been to a lot of places with him . ’    

It was almost as if her brother became an entirely different person after going to high school . She found it cringey and weird at first, but at some point she became used to it . After the break started, she even went out to watch a lot of movies with him . Lots of restaurants, too .     

Her brother was the one who asked her to go . At first, when she told her friends about it, they all thought he was planning something . But when this treatment continued, her friends’ words changed .     

Your brother’s so kind . Or nice . Or both . To be honest, Bada was pretty proud to hear that . At the same time, she wondered even more as to why he became like this .     

“A few times,” her brother answered her .     

A few times? When? Bada stuck close to her brother . There were too many people here, and she didn’t want to get lost in the crowd .     

“If you want to go somewhere for clothes, go to apm, doota, or migliore . The people over in this part of the market don’t like dealing with students . They tend to just overcharge and be done with it . ”    

“But you’re a student too . ”    

“I have experience already, you know?”    

Maru stepped into the market with a grin .     

Later that day, Maru entered a restaurant near the market . After ordering some food, he inquired while watching his sister admire her new clothes .     


“Of course! I should definitely come with friends next time . I got everything for so cheap! Thanks . ”    

“Make sure to only go to the places I told you about, then . ”    

“Sure . But by the way, are you really fine using all your money like that?”    

“You can always pay me back when you grow up . Also, when you need more allowance from now, just come to me . You know how hard mom’s working, don’t you?”    

“Ah, yeah . ”    

Bada’s excited expression immediately fell .     

“Don’t get so sad all of the sudden . You can do whatever you want . ”    

The lady at the kitchen brought them the food Maru ordered . When Maru handed Bada a fork and a plate, she looked at him a bit strangely .     

“Um, brother?”    


“You’re not sick, are you?”    

She seemed incredibly worried about him . How cute .     

“I’ve just turned seventeen . Why’d I be sick?”    

“No, you’re just treating me too well . ”    

“So, you don’t like it?”    

“No, of course I like it . ”    

“Well, that’s fine then . Let’s eat . We should go back before the sun sets . ”    

Bada started eating with a nod . She happily munched on some fries, seemingly forgetting about her worries . Maru watched her for a bit before turning to look at some of his own spoils . They were leather gloves and a hankerchief for his dad, and a coat for his mom . They were on sale right now, so Maru didn’t hesitate to grab them . Since he was able to haggle down the price a little bit more with the lady who had them, he considered this a great success .     

‘Bada’s happy, too . ’    

He still remembered hearing about how his sister was divorced in his past life . He also remembered his distinct lack of empathy . Back then, the relationship between the two was practically that of strangers . No, even worse . He probably would’ve felt more sorry for a divorced stranger . In this life, his sister was smiling at him very happily .     

‘Perhaps this is why god likes to give people second chances . ’    

He silently thanked the grandma who gave him the chance to live again . If not for her, his sister would still be a stranger to him .     

“Want more?”    


Maru ordered another serving of food from the lady in the kitchen .     

* * *    

Maru’s mom couldn’t say anything even after looking at what was inside the paper bag .     

“You don’t like it?”    

“No, of course I do . Where did you get the money, though?”    

“I work, remember?”    

“You should’ve used that money for yourself . ”    

“Bah, just take it . I know how few clothes you have in the closet . Just try it on during winter . It’s not that expensive, but you can even show it off if you want to . Also, this is for dad . ”    

Maru’s mom felt her heart tighten a little . Since when did her son become this mature? She wouldn’t feel worried even if she ended up letting him go right now . He looked like he would be able to take care of himself . On the other hand, she was a little sad . To think her son wouldn’t need her help anymore… Her nose started to tingle a little bit . Tears threatened to stream down her face at any moment .     

“You should rest . ”    

Maru stood up and left the room . He knew exactly what was going through her mind . Maru’s mom started wiping off her tears just as the door closed . After a few more seconds, she fumbled around to find her phone, and began calling a friend of hers .     

“Oh, hey, Yoonji’s mom? Yeah, it’s me . No, it’s nothing serious . But my son recently bought me this coat . Yeah, with his money . It’s amazing . I tell him I don’t need stuff like this, but he keeps giving me more . First he gets third place in his class, and now this… hohoho . ”    

Maru’s mom continued calling all of her friends after this . The beginning of the phone call was always the same .     

“You see, my son . . . ”    

* * *    

“I worked pretty hard,” Maru said, looking at a calendar on his table .     

He had three days left until school began . He stopped working two days ago, and his manager ended up tacking on 200 won more on his hourly wage for his last paycheck .     

[You worked hard . ]    

The manager was a rare person to see . From a manager’s perspective, it was difficult for them to care so much about a part-timer . They should know better than anyone how scary an extra hundred or two hundred won on an hourly wage could be .     

[We should eat together some time . ]    

Perhaps that was why one of the most commonly used lies in Korea didn’t sound so light this time . Maru took out the white envelope he put in his drawer .     

“400,000 won left, huh . ”    

He should probably be fine until winter break, as long as he didn’t waste too much money . He wasn’t going to get a job during the summer, but he changed his mind after watching his mom hurt her hand . Having some money was better than having none, after all .     

After previewing some of the material he would be learning in the second semester of school, Maru laid down on the floor . He had texts from a few of his friends asking to play games, but they were ignored . He decided not to play anything outside of a set time .     

As he was scrolling through the pages of a book in his hand, his phone began to ring loudly .     

[Instructor Miso]    

He stared for a few seconds before turning the phone down to silent mode . He got back to reading a book .     

“To further one’s greed, and to return to propriety . ”    

He hadn’t thought about that phrase in a long while . It was a sentence derived from Confucius . Back in his past, he spent considerable amount of time thinking about what humanity was because of it . Especially back when he worked as a road manager .     

“Do not watch what is improper; do not listen to what is improper; do not speak improperly, and do not act improperly . ”    

After speaking what sounded like a chant, Maru smiled .     

“I still remember it, huh . ”    

He ended up memorizing the words at some point . It was a quote from Confucius, to ignore all that was improper . Those words spoke to him quite deeply back in his road managing days . But…    

“To further one’s greed, and to return to propriety . ”    

Those words didn’t resonate with him so deeply this time around . Was it because of the times, or was it because he fundamentally changed as a person? Maybe it was because he realized that reality wasn’t kind enough to let people chase after ideals . As he thought, he turned another page of his book .     

Right then, his phone started vibrating . It was Daemyung . Looking at his clock, it was already past 9pm .     

‘Why’s he calling now?’    

He put his phone next to his face as he thought this . At the same time,    

- Oh, so you’re willing to ignore MY call?!!    

Miso’s screams hit him straight in the ears .     

* * *    

‘Pretty cool tonight . ’    

Maru stepped out of the house dressed in a brown cardigan, white shirt, shorts and slippers . If he just lost those cardigans, he’d look like an old man on the streets .     

[Come out . You have ten minutes . ]    

His ears were still ringing a little from Miso’s shout . To think she’d call him with Daemyung’s phone… He really couldn’t ignore him . She even said she was near his home . How’d she know that?    

“I wonder if Dojin told her . ”    

Maru stepped into the streets with his slippers . Every convenience store on it was opening their parasols and were selling beer . Pubs were doing great . It was a cool friday night, after all . As Maru walked down the road for a bit, he found a bbq store . One that sold thin-sliced pork . Even from here, he could hear loud noises coming from one of the outdoor tables .     


It was the acting club . He got the message about them getting first place around two weeks ago, winning 300,000 won . Were they celebrating?    

Soyeon was the first to notice him . The girl raised her chopstick hand a little awkwardly in greeting . The other members of the club all looked at him as a result .     

“Hey! Maru!”    

Miso waved him closer with a shout . Instead of stepping right in there, Maru assessed the kids for a little bit .     

Awkward smiles .     

Expressionless faces .     

A little bit of hostility,    

and a few apologetic looks .     

Everyone had different expressions on their faces .     

‘Well, I did expect this . ’    

Maru walked towards the table . He said hello to Miso, then gave a nod to the second years .     

“Why did you ignore my calls?”    

“I was tired . ”    

“Why didn’t you ignore Daemyung’s?”    

“I wasn’t that tired . ”    


Miso tried to get Maru into a headlock . Maru just stepped back a little to avoid it .     


“Did you drink?”    

Maru could smell the alcohol from the woman’s mouth . Her face was pretty red, too . Come to think of it, she said she called Taesik out to talk with whenever she got drunk . Did she talk a lot whenever she drinks?    

‘Then again, she talks a lot even without alcohol . ’    

Maru ignored Miso and sat down on the table . He wasn’t planning on making things awkward for himself, so he started eating immediately .     

“So, who’s paying?”    

“The instructor is . She wanted to see us before school began . ”    

“Aha . ”    

Maru nodded . They must’ve used the money they won from the competition already . He should’ve expected this . Miso was the only person who’s willing to call on him now . Maru took a few bites of the food, thinking that he should leave after eating a little bit . Dojin tried to talk to him, but Maru just shook his head in response .     

The entire table had become quiet . Maru told the lot of them ‘congrats on winning’ and ‘the food is delicious’ before putting down his chopsticks .     

“Thank you for the food, instructor . ”    

He stood up from his seat . The entire club looked at him .     

“I’ll be leaving . You guys can talk now . ”    

He noticed a few members twitching their mouths, visible indications that they had something to say . Maru decided to ignore them . There was one reason why many people hated social gatherings . Because they’d have to eat food with people they disliked . And…    

Right now, that person everyone disliked was him .     

‘Well, at least I feel pretty full . ’    

Maru stepped out into the road with a satisfied smile . But before he could take another step, someone grabbed his shoulder and pulled him back . He was pulled with enough force to make him lose his balance, yet he was able to backpedal and turned around easily .     

“ . . . . . ”    

As he expected, it was Miso who pulled him . The woman was looking at him with difficulty written across her face .     

“Can we talk?”    

“You know you can’t leave them right now . You’re the center of the club’s attention . If you want to talk, just call me . I’ll take it this time . ”    

Maru turned back around, ready to go back to his house . But .     

“ . . . Let’s talk . Ugh, please! I’m sorry! I’m sorry . I’m so sorry . I… Waah . I’m sorry! I’m really sorry!”    

Miso sat down on the sidewalk and started crying . Watching a woman nearing her thirties cry in the middle of the road was… quite a shocking and confusing sight . Especially if that said woman was pulling on your shorts!    

“I-Instructor! My pants are going to come off!”    

“Waaaah! I said I’m sorry! I did!”    

She was way more drunk than she made herself look out to be, huh . Maru quickly turned to look back at the restaurant . The club members were all looking away with an embarrassed expression . This only made Maru more embarrassed in turn .     

In the end…    

“Fine, fine . I’ll talk, so please let go . Before you actually take my pants off . ”    


“Yes . ”    

“Sniff . ”    

Miso stood up, pretending as if the last thirty seconds didn’t happen . It was so ridiculous to see that Maru almost let out a laugh .     

‘She must make a ton of people tired when she drinks . ’    

Maru couldn’t help but think of Taesik for a second . To think he had to deal with this for ten straight years?    

‘He’s the reincarnation of Buddha . He must be . Or Jesus . ’    

Maru shook his head as he propped Miso up with his leg .     


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