MMORPG : Rebirth Of The Strongest Guild Master

Two traps

Two traps

3The fallout of the assasination of Mithun Ambani's son was massive , the stock of Ambani corporation actually saw a slight rise , which showed the releif the market had about him not going to inherit the company.      1

Mithun was furious and the entire police force was scouring the city to find two Caucasian males , thought to be the culprits.      

Jhonny English and Bo naturally had to go into hiding , the entire trip spent by Bo in silence. His only thoughts being on that one moment at which Jhonny shot the bullet killed Mithun Ambani's son and saif " For me it is ".      

How far was Jhonny thinking? Was he just being a pesky kid to him? What methods was Jhonny English taking to eliminate his opponents , Bo just could not fathom his plan.      

Apparently Mithun Ambani was inconsolable at the loss of his son , and swore revenge on whoever was behind it , Mithun had a huge suspicion naturally on Ethan Grey , to whom he personally called several times to lash out on like a rabid dog.      

However Ethan genuinely denied about the knowledge of his son being killed , because that was actually not what he ordered Jhonny to do. Even going as far as to offer his condolonces to Mithun Ambani , who found the act extremely revolting.      

The government officials who were supported by Mithun started to get anxious , as Mithun was blaming the government for the fact that the killers were still roaming free.      

On the second day of his son's death , there was a burial ceremony , and he had explicitly stated that before he buried his son , he wanted the killers buried first.      

However as the government and police force failed to deliver the culprits , almost the entire faction supported by Mithun Ambani , went to the funeral to console his anger.      

Watching the ongoing funeral and the weeping Mithun Ambani, all 60 targets were present, as Bo counted speachless .     

Jhonny said " see now you have all the culprits gathered at one location . Outside the senate house , soo tell me Bo how would you assasinate them ? ".      

Bo dared not speak , he was ashamed of himself. He was just an amateur lucky enough to be on a mission with the greatest mercenary of all time , yet just like the proverb the empty pot makes the most noise , he kept yapping all trip long , giving suggestions to Jhonny. Learning his lesson he chose to keep quiet.      

However Jhonny's words gave him courage " I'm old now boy , I brought you along to teach you how to walk the ropes , I'm not here to belittle you , I'm here to guide you , soo speak , I'll correct you where you go wrong ".      

Bo' s heart moved , he thought for a while before saying , " Chemical weapons , poison gas would be the best , however it would also come into contact with the other non targets , the friends and family of Mithun Ambani , if their lives are compromisable , we can proceed to seal the deal".      

Jhonny nodded " indeed , but remember boy , never kill more than you need to , human life is precious , don't turn into a mindless killer , the day you kill one person more than you need to , is the day you will loose your human part of your soul , this is a job , but always try to do it with morals , soo if you want to assasinate them without killing the others , how would you do it? ".      

Bo fell into thought once more , after a while saying " Long range sniping , however even with both of us shooting rapidly , we can only kill only soo many before the rest take cover. I can't solve this problem sir Jhonny ".      

Jhonny was really looking forward to Bo's answer , as he himself had absolutely no fcking idea about what to do next. However he had faith in himself , he was Jhonny English. Hence he said " Okay , you go to the roof and snipe , I will take care of the rest. The final ceremonies will last 30 minutes , set your watch to 15 minutes from now , and start shooting , take as many down as you can . Then escape , don't stand to watch what I do , I ll tell you how I dealt with the rest on the plane back to Japan ".      

Bo nodded , setting his watch timer , he scaled to the buildings roof! As he calibrated his sniper. He was at a 420 meter distance , and the windspeed was 3km/h       

He took aim , and waited for his time.....      


( Inside the virtual world , enroute to Purplehaze city )      

A scout was reporting to Edge " Sir we have spotted the Elite party , they seem to have about 800 numeric strength , however only 12 of them seem to be from the guild , the rest are soldiers and slaves. They will come at the ambush location in 3 hours time".      

Edge nodded at the report , as he looked anxiously towards the ambush plan. He was a careful strategist , he knew firsthand the might of the Elites hence he was even more careful in his planning.      

To him this revenge meant everything, ever since loosing to Karna in the Olympics , he dreamt of taking revenge on him and the Elites, as he absolutely hated them to the core .      

The elites had costed him his Purplehaze City and an Olympic gold , putting him under a lot of pressure from his Rothschild family. This ambush was a very small payback compared to all the pain he had to suffer.      

However he planned to loot their rhodium and kill them all , to satisfy his anger of being driven out of his mining spot!     

He had lost face with his guild members when the party was annihilated without even a trace of struggle. When they collectively spawned back at the temple of light , they looked disdainfully at their leader edge. Under whose command they had tasted defeat again . Some who were unhappy with the way he ran the guild muttered under their breaths about how he was a pretentious bast*** and a Shakuni Wannabe .      

This insulted Edge to the core , a deep cut to his psyche , he needed this small win over the Elites ,even if it was just a symbolic gesture , because without it , he would fall into a shadow of a Wannabe leader , in the eyes of his guild members.     

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