MMORPG : Rebirth Of The Strongest Guild Master

National battleground

National battleground

0The rules for national battleground were simple. In a abandoned island , there would be small abandoned settlements all around the map. The players must drop using parachutes to any location on the map.      3

The players would not have any equipment on them , and must loot equipment either from dead enemies or from within the abandoned settlements.      

There would be a safezone that would shrink every two and a half minutes by a fixed percentage. And overall the entire game would at max go on for 1 hour , where the safezone will shrink to 0.      

For every consequentive shrinkzone , the damage taken outside the zone would increase. And as no items were allowed in the game , healing items were also to be found and looted in the map.      

The event was not about just fighting and killing opponents , it was about strategy and survival. One could kill a opponent , or simply decide to conserve strength in the initial phase , and duke it out in the final phase.      

Rudra was a man with a target on his back , as in the airplane everyone was dissing him. He was the top dog , and the best player , hence many called him out.      

They were the typical mobs , that only knew how to bark , but when time came to back those words up , they were nowhere to be seen.      

Insults were shouted like " Yo , Shakuni , guess who visited your home yesterday .... ".      

" If you are not a son of a bi*** I dare you to jump to Village Z ".      

" It's a open challenge guys , come to village F , and I will show you whose your daddy".      

To such players Rudra just calmly ignored them , However to the one insulting his mom , he glared viciously at him. The guy was a sheep , and under the gaze of a dragon , he almost wet his pants.     

He immediately shut up.      

One by one , players started to jump off the plane along with their squads. And when the gps showed that the drop location was 750 meters away , Rudra gave the squad to jump.      





Four players jumped in rapid succession , and some idiot squad jumped right after them , as if giving them a chase.      

Rudra was not impressed by the fools , his location was the central largest village P , however there were one squad of players exactly above them , and three other squads that were dropping at the exact same location.      

Nero told Rudra " The place is too congested , we can still change trajectory , we will find equipment from small settlements , its more important to survive ".      

The generals watching the stream completely agreed with Nero's opinion , it was stupid to go to a village where 4 other squads were landing. However Rudra was not impressed by the suggestion , he only increased the speed of the teams descent as he said " Shakuni doesn't retreat , Shakuni makes others retreat ".      

Nero was shocked by Rudra's arrogance , he felt a headache was in store because he had a mindless group leader.      

The parachutes opened 200 meters above ground , and the players were rapidly dropping.      

Rudra however pulled the strings of the parachute with full strength , and arched it more than it was , creating upthrust , slowing descent.      

Rudra rose to the height of the team following them , the players were definitely here for Rudra ,as they threw dirty glances at the man.      

Rudra however gave them a very spooky smile as he said " Soo you guys want to drop to the exact same location as us , and try fight us early on .... Well let me grant you your wish , and send you to the ground faster ! ".      



A combo of two darkness blasts , made a hole through two parachutes per each shot , making a hole in all four parachutes.      

The players began to rapidly descent with their parachutes being torn , at the rate they were falling , they knew they would absolutely not survive.      

Rudra only heard a " YOuuuu baaaassssttttaaaaa....". From the falling men , before they got outside the range of earshot.      

The event was started the moment they exited the plane , and dropping alongside any team was a big no - no . Rudra only used such a method of dealing with them because he was sure they were novices. However in the real VR OLYMPICS , the top teams would never make such silly mistakes.     

3 of the four instantly died upon impact , while the tank of the group , with the higest hp survived badly with 15 HP.      

His body hurt , he probably had multiple bones broken , however from his mouth the words coming out were " Curse you ... Damn shak...".      

Before he could even curse Rudra , Rudra landed on the ground , by stomping on his head.      

-250 !      

A -250 damage appeared on the player and he died immediately. Rudra landed on the battlefield with one foot on the head of a dead player.      

Soon Yume , Nero and Neatwit also landed , and saw Rudra's pose with a corpses head below his foot.      

Nero awkwardly raised his eyebrows in shock.      

While Neatwit said " cool entrance ".      

Yume just gave a double thumbs up to Rudra , just upon landing Rudra had killed 4 players and eliminated a squad!      

The team quickly started looting for supplies , and stocking things in their limited inventory slots.      

The fight for village P was far from being over , as 4 different squads survived In 4 corners of the settlement. Bound to clash within next 10 minutes.      

Inside the safezone , and with full numbers , Rudra's crew got to looting within settlement P , Rudra found a useless silver rated blade , however without a lack of better option , he made it his main weapon.      

For armour he had common bronze armour , and shin guards , and a silver helmet , he had no shoulder pads and no boots. He looked odd while being a half dressed knight , but that was everything he could do at the moment , he would have definitely looted more , but he heard enemy footsteps.      

Someone was nearby!     

/// Bonus chapter for hitting Golden ticket target , good job everyone ! ///     

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