Reincarnation: Multi-skilled Goddess Is So Beautiful!

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1After Mrs. Lu received a call from the housekeeper in the main house, her eyes turned red from anger.      2

She immediately called Lu Jingye.     

"They're too much! Jingye, what do we do about this now? If Yiyi and the Dou Family were to know what your Grandfather did, what would they think of us?"     

She was only worried that Zi Yi and the Dou Family would have other thoughts. She clearly knew who was the one who wagged their tongue next to Patriarch Lu.     

"Your Eldest Aunt is pushing all the trouble Lu Zhiheng had caused in the company during this period of time to you. I think that your Grandfather is also playing dumb. With how he's acting, he's clearly trying to stop you from getting married and force you to return and apologize to him."     

If not for the fact that Patriarch Lu was her father-in-law, Mrs.Lu genuinely had the urge to go over and give him a good scolding.     

"People say that it's better to tear down ten temples than to break a marriage. Yet, your Grandfather doesn't even understand that. He even brought home his feudal mindset to the family. I think he'll only be satisfied after everyone becomes enemies with each other!"     

Hearing his mother's aggrieved and angry voice over the phone, Lu Jingye gently soothed and calmed her down. "Mother, don't worry."     

Mrs. Lu said to him, "He had even told the housekeeper to tell us not to hold the banquet at home. How can I not worry?"     

"Since Grandfather is not letting us hold the wedding reception at home, we can hold it elsewhere." Lu Jingye said, "The villas I have in the capital have been transferred to Yiyi's name and we can hold it in one of them when the time comes."     

"But…" Mrs. Lu still felt uncomfortable deep down.     

Lu Jingye continued to say, "We won't spend a single cent from the Lu Family and instead, we'll use Yiyi's money. If you are still angry, we can spread this information out."     

It took Mrs. Lu two seconds before she finally understood Lu Jingye's meaning.     

Based on Patriarch Lu's personality, he was the type that cared a lot about his pride. If everyone were to discuss that during his grandson's marriage, they did not use a single cent of the Lu Family, and instead, the female side forked out all the expenses, he would definitely feel humiliated.     

When Patriarch Lu gets angry then, Mrs. Lu would have something to rebut.     

Thinking of this, Mrs. Lu's mood finally turned for the better. However, she did not forget to remind him. "Even though it is said that we are using Yiyi's money, you cannot really let her fork out for the expenses. This concerns whether our family cares about her and you have to do the right thing by showing the correct attitude."     

The corner of Lu Jingye's lips curled up as he said, "Mother, I understand."     

Mrs. Lu continued to say, "I'll gift my jewelry shop to Yiyi's as the bride price when the time comes. I'd like to say who can say anything then."     

Lu Jingye replied, "Okay."     

After he finally appeased Mrs. Lu, Lu Jingye hung up his phone and pursed his lips. He then dialed another number on his phone.     

After the other party answered the call, he said, "You can start taking action on the Lu Group's oil mining on the Pacific's X Island."     

The other party responded in surprise, "You are willing to give that up?"     

Lu Jingye walked over to the floor-to-ceiling window and as he looked at the courtyard, he said with some slight indifference on his face, "I can earn these things back in the future. There's nothing that I can't give up."     

The other party's voice contained traces of teasing. "Lu, many people say that you're gentle and humble. Could it be that I'm the only one who thinks that you're the most ruthless person ever?"     

Lu Jingye slightly clenched his jaw. "If no one makes my wife unhappy, I will always be gentle and humble."     


It has been quite some time since Zi Yi went to M.Uni. As soon as her car drove to the gate of the campus, those who saw her got excited.     

"The Goddess has finally come back to school. It's been a long time since I've seen her. Why do I feel that she has become slightly more beautiful?"     

"She isn't just slightly more beautiful. I feel that she's practically glowing."     

"Looking at the Goddess, even I have the impulse to fall in love with her. Unfortunately, no one in our M.Uni dares to provoke her."     

"That's right. The Goddess is indeed the Goddess. She had merely sent out two medical and chemistry papers and won the International X Prize. She's too awesome. I don't even know who is worthy of her."     

"Doesn't she have a boyfriend? I bet her boyfriend is worthy."     

In fact, not many people in M.Uni knew of Lu Jingye's identity. Those who knew did not deliberately say it aloud either. Therefore, even until now, everyone only knew that Zi Yi's boyfriend was very capable and his identity was not so simple.     

Of course, there were also male students who did not give up and felt that they still had a chance if they worked harder.     

When Zi Yi drove into the campus, she received a phone call from the Dean of the School of Science and Technology.     

The Dean was calling her over to collect her certificate.     

Zi Yi turned the steering wheel and directly headed to the School of Science and Technology.     

Knock knock!     

Dean Zhou, who was seated in his office, looked up and saw Zi Yi who was standing outside the door. He smiled and waved at her. "Student Zi, you're here. Come in."     

Zi Yi walked into Dean Zhou's office.     

"Have a seat."     

Dean Zhou stood up and took out two certificates from his large bookshelf behind him and passed them to her.     

"This is the patient application certificate and the other one is the certificate that shows your paper has won the X medical research breakthrough award. There's also a bonus. Give me your bank account number and I'll help you pass it on to the relevant departments. You should be receiving the prize money within three working days."     

Zi Yi took out her pen and wrote down a bank account number on a piece of paper and passed it to Dean Zhou.     

He took the slip of paper and all of a sudden, his expression turned serious as he said, "Student Zi, in view of your abilities in the medical field, our school suggests that you can take part in the Ph.D. examination this semester. Of course, you can also choose to take the examination when you're in your sophomore year."     

The Dean did not forget what Dou Xiaoyong had said before… Even though he had personally hoped for Zi Yi to skip grades this semester.     

It was a waste for such a talent to continue studying in her undergraduate studies.     

"Also, our university has several major research projects ongoing right now. If you're interested, you can also choose one or two projects to join in on."     

Having said that, he handed her a file.     

Zi Yi opened the file and inside it was a catalog of the medical research projects that were currently ongoing.     

"There's no need for you to reply immediately, you can take your time to think about it. The postgraduate examinations will be from December 22nd to the 24th. The retest will be around March to April of the following year."     

As soon as Zi Yi heard the dates, she simply closed the file and said, "I won't be able to take the exam this year."     

"Why?" Even though Dean Zhou had expected Zi Yi to reject him, he was still a little disappointed.     

Zi Yi pursed her lips and said, "I'm getting married on December 24th."     


After a moment of shock, Dean Zhou nodded his head. "This is a happy and major event in your life and it does indeed require you to treat it seriously."     

Having said that, he asked with a smile, "Student Zi, I wonder if I have the honor of being invited to your wedding banquet?"     

Since Dean Zhou had taken the initiative to ask, Zi Yi naturally would not reject him. "Sure."     

Dean Zhou revealed an even brighter smile. "That's good, that's good. During this period of time, you can focus on being a bride that is getting ready to marry. It's okay to take your time on your studies."     

Zi Yi also smiled in response. "Okay."     

As soon as Zi Yi left Dean Zhou's office, he typed a few lines in the higher management group chat, and it was as if he was trying to show off. "Student Zi is getting married on December 24th. Everyone, she has invited me to her wedding banquet. I wonder if you have been invited?"     

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