Witch's Daughter And The Devil's Son

Teaching Starts From The Lips

Teaching Starts From The Lips

3Seren looked down towards her stomach and mumbled under her breath, "It's not round yet."      3

Of course, Drayce's sharp years caught that light mumble. He laughed, not knowing what else to do over her innocence.      

A bit annoyed by his laughter, she pouted behind her veil. "I... didn't do anything to stop it from going round. It's...it's just the same."     

Drayce controlled himself from not laughing some more and turned Seren around to face him. She looked at him with puzzled eyes.      

Still holding her hands, he caressed the back of them with his thumb. "To make that belly round, there are a few things that a husband and wife needs to do."     

She blinked a few times, thinking about what kind of things he meant. "Without doing those things, my belly won't be round, right?"      


"Then, can we not do those things? It looked painful to have a baby inside and that big round belly. It will hurt."     

"It sure will, but does my Queen not want to have children? As a queen, it's your responsibility to give this kingdom its next king."     

"Can't other women do it instead of me?" she asked, not knowing the gravity nor the consequences of what she was asking for.      

"Those things happen only between husband and wife, and I don't wish to have another wife," Drayce explained.      

Seren looked sad as she lowered her gaze. "Then, I have no other choice?"     

Drayce frowned as he studied his wife, trying to guess her thoughts. "Will my Queen like it if I love some other woman?     

'Does it matter if I like it?' she wondered. As someone who was confined in a tower her whole life, concepts of 'liking something' and having 'preferences' were things she did not really understand. Everything was simply handed to her, and all she did was obey and accept things as they were. More complicated topics like relationships between people and love were even more impossible for her to know.      

"Love? Is it difficult?"      

Her question made him pause for a second. He waited till she lifted her gaze again before he answered, "Not difficult, but it's impossible for me to think about any other woman. I belong to you alone, the same way you belong to me."      

"Oh..." she said with a creased forehead, thinking how owning a pet was already difficult. How much more difficult was owning a person?     

If Drayce had said the same words to any other woman, she would have freely given herself to him that very moment, but unfortunately, this young queen in front of him knew nothing.     

Drayce didn't mind it either. Sooner or later, she would understand how much she meant to him. "Only you, my Queen, can bear my kids."     

The thought of having a huge round belly seemed painful to her. She timidly asked, "How do I have it?"     

Drayce smiled lighty. "My Queen will know soon. Tomorrow, we can start it."     

"Start it?" she asked.     

"Proper lessons for my Queen," he replied.      

Seren nodded, feeling slightly happy at the thought of being educated. She knew she was smart enough to understand anything quickly. The King of Abetha had sent her many difficult to understand books, but she always understood them all thoroughly.      

Still, books alone were not sufficient. There were many things she needed to learn, as she was aware she was never brought up as a proper princess. She had never gotten a tutor for royal etiquette, for administration, politics, history, commerce, among many things. Now, she was the Queen of Megaris, and she would also need to learn everything according to the customs of this kingdom.      

As she fantasized about her future lessons, not even once did a thought cross her mind that Drayce might mean another kind of teaching.      

"If you are ready, we could have started it right away," Drayce commented with a chuckle.      

"Right away?" She blinked. "But we don't have any books here."     

"No need for books." Drayce raised his hand to caress her cheek over the veil. She was startled a bit, but she was sure he wouldn't take off her veil as he had given her his word. Moreover, Martha said no one can take it off so she could relax.      

Drayce moved his thumb to the part of the veil over her lips and caressed it. "We would have started the teaching from here—my Queen's delicate lips."     

"M-My lips?" she mumbled and thought, 'What does this teaching have to do with my lips?'      

She recalled the moments when she used to read books, but there was no such memory where she had to use her lips other than pouting at a few things she read about some evil people recorded in the history of the continent.      

Drayce continued to caress her lips, even when she tried to speak. His red eyes didn't move away from that shallow impression of her lips under the veil. Her lips under his touch were thin and soft like petals.     

"Yes, my Queen," he confirmed with half-closed eyes. "Your lips."      

Her curiosity was piqued. "How can my lips—"     

Before she could even finish her question, her lips were sealed by the softest touch of another pair of lips. Drayce placed his lips gently over the veil and stayed like that for a few moments to feel her lips even though the thin fabric was an obstacle.      

Seren was shocked, her body unable to move and her brain unable to register what had happened. Her breath was stuck in her chest.      

Drayce moved back a little to stare into her widely opened eyes. His voice was hoarse. "Like this, but without this veil on."      

Seeing his adorable little kitten holding her breath, he smiled and took a step back. "Breathe, my Queen, or you might faint with suffocation."     

Drayce had to repeat his words a few times before Seren finally returned to reality. She took a deep breath and exhaled loudly. She immediately pulled her hands away from his and covered the part of her chest where her heart seemed to be about ready to burst out. 'What kind of teaching is this? Who studies like this? Martha never taught me this. She just gave me a pile of books...'     

"It is getting late into the night, my Queen. We should go inside," Drayce suggested.      

Seren nodded woodenly, and she indeed shivered, as if only then did her brain realize her entire body was shivering due to the cold. Because Drayce had let go of her, the comfortable warmth she felt from him a while ago was gone.     

'It's freezing…'     

Even before she could take a step forward, her shivering legs gave out and Drayce lifted her up in his arms.      

"I-I—" she stuttered. "I can walk...Your Majesty."     

Of course, he didn't believe her words and turned around towards her chamber while holding her in his arms. The moment they crossed the door and entered the bedchamber, the glass door behind them closed, stopping the cold breeze from flowing inside the room.      

He carried Seren towards her bed and placed her on it.     

"I need to take off this coat first," Seren said before he could pull the thick and warm blanket over her.      

"I am sure you will need it, my Queen, or you will feel cold," Drayce explained.      

"I am not used to sleeping with a thick coat. It's uncomfortable," she countered.      

"Fine," he said softly and helped her sit back on the bed. That coat was a full body cloak that could not be easily removed while sitting. The fabric was thick and heavy, lined with fur, and due to its buttons, it would indeed be uncomfortable to sleep in.      

Drayce helped her take off the coat. His eyes wandered around her shivering delicate body clad in just a night gown. There was no way he would let her be on her own now. Throwing the coat on the floor, Drayce got into the bed with her.      

"Your Majesty, why are you in my bed?" she asked with wide eyes.     

"I can't let my Queen freeze in her sleep," Drayce answered as he pulled her towards him. She landed on him, but she managed to maintain her balance and distance by keeping her hands on his chest.      

"It's time to sleep," he said, ignoring the obvious dissatisfaction in her eyes. The blanket covered them on its own without any of them touching it.      

She was sure it was Drayce doing as she knew he could move things by using his powers. Knowing it's a lost cause, Seren let her guard down and moved her hands away. She simply rested her head on his chest and Drayce wrapped his arms around her.      

The young queen, who failed to fall asleep despite her best efforts and ended up going to the balcony, fell asleep in a matter of seconds in her husband's warm embrace. Only when Drayce could sense her rhythmic breathing did he nuzzle his face on the smooth curve of her neck and close his eyes to sleep.      


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