Witch's Daughter And The Devil's Son



2In the night, Minister Darus count went to see the queen as the next day was an important session in the Royal court, and he had to update the queen about their plan.      

"Your Majesty," the Minister bowed to the queen, who was, as usual, sitting in her chair.      

Queen Niobe nodded lightly to accept the greeting and waited for him to continue.     

"Your Majesty, we had planned according to what you said. This time we won't give King Armen a chance to defend the third princess."     

"Prince Cian will be there too, so you should be careful what you say," Queen Niobe instructed.     

"Yes, Your Majesty."     

"King of Megaris?"     

"We will make sure he will attend the royal court tomorrow. Though he had helped rescue Crown Prince Cian and the glory of success will favor King Armen, we will bring out what the King of Megaris had done. We can use it to suppress that glory and use it against the third Princess to malice her image."     

"Make sure this time nothing could protect her, and it should be the last day for her in this Kingdom."     

"Yes, your Majesty."      

Minister Darus Count left after bowing to Queen Niobe.     


The next day it was the time for the most awaited Royal court session. All the ministers were present in the royal court, waiting for king Armen to arrive.      

Soon enough, the guards announced the arrival of King Armen.     

"His Majesty, King Armen Ilven of Abetha, has arrived!"      

King Armen entered the Royal court, and everyone turned silent as they bowed to the King who walked on the path from the door of the Royal court to his throne at the other end of that huge hall.     

"Your loyal subjects greet Your Majesty the King. May our Abetha forever prosper under your reign!"     

Without paying attention to anyone, the King of Abetha walked towards his throne as the bottom of his Royal blue cloak that he wore over his ceremonial robe followed his path, brushing the floor. Lord Eudes and Sir Berolt followed him a few steps behind.     

King Armen sat on his throne while Lord Eudes and Sir Berolt took their positions on either side of the throne. King Armen looked at his royal subjects present in the Royal Court who would never let go of any chance to trouble their king instead of helping the King to develop their own kingdom.     

Lord Eudes held a scroll and handed it to the king. Like the previous Royal court session, the first item of the agenda was the third Princess and the disaster caused by her.      

The same oldest minister from the noble faction, the minister of the left, came forward, "Your Majesty, in the previous Royal Court session, we all could not come to a conclusion, and Your Majesty has assured all of us about finding the truth. We all need to know the truth and what Your Majesty has decided about the third princess."     

King Armen nodded in response to the minister from the left. "As I have assured you all, the royal bureau of investigation had found out about the presence of skilled assassins inside the premise of the Third Princess's tower."     

Suddenly the uproar took place in the Royal Court, but those who were aware of it stood silent.      

"Assasins? How can it be?"     

Everyone started to talk among themselves, and Lord Eudes spoke, "Silence!"     

King Armen continued, "The Royal bureau of investigation has caught the assassins who entered the tower, and they have admitted the crime."     

Hearing it, the minister Darus Count and his acquaintances had sweaty palms. They had not expected the skilled assassins to be caught by the Royal bureau of investigation. Minister count was sure he had instructed those assassins to disappear the same night after handing them enough gold to spend their lives comfortably in another kingdom.  He looked at the Queen, who didn't react to it at all.     

Just then, the officials from the Royal investigation bureau and the royal guards brought six assassins to the Royal Court who were tied by the rope and looked severely injured.      

Everyone in the Royal Court looked at those six captured assassins. From their clothes, one could identify them as members of one of the famous assassin groups in the kingdom.     

The official of the Royal investigation bureau bowed to the king.     

King Armen accepted the greeting and instructed him to proceed.     

"Your Majesty, these are the assassins who dared to commit that heinous act and caused damage to the third princesses' image and health. Upon investigating, they had said that they did it on their own as they considered third princes the reason for the unfortunate incidents happening in the kingdom."     

Minister Darus Count felt relieved to hear it because it was the deal if those assassins got caught, they should say the same thing or their entire families would be killed from adults to kids.     

The King glared at the assassins and spoke, "I wish to hear the entire truth from you as we all know it's not possible to enter the palace and the tower without help from someone powerful inside. I am giving you the last chance to confess to everything and bring the mastermind behind it out in public. If you fail to do so, I will make sure your entire clan will be wiped off from this earth."     

One injured assassin raised his lowered head to look at King Armen, "Your Majesty, we did it for the sake of our kingdom."      

The Other assassin raised his head up, too, "Your Majesty, our clan has always supported the wellbeing of this kingdom and its people. We can't see our kingdom losing its glory due to one witch and the black magic performed by her."     

The third one spoke up, "Your Majesty can kill us all, but we don't regret what we have done. That witch doesn't deserve to live in this kingdom."     

King Armen's eyes turned furious when he heard the assassin calling his daughter a witch. "I have given you the last chance to commit everything and lessen your punishment, but you seem not to understand it. Even if you all get killed, I will make sure to find the person behind it."     

The king looked at the official from the royal bureau of investigation and instructed in a loud and cold voice, "Torture them brutally until they reveal everything. If they die, hung them on the tree in the center of the hill the same way they had hurt our knights, brutally hurt and deformed. Let everyone see what would happen with the person who would try to hurt someone from the Royal family."     

The six assassins were dragged out by the guards of the Royal investigation bureau as one of them cried out loud, "Your Majesty, that witch will bring disaster to this kingdom. It would be better if you threw her out before it's…..."     



Suddenly the voice of that assassin turned silent the moment he was about to step out of the door of the Royal court, and everyone heard the sound of the sword getting out of its scabbard, which definitely had hurt someone.     

The sudden silence took over the entire place as everyone looked at the door of the Royal Court. One tall and cold-looking familiar handsome royal man was standing at the door, holding his blood-covered sword to the side as the blood dripped out along its sharp edge.      

The beheaded dead body was lying at the door of the Royal court, and the one who slaughtered him looked unaffected.     

"Crown Prince Cian!" Everyone mumbled as they were shocked to see him like this. He had mercilessly slaughtered a person at the door of the royal court in front of all the ministers.      

Before they could come out of this shock, they heard Cian talking as he looked at the dead body emotionlessly, without having any regret of killing the person, "Disrespect towards the royal family member is severely punishable."     

Then Cian looked at everyone present in the royal court as his intimidating sapphire blue eyes gazed at them intently, "And it applies to everyone, irrespective of their status."     

This startled everyone as no one could say a word. Everyone knew disrespect to the royal family was an unforgivable offense, but everyone kept forgetting it when it came to Seren, as if they didn't consider her as a Royal family member.     

Those who didn't like it could only curse him in their minds. 'He dared threaten us like this.'     

Cian entered the Royal court and walked towards his father, the King of Abetha.      

"Your Majesty!" Cian bowed to his father like any other King's subjects.      

King Armen didn't question him about his actions and accepted his greeting with a slight nod.     

The guards at the door cleared the dead body and the Royal Court session continued.     

King Armen looked at his royal subjects, "Soon the royal investigation bureau will know who was behind it. I, the king of Abetha, will spare no one regardless of the status of that person."     

A shiver passed across the spine of those who were involved in it but they had to find the other way out of it.     

One minister came forward, "Your majesty, we admit that someone wanted to scare the Third princess but whose fault it was? Knowing who she is and what she can do everyone wants her out of this kingdom. She has caused nothing but misfortunes to this kingdom. The list is unending."     

Cian turned to look at the minister as he gazed into his sly eyes, "Minister of Royal Treasury, Minister Tudor, may I know what kind of Misfortunes? Care to elaborate on the list. I might not know as I was away from the Capital."     

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