Help...My Wife is a Spy

The Escape

The Escape

0Trisha leaned forward in her seat as the plane took off and tried to look at Jackson and Halia. "What are they doing?" she asked.     

Oliver looked at the woman and chuckled. "Probably discussing what to do when we land."     

Trisha furrowed her brows. "Hurry, help me map out a good plan. I need to think of a better plan than that woman! Have you ever been to Munich?" she asked.     

Oliver shook his head. Surprisingly, he had never been.     

Trisha frowned. "Then why are you still here? You serve no purpose!" she complained.     

Oliver laughed. This woman had always been competitive and straightforward, but he knew she meant no harm. "What about you? Have you been to Munich?" he questioned back.     

Trisha shut up her mouth and shook her head. She knew what he was trying to say: he was trying to say that she served no purpose either.     

"I'm following along to document this case. I want to write an article about this issue," Oliver said.     

Trisha looked at the man's serious expression. She still remembered a conversation they once had when she was an undercover agent in London. He had told her about his dream to help people through his articles and how he wanted to encourage change by bringing the problems of the world to light.      

Oliver noticed Trisha staring at him and suddenly felt a little embarrassed. Why was she staring at him like that?     


Meanwhile, over in Munich, Jaclyn glanced up at the blue-eyed woman in front of her. Just like her brother, the young German woman had a sharp jawline and prominent features. But, unlike the harsh vibe that her brother gave off, these features paired with her tall slender figure, made her look stunning like a model.     

As she helped Jaclyn stand up, Jaclyn realized she was only up to the woman's shoulder.     

"How old are you?" Jaclyn couldn't help but ask. Had this woman finished growing?     

"I'm 20," the young woman replied.     

Jaclyn's eyes opened wide in shock. She was already 23, but she felt like a child next to this woman. "I'm older than you," Jaclyn commented with a sigh. Growing up in a Western country, Jaclyn had always been a little self-conscious of her height. But, it wasn't just her height that she was unhappy with. Her ideals of beauty had been skewed by the media around her, and she had always hoped for lighter hair, lighter eyes, lighter skin...pretty much everything that Mia had.      

Jaclyn scanned her eyes across the young woman again. She had never seen someone so beautiful.     

It was like an angel was standing before her.     

"You're gorgeous," Jaclyn admired as the woman grabbed her hand and started leading the way.     

Mia blushed a little. This woman was probably rambling because she was still high from the drugs in her system, but it felt good to be praised.     

Just like Jaclyn, Mia had her own problems with body image. Her height made her feel like a giant and she always felt like she wasn't skinny enough. Because of this, she had struggled with anorexia and depression for many years and experimented with drugs in the past. Even though she had quit drugs a few years back, she found she had simply substituted it with alcohol and it was turning into a problem. There were incidences when she would blackout from drinking and wake up not knowing what she had done. Of course, her doctor told her she was too young to be addicted to alcohol and suggested that she get help, but she refused. As a result, her brother got rid of everything alcoholic at home and warned all the local bars and bottle shops not to serve her; no one dared defy him. This explained why she was in her brother's club after hours. She had snuck in to steal alcohol...     

"This way," Mia said as she dragged Jaclyn towards the women's bathroom.     

Jaclyn giggled, "Do you need to go to the toilet?"     

"No," Mia replied as she pulled the woman through the door with her.     

She then climbed up onto the sink and moved a panel in the ceiling aside. "This is how we're getting out of this place."     


Soon, Jackson, Halia and the others arrived in Munich. As it was heading into summer, the weather was slightly warm.     

By now, the city had woken up and everyone was heading to work. Halia checked the map on her phone and located the club she had seen in Trojan's memory.     

"How did you find out that Elias Muller has a club?" Trisha asked with doubt. Where did this information suddenly come from? "Are you simply making an assumption because the bar uses his surname? You do know that Muller is one of the most popular surnames in Germany, right?"     

"You don't need to worry about that. Just know that the information is reliable," Jackson answered on behalf of Halia.     

Trisha frowned. Jackson was already siding with Halia. If this continued, she would lose her position as a Wu Girl. She couldn't let that happen.     

At that moment, she pulled out a laptop from her bag. It was her time to shine.     

"What are you doing?" Jackson asked.     

"Hacking into the cameras to confirm that we have the right information," Trisha replied as she started tapping away at the keys. The club was in a busy part of town; there were bound to be surveillance cameras nearby.     

Jackson looked impressed. He had always known that Trisha was a capable Interpol agent. He had looked through her file and seen her history. Not only did she have a black belt in karate, she also had a driving license, a flying license, a boat license, and even a submarine license. But, most impressive of all, the reason why she was scouted for Interpol, was the fact that she was a professional hacker!     

So, it didn't take long before some live surveillance footage started showing up on Trisha's laptop.     

"Bingo!" Trisha said as she zoomed in on one of the cameras.     

There was one camera that pointed directly at the entrance of 'Muller'.     

As the group boarded a taxi towards the club, Trisha scanned through footage from a few hours ago and concentrated on every little detail.     

Oliver glanced over at the woman beside him and smiled.      

This was how they became friends. He admired her seriousness when she was focused on a case.     

As he watched her furrow her brows, he felt the urge to lend her a hand.      

Slowly, Oliver leaned over and peered into Trisha's screen. As he leaned in, he could smell the soft scent of her perfume and it brought back memories of when they first met. After not seeing her for so long, she still smelled the same.      

Trisha felt the man's warm body move in closer to her, but even though her heart skipped a beat, she remained focused on the screen in front.     

When she left London to return to China, they both thought they'd never see each other again. Who knew they'd reunite and end up sitting this close in a taxi in the middle of Germany...     

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