Help...My Wife is a Spy



0Mother Shu didn't understand her husband. Why was he so relaxed? Their precious daughter was the secretary of one of the richest men in China and also the daughter-in-law of a retired international supermodel. Even though their family was initially poor, their daughter was now a respected person in high society. She often represented Chairman Feng at big events, accompanied Mother Du to social gatherings, and most people in the wealthy circles knew who she was. If she was to remarry, there were plenty of suitable candidates for her to choose from. Why this man?     

Mother Shu and Father Shu worked tirelessly when they were young to send their daughter to the best schools in the city. If not for their efforts, Natalie would not have become best friends with Halia in primary school, nor would she have met Jeremy in high school and fallen in love with him. Mother Shu didn't want her daughter to waste their efforts and go backwards by choosing a commoner.     

But, Father Shu thought very differently. Sure, they worked hard to send their daughter to the best schools, but if Natalie wasn't a friendly and kindhearted person, she would have never become best friends with Halia. After all, Halia was sent to boarding school after primary school and the two girls could have easily lost touch after that. But, Natalie continued to write letters to Halia every single week.     

Then, there was Jeremy. Out of all the girls at school, why did he specifically pick their daughter and pursue her? She never seduced him nor did she do anything insincere to attract him; he was naturally drawn to her because of her personality and they loved each other wholeheartedly.     

So, he did not judge his daughter's progress based on money nor status, nor did he think she was wasting their efforts. In his eyes, every time his daughter found someone that treated her genuinely, he felt she was progressing.     

In fact, from the moment that he saw Sean, he knew she had made a good choice.     

The man was neat and tidy: a sign that he took good care of himself and was responsible.     

His teeth were white, which meant he didn't smoke nor drink coffee; a healthy sign.     

His body was fit, he stood upright and he had good manners. All signs that he was a person with good discipline.      

Father Shu watched the way that Sean opened the car door for Natalie, the way he held her hand gently, the way he let her lead the way, and the way he only spoke up when asked. He was respectful, polite, and composed.     

Most importantly, he was thoughtful and observant. He noticed that Mother Shu was left-handed and shook her hand accordingly without her even realizing it. He even shuffled to the side a little so everyone would subconsciously move into the shade. His moves were subtle, but Father Shu noticed it.     

How could he complain about someone that was this genuine?     

Suddenly, a little voice interrupted his thoughts.     


As soon as the four adults stepped into the dining room, little Pumpkin ran up to Sean and wrapped his arms around his leg.     

Mother Shu looked at the child in shock. "Pumpkin, how can you call a stranger that?"     

"Daddy's not a stranger. Daddy is my Daddy!" Pumpkin replied as he hugged the man tighter, squishing his cheeks against the man's leg. "Daddy promised he would take care of Pumpkin and Mommy and love us forever. Isn't that right, Daddy?"     

Sean glanced down at the little boy and laughed. How could a child be so pure and adorable?     

He then lifted the child in his arms and nodded his head, "Yes, that's right."     

"Daddy! Pumpkin and Grandpapa spent all afternoon cutting watermelon, you need to have some. I picked the watermelon myself. It's a HUGE green one," the little boy said as he stretched out his arms and drew a big circle. He then pointed to a mushed up watermelon in a bowl. "I cut that one especially for you," he said.     

Father Shu looked at the bowl and held back his laughter. Obviously, when they were cutting the watermelon earlier, he couldn't give the child a real knife to use, so he simply gave him a blunt butter knife and a few pieces of watermelon meat in a bowl. Earlier on, he watched as the child squished the watermelon between his tiny hands and tried to cut through it clumsily. The concentration in his eyes was super adorable, but the watermelon in the bowl turned into a pile of unappetizing red mush. Initially, he thought the child would end up eating the watermelon in the bowl himself, so he just let him continue. Who knew it was for Sean.     

Sean glanced at the bowl calmly and picked it up with a smile. "Wow, you cut it really well!" he praised as he scooped a spoonful and placed it up to his mouth.     

Everyone watched with horror. Cut really well? Did the child even cut it? It was obviously mushed up between his little fingers.     

Mother Shu, Father Shu, and Natalie all wanted to stop Sean, but before anyone managed to say a word, the red mush already entered the man's mouth and he swallowed it with a smile. "Yummy!" he said with a straight face.     

Little Pumpkin clapped his hands happily, "Yay! Daddy likes it!"     

Meanwhile, Mother Shu looked at Father Shu in disbelief. Even she couldn't stomach something like that. How did this man eat it with a straight face?     

"Grandmama, Grandpapa, do you want Pumpkin to cut you some watermelon too?" the little boy offered.     

Mother Shu and Father Shu quickly shook their heads, "Grandpapa already cut a lot. We will eat those."     

They then watched as Sean scooped another spoonful of the red mush and placed it into his mouth.      

But, all of a sudden, he froze.     

He then placed his hand to his mouth and spat something out when the child wasn't looking, "Pumpkin, did you add something to the watermelon?"     

Pumpkin looked at the man proudly and nodded his head. "I added sugar to make it extra yummy," he said as he pointed to a jar on the table.     

Mother Shu and Father Shu looked at the jar and finally burst into laughter.     

The child had grabbed salt by mistake...     

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