Help...My Wife is a Spy



0"She's dead," Sean said as he kneeled down beside the fake doctor that was lying on the floor.     

Jackson glanced over and sighed. If Trojan was to never wake up, then that woman was possibly their last lead.     

Soon, a team of Interpol agents arrived to arrest the local officers that had been guarding the hospital room. Apart from the officer inside the room, there were 3 other officers outside.     

After the officers were taken away, a few of the Interpol agents remained to keep guard over Trojan. This time, no one would be allowed in or out without proper clearance.     

Jackson looked at the exhausted Alexander and said, "You did all you could today. Let's head back to the hotel together. Amelie's worried about you."     

Alexander nodded and followed Jackson and Sean out. "Hopefully, the girls managed to follow through with Father Feng's plan even without us around," Alexander said.     

Jackson and Sean nodded in agreement as they boarded Jackson's car worriedly.     

However, they had no idea that there was nothing to worry about. If anyone was to worry, it would be Mother Wu at that moment.     

"Emerson, when did you get here?" Mother Wu gasped in shock as she stared at her son.     

"I heard you scream, so I rushed upstairs to check on you. But when I reached the front door, I heard you talking to someone. What have you done, Mom? Did you really do everything you said?" Emerson questioned before he glanced over at the woman in the white dress; he was sure he heard his mother say the name 'Haili' and he even heard Halia's voice, but he was still in shock when he actually saw her standing in front of him, "Haili..." he whispered.     

Halia looked at Emerson apologetically. She didn't mean for him to discover the truth in this way.     

Originally, Emerson should have been happy to see Halia again. Even if she was a ghost, he would have been glad to see her. But, after he heard his mother confess to killing her, he didn't know how to react. Moreover, he heard his mother say that Halia was actually dating his brother. Was that true?     

As he stared at the woman in confusion, he suddenly heard some shuffling from the hallway. "Who's there?" he called out.      

Halia glanced over at the hallway and said, "Come out, girls. We already got what we came for."     

Mother Wu and Emerson watched as two women stepped out from the shadows. The two women looked exactly the same as Halia: they had long black hair and they were wearing white dresses. In fact, they were wearing the exact same dress!     

"What's happening here?" Mother Wu asked in frustration.      

As she asked this, the two women removed the wigs on their heads and revealed their true identities.     

"Natalie and Amelie, what are you girls doing here?" she frowned.     

Without giving the old woman any explanation, Amelie stepped forward and said, "Emma Wu, you are under arrest for the murder of Laura Wu and Francis Zhu, the attempted murder of Jackson Wu and Haili Feng, as well as colluding with corrupt officer, Stanley Rong. You have the right to remain silent, but anything you say can be used against you in court."     

She then pulled out a pair of handcuffs from under her dress and latched it onto the woman.      

"Attempted murder of Haili Feng? Haili Feng's dead. The police confirmed it! Stop messing around, is this all some stupid dream?" Mother Wu scoffed.     

"This is no dream, Mrs. Wu, she is standing right here in front of you," Amelie laughed. "Did you really think you were seeing a ghost?"     

At that moment, Halia unclipped a bug that was attached to her dress, "We already recorded your confession, Mrs. Wu."     

A panicked expression appeared on Mother Wu's face as she realized what was happening? She had been tricked!     

"I am senior Interpol agent, Amelie Roux, from French Interpol. I was sent here to investigate the attempted murder of Jackson Wu, but we happened to come across the attempted murder of Haili Feng and thought it was related. Thus, we decided to fake her death to lure you out," Amelie explained. "Judging by your confession, it seems you were involved in a lot more than we originally thought..."     

"Why would Interpol come all the way here for Jackson Wu?" Mother Wu asked in confusion.     

"A major serial killer was involved and the killer received orders from Hong Kong. That was enough reason for us to investigate further into the case. By the way, we already have Trojan under arrest. There's no escape," Amelie smirked.     

Mother Wu's eyes opened wide in fear. Trojan was caught? How was that possible?     

As Amelie started dragging the middle-aged woman towards the doorway, she quickly latched onto her son and cried pitifully, "Son, save me. They tricked me. I'm innocent!"     

Emerson looked at his mother with disappointment and brushed her away. "You already confessed everything earlier. I heard it all. How can you still deny it? I knew you were two-faced, but I never knew you were this cruel. How could you kill Auntie Laura and Auntie Francis? Worst of all, you wanted to kill Jackson and Haili as well! I don't want to see you ever again!"     

Natalie opened the front door for Amelie and she continued to drag the middle-aged woman out.      

"I did this all for you!" Mother Wu yelled.     

"No, you did it for yourself! I never wanted any of this! The casino has always belonged to Auntie Laura and Jackson. I was simply minding it while they weren't around!" Emerson growled. He had wanted to say these words to his mother for a long time.     

At that moment, a familiar figure appeared in the doorway.     

"Jackson...?" Emerson said as his older brother came into view.     

Jackson smiled at his younger brother and walked over to Mother Wu and Amelie, "Do you need a hand?"     

Amelie held onto the woman with one arm and saluted Jackson with the other. "Yes, Captain," she said.     

Mother Wu lifted her head in surprise and Emerson also glanced over in curiosity. Why did Amelie greet Jackson that way?     

But, a completely different voice yelled out in shock, "Captain?"     

Everyone looked towards the direction of the voice.      

There, standing in the hallway of the penthouse was Father Wu. He was finally awake. However, he wasn't awoken by the noise and commotion that was going on in the living room, he was awoken by the realization that his lovely kind-hearted wife was missing from his side.     

But, he had stepped out just in time to hear Emerson summarize all the woman's crimes and hear Amelie call Jackson her 'Captain'. What was happening? How could his dear wife be a murderer? And wasn't his son a gangster? Why was his girlfriend calling him 'Captain'?      

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