Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever

A visit from Jo

A visit from Jo

0Maggie glanced at the sleeping man, her eyes holding a strange glint in them. Already she was suspicious of her even before he went missing. But now, after listening to his strange and unbelievable story, her suspicions just grew all the more. She was just short of confirming them and punishing the man for betraying them.     2

While she was at it, she looked for the hospital Preston had mentioned. Unexpectedly, to her surprise, she found the hospital on the city's outskirts, somewhere closer to the port. Moreover, the place seemed quite isolated and barely had anything else on the streets showing the maps.     

The hospital too looked more like a shady clinic rather than a hospital and her frown deepened in wonder. 'Was Preston saying the truth? Is my analysis wrong?'      

Again, Maggie's eyes fell on Preston. y then, the man had rolled over and turned his back to her.     

'Preston, what are you hiding? Are you actually the man who I thought you to be? Or is this all my imagination and you are innocent?' Her gaze on him was so strong that Valerie was taken aback to see such intensity in them. Her eyes filled with doubt evoked a strange feeling in her and Valerie did not know what to think of it.     

But she did not address Maggie related to that either. While Ryder was too dense to doubt his friend, Preston was still in the ward and if he were to be awake, it would only make things awkward. And if he was who she and Maggie thought him to be, then it would alert the enemy.     

Maggie's phone vibrated and she looked down, a smile arching up when she noticed who it was from. "Joshua will be here soon." She iterated to the two people who were still awake and Valerie snapped out of her thoughts.     

"Here? As in in the hospital?" She confirmed.     

"Yes, he just wanted to meet you."     

"Cool." Valerie shrugged, not bothered by his visit. Since she had thought of seeking help from him and his friends, she did not mind developing a friendship with them.     

As soon as the thought popped up in her mind, Ian's face flashed before her and she jerked in surprise. Her heartbeat sped up and her cheeks heated up, taking a healthy shade of pink. 'What is wrong with me? Why did I think of him?'     

"Val, are you alright?" Maggie inquired, her tone laced with concern. She even placed the laptop on the couch and stood up.      

"Huh?" Valerie had not listened to a word she had said and she stared at her friend blankly. "Did you just say something?"     

Her response caught Ryder's attention too and he looked up, locking his phone for the time being.     

"Val, your cheeks are red. Are you alright? Do you feel feverish?" Maggie's doubts only intensified when she got such a weird response from her Deputy.     

Valerie patted her cheeks, cupping them to eradicate the heat and looked back and forth between the two people as she tried to appear as calm as possible.     

"I'm fine, Maggie."     

"But why are your cheeks red?" Maggie was unassured and she touched Valerie's forehead. "Strange. Your forehead is not hot, unlike your cheeks. What's happening?"     

However, before she could delve more into it, a knock at the door caught everyone's attention and Joshua peeked inside, a curious smile on her family. "I hope I am not disturbing you guys."     

"Not at all, Mr. Martin. Please come up." Valerie sat up straight, sucking in a deep breath when pain shot through her body. Her ribs ached due to the sudden movement and she froze in her spot as she sucked in deep breaths to soothe the pain.     

"Are you alright?" Joshua frowned in concern.     

"Yeah, broken ribs can be a bitch."     

  "I presume so." Joshua had no idea what else to say. So, he just stepped inside and placed the box of fruits he had brought on his way. "How are you, Deputy?"     

"I am recovering, Mr. Martin. Thank you for visiting." Valerie smiled once her pain subsided.      

"Not a problem, Deputy. I had long wanted to visit you guys. But you know the situation went downhill with Noah's Grandpa falling sick. I hope you understand." Joshua subtly apologized and Valerie smiled at him gently.     

"I understand, Mr. Martin. How is Mr. Carter now? I hope he is doing okay."     

"Yes, he is. He gained consciousness and will be discharged soon." Joshua nodded. His brows shot up when he noticed a lump of mass on the spare bed in the ward.     

"That's Preston. He is just sleeping. He was tired."     

"Ohh..." Joshua glanced at Maggie.     

'Later.' Maggie mouthed and nodded at her curtly.     

"How about you, Ryder? How is your leg?" Joshua then shifted his attention to the man who had a poker face.     

"Not just broken ribs, broken bones are a bitch too." Ryder complained and Joshua let out a laugh at her words. Even Valerie and Maggie smiled at him helplessly.     

"Well, I don't know what to say. Since I dislike hospitals too much, no offense to the doctors or the other medical staff, being admitted to a hospital is bitch."     

"Agreed." The three people agreed with him right away.     

"But hospitals and I have a special connection. You see. Two of my friends work there. Moreover, danger just does not seem to leave us."     

Although he was not direct, the three people immediately perceived what he trying to say and they recalled the few instances that they knew.     

"Well looks like you need to get your fortune read. You and your friends have been quite unlucky lately." Ryder teased.     

"I don't think we are any less worse," Maggie added with a chuckle.     

"Let's just get out fortune checked together. Our stars are almost aligned on this matter." Joshua shrugged and the three people once again agreed with him.     

"Joshua, do you want to have coffee with me?" Maggie asked all of a sudden and Joshua stilled for a moment.     

"Sure." He realized at once what was happening and he nodded. Again, glancing at the still sleeping man, he stood up and smoothened his jacket.     

"I will take my leave now, Deputy. Get well soon." He then turned his attention towards. "You too, buddy. Get well soon."     

"Thanks a lot for visiting." Valerie chimed.     

"Thank you." Ryder too added and Joshua grinned in return before he followed Maggie out of the ward.     

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