Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever

Suspicions - Part 1

Suspicions - Part 1

1Preston looked at the familiar number on his phone and hesitated for some time. An unknown feeling of nervousness settled in his heart and he felt cold sweat trickling down his spine at that moment.     3

After riding the boat for around forty minutes, he arrived at the port safely and was escorted towards the exit without any hindrances. Even the patrolling officer did not make things difficult for him and Preston could get out without much trouble.     

However, only later did Preston realize how troublesome his next steps were as he sat inside the car Jared's men had prepared for him.     

"Where do you want me to drop you, Sir?" The driver was polite and subservient. Since the man behind him was his Boss' partner, he was respectful and humble.     

"Start driving. I will tell you soon."     

The driver did not question him and started driving. Anyway, it would take some time to enter the city premises. He might as well get to work.     

Preston's thumb lingered on the phone screen as he dithered. But he soon decided and, with a sigh, called the number. He waited for a few seconds before he heard the familiar voice.     


"Hello, Ryder. It's me." Preston clutched his phone tight as he waited for the man to react.     

"Preston, is it really you? Where the fuck are you? How are you? Are you alright? Please give me your address, I will come to you right away. Where did you vanish to all of a sudden?" Ryder hurled questions at him continuously, and Preston laughed helplessly, not knowing how to stop him.     

"Why aren't you answering me? Have you gone mute?"      

'Definitely Ryder.' Preston shook his head and looked out of the window. "I can only answer you if you allow me to. Since the time I called, you have been talking non-stop. How can I speak in between?"     

"Oops, sorry." Ryder clicked his tongue in realization and sniffled in embarrassment.     

"Where are you? Give me your address. I will pick you up."     

"No. Tell me where you are. I will find you guys." Preston denied his help and sought him out instead.     

"We are at the Golden City Hospital. Do you want to come here?"     

"Why are you over there? What happened?" Although Preston knew the answer to it, he still feigned ignorance. How could he show up before his teammates just like that? Would it not raise suspicions in their minds?     

"Deputy is injured, you know, after the explosion at the port." Ryder sighed and Preston licked his lips, awaiting Ryder's next questions.     

However, to his surprise, he did not ask him anything else, simultaneously making him nervous yet relieved.     

"Come over quickly. We will wait for you." The call ended and Preston could still not believe that Ryder had not asked him anything regarding his disappearance. This made him all the more jittery and a myriad of thoughts popped into his mind.     

'Have they found out my truth already?' He wondered but denied it immediately. 'It's not possible. Otherwise, Ryder would not have even spoken to me. He must just be anxious about my return. Yes, that has to be the case.'     

Preston assured himself even though his heart was unsettled. He looked around and noticed there was still some time for them to enter the city. So, he leaned back and closed his eyes.     

"Go to the Golden City Hospital." He ordered, deciding to rest for a while. He would soon meet his teammates, each capable of reading him and capturing his lie if he was not careful. So, he decided to rest and mentally prepare himself before entering the battle.     

Preston did not know what it was. Maybe he was exhausted mentally, or the slow lulling of the car and the gentle breeze from outside, he soon slipped into a deep sleep.     

Only when the driver called him out, he woke up with a start and looked around him.     

"Sir, we have reached the hospital." The driver turned around and faced the man, who obviously held a very vigilant expression like that of a wolf and he gulped softly in fright.     

"Thank you." Preston relaxed and lowered his guard. He nodded at the man before he got off the car and looked at the hospital.     

This time, he did not delay any more. The power nap had rejuvenated him and he was prepared to face his teammates head-on. So what if he got caught? At the most, he would have to defend himself. With this thought, he stepped inside the hospital and traced his way towards the ward Ryder had informed him of.     

However, all his confidence vanished the moment he stood outside the ward. Now that he knew that his 'friends' were close by, he could not stop himself from fearing the worst and licked his lips which had suddenly gone dry.     

Preston dilly-dallied for quite a few minutes, eliciting curious glances from the people around him. Ignoring them, he somehow steeled his heart and knocked at the door before entering the ward, surprising the two people inside.     

"Hello, Deputy, Ryder." Preston chimed with a huge smile, and the two people who were talking about him paused immediately when they saw the man of their conversation stand before them at full height.     

Ryder was the first to react and he limped towards his friend, forcing Preston to glance at his bandaged ankle before he was engulfed in a tight hug.     

"Buddy, where were you? We were worried about you." His voice was filled with relief, which Preston did not miss and his heart dropped immediately. But he did not show it on his face and smiled at his Deputy, who was smiling faintly at him, her face filled with joy and relief too.     

"I will tell you everything. Before that, tell me what happened to you two." Preston looked back and forth between the two once he broke the hug. "Why are you guys at the hospital?"     

"Let's just say I broke my ankle while Deputy injured her ribs and hip after the explosion. So, here we are." Ryder shrugged and Preston pursed his lips thoughtfully.     

"Now, tell us about you. What happened to you? Where were you all these days?"     

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