Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever

Return home - Part 2

Return home - Part 2

3"Why did you call me here?" Preston stood at the threshold of the study and looked at the man who was smiling at him widely.     

"Because I missed you," Jared replied with a pout and Preston rolled his eyes in dismay.     

"If I was not sure that you were into women, I would have assumed that you are into me." He sassed in disgust, making Jared laugh at him.     

"If only you were a woman, how amazing it would be?" He mused and Preston felt goosebumps erupting on his skin.     

"Why did you call me here? What happened?" His long legs crossed the threshold and he occupied the couch far away from the man still smiling at him in amusement.     

"You need to return home."     

"Finally." Preston sighed in joy and looked above, thanking his stars silently.      

Since the time Jared had brought him to the island, he had been dying to return home. Although he was safe, Preston preferred the danger and living out in the open rather than being confined and being monitored at all times. It made him uncomfortable and suffocated; he only wanted to leave the place as soon as possible.     

"What made you change your mind? What happened?" Preston controlled his joy and narrowed his eyes in suspicion. Something must have happened for Jared to make this decision.     

"Let's just say someone I think it is someone has returned and you need to go back to find out more information."     

"Who has returned?" Preston did not miss the crux of his information and he leaned forward curiously.     

"Theo maybe." Jared did not keep it a secret and tapped his fingers thoughtfully.     

"Is he back? So soon?" Preston was surprised and his eyes widened in appreciation. Noah and his friends were fast. They had tracked the man quickly and had even forced him to return quicker than he had assumed them to. How impressive! He thought.     

"I presume so. That's why I want you to go back and check it." Jared did not stop tapping his fingers on his thigh and looked at Preston thoughtfully, making the man quirk his brows questioningly.     

"What else do you have in mind? What's cooking inside that head of yours?"     

"While you are there, also find out Jonathan's situation. He must have gained consciousness by now."     

"Are you that sure about it? What if he is in a coma even now?"     

"I trust his doctor's medical skills. I am sure Ian must have saved him. But as to gaining consciousness, you will have to confirm that for me."     

Even though Jared loathed Noah, Ian and Joshua, he still admired them for their talents, especially Ian. He was a brilliant doctor. 'If only he was working for me...' Jared thought and shook his head in regret.     

"So you are asking me to go to the lion's den."     

Jared nodded with a teasing smile.     

"And die?"     

"Why will you die? In their eyes, you are a good man. Nothing will happen to you."     

"Yeah right." Preston scoffed and folded his hands. "As if you know."     

Whenever Preston was around them, he had been alert and on tenterhooks. His secret was huge and devastating and if anyone were to find out about it, especially Noah and his friends or anyone from the Intelligence, they would skin him alive for his betrayal.     

For Preston, it was nothing less than going to war. He had no idea what would happen at the end of the day and if he would even return home to his bed alive or not.     

"I know everything, Preston. I know. I will take care of everything. You just need to be the good boy you are. I will be the bad one." Jared's eyes flashed thoughtfully. Albeit brief, Preston did not miss it and he felt a shiver run down his spine.     

Jared was planning something huge, disastrous even and Preston knew it. From the man's expressions alone, Preston could make out that the moment he left the island, Jared would take action and as to what he would do, Preston had no idea about it.     

"What are you thinking of doing?"      

"You will find out soon. Don't worry. I will not keep you out of my plans this time."     

"Don't do anything stupid. I will not be able to save you this time." Preston warned and Jared let out a chuckle, his expression morphing into one that was filled with evilness.     

"Don't worry. I won't do anything reckless. And even if I do, I am sure you'll save me...Just like how you tipped me off about Valerie and the others at the port. You are not that cold-hearted. I know."     

Preston had no words of rebuke and he just huffed lightly in annoyance. It was the truth though. He could not kill Jared and only play along with him in his plans.     

"When will I be leaving?" He returned to the initial topic of conversation and Jared became serious again.     

"Tomorrow at dusk. I have arranged for everything. You just need to confirm about these people for me."     

"Fine. I will do it. Anything else."     

"Yes. When you are at it, try to find out more about Oliver." Jared narrowed his eyes dangerously and Preston bit the inside of his cheek thoughtfully.     

"What about him?"     

"It all started with him. If not for him, I would not have been reduced to this pathetic state. He should have died long ago. If not for Ian..."     

"Is he on your list too?"     

"Yes. What I could not achieve three years ago, I am doing to do it now and this time, I will make sure that no one, not even Ian will be able to help him. He has to die." Jared stated with such conviction that Preston was certain that he would do it.     

"Moreover, the man still has some information which I am sure he is yet to reveal to Noah and the others. I will have to end him before he does. Otherwise, I will be doomed."     

"What information?" Preston had no idea what Jared was referring to and he blinked at him in confusion.     

"Although Oliver does not know about it, it will not be long before he does. It's something that will kill you and me for sure. I need to kill him before he kills us. Otherwise, prepare to be buried."     

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