Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever

Joshua's promise

Joshua's promise

2Theo took his chair and served food for himself while Ivy and Joshua accompanied him. Although the silence was awkward, he still found their company pleasant and was glad they had not left him to fend for himself.       1

Theo still needed assurance that the people he once loved still cared for him and did not abandon him after his deception. With a sigh, he picked up his spoon and ate his pasta. Although it tasted delicious, he was in no mood to appreciate it.     

Occasionally, he would turn around to look at Oliver, who was still frozen in his place and sighed again. "I wish Oliver was willing to talk to me. His silence is killing me."     

"Dad has gone through a lot. He just needs time to accept and adjust to everything." Ivy's smile slipped and she too looked at her father in concern.      

From where she was, she could only see a part of him. Even then, she could feel his shock and distress.     

"I understand. Noah told me about it. How long has it been since he woke up from a coma?" Theo stopped eating and looked at Ivy sympathetically.     

"It's been a few months now and he was doing well until, you know...." Ivy stopped, not knowing how to proceed and Theo pursed his lips.     

"I get it. I will speak to him and sort out our misunderstandings. It's just that I am worried he might not accept my apology."     

"You never know until you give it a try. Who knows? Dad might surprise you." Ivy shrugged lightly and Theo looked at her for a few minutes as he contemplated it.     

"I will talk to him. Let's hope for the best."     

Ivy gave him a nod and a thumbs-up while Joshua scoffed lightly.     

"What happened to you? Why are you behaving like this?" Theo ate another spoonful of pasta and looked at the man who had not stopped scoffing since they had met.     

"Ignore him, Theo. He is just jealous." Ivy waved her hand and rolled her eyes at her boyfriend, who only glared at her in return.     

"Jealous?" Joshua seethed and Ivy nodded. "And me?"      

Ivy nodded again.     

"Why will I be jealous? And of whom? You?" Joshua pointed at her and Ivy shrugged again.     

"I don't know who made you jealous. But you are jealous. Accept it."     

"Why will I be jealous? Please elaborate."     

"Cause Theo is not giving you attention." Ivy's words hit the bullseye and Joshua had no words to rebuke. It was the truth, though.     

"Is it? Is that the reason for your frustration?" Theo was amused and could not stop smiling and for the first time, Joshua wondered if having a smart girlfriend was a boon or a bane.     

His silence gave Theo and Ivy the answer, and they laughed at him.      

"You do know you are cute, don't you?" Ivy leaned forward and placed her hands under her chin as she gazed at the man before her.     

"And you do know you can be annoying sometimes, don't you?" Joshua glared at her and Ivy shook her head helplessly.     

"I know. But I can't help it. Who else will I annoy if I don't annoy the person I love?"     

Her sweet words melted Joshua's heart and slowly, a smile landed on his lips, much to Theo's surprise.     

"I have never seen you behave this cheesy before, Joshua." He commented and dropped his spoon. By then, he was done eating. "Love really changes people."     

"Nah-ah." Ivy stopped him right away. "No, Theo." She shook her index finger at him. "Love does not change people. I think the person who they love change them."     

"Agreed." Theo corrected him and nodded at Joshua, who was grinning in pride. "You have chosen an amazing person, Joshua. I am glad you have Ivy in your life."     

Ivy gave Joshua a look filled with pride and arrogance and Joshua smiled at her helplessly. "What can I do, Theo? She is so amazing that I can't help but fall in love with her."     

His words made Ivy blush and her cheeks turned warm slowly. She lowered her eyes and bit her lip.     

"I do not want to listen to you two flirting. I will talk to Oliver now."     

"Do you want us to come with you?" Ivy stood up with him and Joshua followed suit.     

"No. I wish to talk to him in private."     


Theo dropped his plate in the dishwasher and went to the living room, only to find Oliver absent.      

"Where did he go?"     

"He must have returned to his room. First floor, third room." Ivy mentioned and Theo did not hesitate to go in search of the man after giving her a grateful look.     

"Do you think Dad will forgive Theo?" Joshua sneaked up from behind and looked at the man who was making his way upstairs.     

"He will. Don't worry." Ivy assured him and sat on the sofa with a sigh.     

All of a sudden, she felt exhausted. It was not the fatigue due to work. But the mental stress she was experiencing over the days was taking a toll on her body. The constant fear of danger, the need to protect their loved ones and the desire to end all the shit once and for all made her lose sleep and she ended up tired.     

"What happened, Ivy? Why do you look so worn out?" Joshua did not miss the fatigue on her face and he scooted closer to her.     

"I just feel sleepy." Ivy yawned and Joshua pulled her towards him by her shoulder.     

"Sleep for some time. I will wake you after an hour or so." He pushed her head on his shoulder, forcing her to lean on him.     


"Sleep, Ivy. We will talk later." He commanded and Ivy breathed lightly before she closed her eyes.     

Joshua started patting her arms lightly to lull her to sleep and his presence and gentle soothing pulled her to sleep immediately.     

"Sleep well, Ivy. I know you have been stressed for the past few days. Don't worry." Joshua kissed her forehead and looked far ahead. "We will take care of everything. I will never let anything happen to you or your loved ones. I promise."     

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