Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever

Interrogation on hold

Interrogation on hold

3Theo ran his eyes around, disconcerted to find his audience staring at him curiously, waiting for him to start speaking. However, words failed him at such a crucial moment and he fidgeted in his seat uncomfortably. He did not know where to start. Heck, he did not even know how to start.     3

"Umm...I..." Theo cleared his throat and played with his fingers in nervousness. "From where do I start?"     

"Start with what made you come up with such a gruesome plan." Noah offered and Theo smiled at him faintly.     

Theo helplessly stared at the man who just raised his brows questioningly.     

"Things were way too complicated back then, Noah. We had to come up with such a cruel plan...."     

"You are not helping us and your words are definitely not helping you." Noah pointed out and nobody missed the subtle threat in his tone.     

Theo gulped softly and licked his lips in nervousness. He had never imagined that the young boy he had trained and imparted all his martial skills would grow up to become such an intimidating man. His eyes alone were enough to send people, including himself, running for life.     

'As expected of Master's grandson.' He thought. Noah had all the attributes he had once seen in the old Carter and had even surpassed him by a huge leap. While the old man was a wolf, the young man before him was a lion. Noah had great potential and Theo started admiring the man subconsciously.     

"I don't think keeping silent would do us any good." Joshua pulled Theo out of his thoughts and he let out a helpless laugh.     

However, before he could start speaking again, a phone ring tone caught everyone's attention, including Oliver's and they looked in the direction immediately.     

Ian frowned lightly at being disturbed. But his expression changed when he saw who it was and without any hesitation, he answered the call.     

"Hello, Aria?"     

Noah's ears perked up as soon as he heard Ian mention Aria's name and he leaned forward slightly, his brows furrowing lightly in worry.     

"Are you serious?" Ian stood up suddenly, forcing everyone to look at him questioningly and blinked at him in confusion. "I'll be right there."     

"What's wrong, Ian? What did Aria say?" Noah did not even give any time for Ian to take a breather and fired the questions immediately.     

"Noah, Grandpa is awake." Ian relayed the news Aria had given him and he looked at Theo, whose eyes slowly filled with joy.     

This time, everyone stood up and Noah was the first to reach Ian. "Are you telling the truth? Is he really awake?"     

"Yes, Aria just confirmed the same. I need to go to the hospital."     

"I will come with you," Noah added.     

"We will come with you too." Samuel, Hailey and Rachel too stepped forward while the others stayed quiet, reeling in the happiness of hearing the great news.     

"Shall I accompany you too?" Theo spoke, his barely concealable smile of relief not leaving his face.     

"No." Ian rejected him without any hesitation and shook his head as added emphasis.     

"Grandpa had regained consciousness after sleeping for a long time. Moreover, he is weak and his heart cannot take any excitement or agitation. He is vulnerable right now and your presence will only overwhelm him." Ian explained and Theo's shoulders drooped in defeat.     

'How can I forget Master's condition?' He chastised himself for forgetting the old Carter's condition and agreed with Ian. 'My presence will only excite him and I cannot allow his emotions to fluctuate right now. He needs to be stable and calm to recover.'     

With that thought in mind, Theo consoled himself and nodded at Ian in understanding. "I get it. I got carried away by my emotions. I will for Master to recover before I meet him."     

"We will meet you later, Theo. Rest well until then." Samuel smiled at him and hurried after Ian, who was already rushing out of the mansion.     

"Joshua, handle the situation here. I will go to Grandpa." Noah added before he too followed his father and Ian.     

The entire Carter family departed from the mansion and Theo let out a sigh. 'I just hope everything will be fine from now onwards.'     

"Do you want to rest or eat something before that?" Joshua queried once silence returned in the mansion.     

Now that Grandpa was awake and the Carter family had gone to tend to him, they had to wait until the situation settled down before interrogating Theo again. Moreover, with Grandpa, they could get a clear picture of the situation of the past they had no idea about.     

"I would like to have something first, I am famished." Theo held his grumbling stomach and smiled in embarrassment. Once again, his eyes fell on Oliver and this time, he was staring back at him with an unfathomable expression.     

"I think we should leave for now too," Martin suggested and Hazel stood up immediately. "Theo needs to rest and we cannot ask him about his plan until Uncle Carter returns home. Call us once you are done resting."     

Martin gave him a look, one which Thoe understood clearly. Martin was letting him off for now. But soon, he would catch him again and then, he had to answer all their questions with no objections.     

"Joshua, call us if there is anything." Hazel patted her son's arm and nodded at Ivy, who returned it with a smile before the Martin couple departed from the mansion.     

"You know where the dining room is." Joshua sassed and Theo rolled his eyes at the young man's attempt to rile him up. But he showed no reaction and stood up before giving Oliver a knowing look.     

"You are still the same." Theo shook his head at Joshua and went in search of food.     

"I will help you." Ivy offered and accompanied Theo, forcing Joshua to follow them, much to Theo's amusement.     

"I take back my words." Theo's words confused the young couple and they waited for his clarification. "Joshua had changed and I know who the reason for his change is."     

Theo's eyes sparkled and Ivy, for a moment, did not know how to respond.     

"You must be Ivy, I am Theo."     

"Cut it out, Theo." Joshua satirized and Theo chuckled softly in mirth. "As my Dad said, this interrogation is just on hold, not called off completely. So, beware."     

"I have nothing to be afraid of, Joshua. I have not sinned at all. But yes, I am guilty that I deceived you all, and for that, I will forever seek your forgiveness."     

Awkwardness filled the air and for a second, nobody knew how to respond to his words. It was Ivy who came to Joshua's rescue.     

"You must be hungry, Theo. Let's fill your stomach first before we continue this conversation."     

"What about Oliver, Ivy? Will he be fine?" Theo stopped walking and turned around and Ivy too followed suit.     

"Give him some time and space. He is just too shocked by the turn of events. I am sure he will come around soon."     

"I hope he does. I have a lot to tell him. He is the first person I want to apologize to. He deserves it the most."     


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