Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever

What the...Theo? - Part 3

What the...Theo? - Part 3

1Theo reluctantly exited the car, unwilling to face Oliver immediately. His guilt consumed him, and he was unsure what to say to the man he had betrayed to execute the plan.      

Although his meeting with Oliver had been brief that day, a strong bond had formed between them. But he had broken the bond and was unsure if he could ever reconcile with the good man.     

Oliver stopped pacing back and forth when Noah's car entered the premises. Since he had learned that Theo was alive and he would be meeting him soon, a strange and unfamiliar feeling settled in his heart, making him feel stuffy and suffocated.     

He wanted to meet Theo and demand answers from him. But at the same time, he restrained himself when he remembered that he in no way had the right. They were just strangers who met while trying to uncover Jared's truth. Theo was not at all obligated to answer him.     

Yet, Oliver hoped that the man would at least explain the reason behind his actions so that his heart could settle in peace. After that, he and Theo would go in different directions.      

Oliver stared at the man he had seen die before him three years ago now standing before him and unknowingly, his eyes teared up. He was uncertain if these were tears of joy and relief or the pain he had once suffered to see such a fine man lose his life. A myriad of emotions bombarded him at the same time and he felt light-headed all of a sudden.     

Ian, who was closest to him, saw his face blanching slowly and rushed forward to support him. "Mr. West."     

His panicked voice alarmed the others and they too rushed towards Oliver, everyone except Theo. He did not dare take a step towards the man who was still staring at him blankly.     

"I am fine." Oliver forced the words out of his mouth. His throat had gone parched suddenly and his legs almost gave away. But he mustered all the remaining strength and stood straight, allowing Ian to hold him.     

Oliver was glad that he had someone to lean against. His energy had given away and he could barely compose himself before Theo.     

"Let's go inside. Mr. West must be exhausted." Ian suggested and without waiting for anyone's suggestion, he gently pulled the older man beside him, forcing everyone to enter the mansion after them.     

The living room was filled with people and Theo was not surprised to see all the familiar faces looking at him in shock. Samuel, Hailey, Martin, Hazel, Ronnie, and Rachel; all familiar faces. He could not control his emotions and lowered his head immediately.     

Samuel was the first one to break out of his shock and he approached his once-good friend. His eyes did not conceal his confusion and bewilderment and he poked Theo's arm to check if he was not dreaming.      

If it were any other time, his actions would be hilarious. But not right now. His reaction was highly justified and nobody spoke a word. The truth stood before them and it took them a long time to accept it.     

"You...you..." Samuel was at a loss for words and turned to face Martin, who held a similar expression. "Martin, please tell me I am not dreaming. This is real, right? Theo is actually here. Right?"     

Samuel's words only sent waves of pain through Theo's heart and he cursed himself all the more. From the corner of his eyes, he noticed Ian helping Oliver to the sofa and offering him a glass of water, which the man took silently.     

Theo could not see Oliver's expression. His head was lowered and he was staring at the ground blankly. He did not even raise his eyes when Samuel asked Martin for confirmation. Oliver's state broke Theo's heart and he gripped his shirt tight in anguish.     

"I am here, Samuel. I am really here." Theo forced the words out of his mouth with great difficulty and before he could prepare himself, Samuel pulled him for a hug, startling him completely. It was not a reaction he had expected and he blinked a few times in wonder.     

"Oh My God." Samuel could not stop exclaiming and did not let go of Theo for a long time. "You are really here. I thought you were gone and that we lost you."     

Samuel pulled away and checked Theo carefully, allowing him to do as he pleased. Meanwhile, his eyes followed Martin, who was slowly approaching him and he smiled faintly at him, although it came out more like a grimace.     

"You bastard." Martin punched Theo hard in the stomach but it was not to the extent to damage his ribs. He controlled his strength and inflicted some pain that Theo would remember forever. "I hope you will remember this punch for life."     

"I will, Martin. I will." Theo endured the pain, chuckled faintly, and looked back and forth between the two men he had grown up with since childhood. Although he was younger than them by a few years, that did not stop him from being their friend.     

As soon as he thought about their friendship, his eyes subconsciously drifted to Oliver, who had not moved an inch from his position. He still had his eyes lowered as he held the glass of water. Theo's mind returned to the day Oliver tried hard to save him and even took a few punches and hits. He had shown great friendship in just a few hours of them meeting.     

"Welcome back, Theo." Hailey greeted him with a small smile.     

"Welcome back." Hazel too smiled at him warmly.     

Unlike their husbands, they did not overwhelm him with their reactions and allowed the man to settle first and adjust to the surroundings. Anyway, Samuel and Martin would handle Theo and teach him a lesson for putting them through misery all this time. They could just sit back and watch.     

"Hello, Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Martin." Theo nodded at them and looked at the girl standing beside Rachel.     

'She must be Oliver's daughter, Ivy.' He mused and observed her with his eyes narrowed. Being a clever man with an amazing ability to read people, he got positive vibes from her. Yet, he did not make any conclusion until he was sure about her.     

"Start talking." Samuel's voice broke his focus and Theo moved his gaze away from Ivy to Samuel.     


"Start talking. We want to know all that we missed and please don't lie to us or hide anything from us this time."     

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