Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever

Couple's behaviour

Couple's behaviour

3As soon as Joshua left the room, Noah attacked him with questions that Joshua was unprepared for. He had never expected his impatient friend to be waiting for him to find out what he and Aria spoke about in private.      1

"What did Aria want to speak to you about?" Noah questioned, keeping his voice as low as possible. Although no one was nearby, he still tried to stay secretive to not alert anyone. "Anything serious?"     

Joshua jumped in fright and patted his chest when he saw who it was. Although he was not startled by Noah's sudden appearance, he still acted as if he was spooked, much to Noah's annoyance.     

"Cut the crap. I know you were unaffected by it." Noah sassed and Joshua's lips twitched. But soon after, a teasing smirk made its way to his lips when he recalled what Aria had told him a few minutes ago.      

In this matter at least, he had an upper hand as he was the only one he knew about it, other than Ivy maybe and his smile widened. All his irritation vanished and he looked at Noah teasingly, making the man to stare back at him suspiciously.     

"Why do I feel you are up to something?" He narrowed his eyes and looked back at the now-closed room where Joshua had emerged earlier.     

"Maybe, maybe not." Joshua shrugged and gave him a smug look, which Noah badly wanted to slap off his face. How bothersome!!     

"Fine. It's okay if you do not want to tell me about your conversation with Aria."      

Joshua raised a brow at his words, waiting to see where this was leading to.     

"At least tell me if everything is fine or not. Is she alright?" Noah's concern overtook his exasperation and Joshua's smile turned into one that was filled with happiness and relief.     

"You do not have to worry about it, Noah. Aria is fine, everything's fine. I promise." He assured him and Noah looked at his friend for quite a few seconds before he was convinced. "And as to our conversation, I am sorry. I cannot reveal it to you; I promised Aria."     

Joshua shrugged helplessly and Noah nodded at him in understanding.     

"I get it. You do not have to worry about it. It's just that I was worried that something might be bothering Aria. Since you say everything is fine, I believe you."     

'Everything is beyond fine, Noah. You have no idea what Aria is up to. But I am sure you'll love it.' Joshua screamed in his mind in excitement but did not dare change his expression while he maintained a small smile as he faced his clever friend.     

"Trust me, Noah. You'll only be happy in the end." Joshua winked at him and walked away and Noah looked at him as if he was an idiot.      

Although he wanted to find out what had transpired between Joshua and Aria, he respected Aria's wishes and did not probe into the matter much. If she wanted to tell him, she would do so on her accord. He would never force her to do anything.     

Meanwhile, Ivy sneaked inside the room when she noticed the two men had returned to the living room. She gave no heads-up and tackled Aria into a hug, almost strangling her poor sister.     

"Thank you, thank you, thank you so much, my lovely sister." She effused, her joy not leaving her face.     

Aria was not prepared for the hug and she lost her footing. If not for her reflex, she was sure Ivy would have pushed her to the ground.     

"Will you..." She suppressed her misery and patted her sister's back anxiously. "Let me go? You are suffocating me."     

It was only when she heard her sister's strained voice that Ivy realized what she had done and she pulled away immediately.     

"Sorry, sorry, sorry, I was too excited. Did I hurt you?" She checked her sister carefully and let go of her when she was sure she was fine.     

"I am fine, Ivy. I hope you are happy now."     

"Very." Ivy beamed and giggled to herself and Aria shook her head helplessly.     

"You can now prepare for the proposal."     

"Yes, I will. Soon."     

Aria stopped whatever she was doing and stared at her blushing sister for a few seconds. "Are you sure you want to go ahead with the proposal?"     

Ivy let go of her lovesick girl expression and smiled faintly at her sister, who was curious about her thoughts. "I am certain, Aria. I know what I want and that's Joshua. I love him very and I am sure he does too. Since that's the case, why don't I take the initiative and propose to him? I am sure he will have happy."     

"Happy?" Aria sniggered. "He will be jubilant. He will be over the moon. After the proposal, I have an inkling that Joshua will not stop bragging about it for some time and I might end up bleeding through my ears hearing him praise his amazing girlfriend."     

Ivy flicked her hair and gave Aria an arrogant and prideful look. "It's a given. Who asked his girlfriend to be so beautiful and amazing? He has all the right to brag about me."     

"You and Joshua are made for each other. I thought the quote 'Couples become more alike over time' was just a stupid person's saying. I never realized it to be true until now."     

"What do you mean?" Ivy narrowed her eyes when she noticed her sister's playful smile.     

"You are behaving like Joshua. It looks like his child-like tendencies and mannerisms have brushed off you."     

"Who are you calling child-like? Do you have a death wish?" Although Ivy glared at her, Aria did not miss the brief glint in her eyes.     

"Oh my, Your Highness. Please pardon this lowly servant. I misspoke without thinking." She bowed before her and Ivy scoffed in reply.     

"You better know your place. Or I will not let you go next time."     

"Thank you for showing mercy, Your Highness. I will forever remember your kindness." Aria lifted her gaze and burst out laughing immediately, forcing Ivy too to laugh with her.     

None of the sisters noticed their father standing by the door, watching them bickering with a doting smile as he wiped his tears.     

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