Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever

Ivy's thoughts

Ivy's thoughts

2Aria and Ivy started packing their bags again, hoping it would be the last time. They were tired of moving and all they wanted was some peace in their not so tranquil life.     

"I hope this is the last time," Ivy grumbled and Aria chuckled.     

"Same, sister. Same."     

"If Joshua were to fight with me in the future, I'll throw him out of the house. Let him stay somewhere else. I'm not going to move anymore."     

Aria burst out laughing and she looked at her sister in amusement. "That's a nice idea. Maybe I should implement it too."     

"You definitely should. If you and Noah argue any time in the future, throw him out of the house. Let him sleep here." Ivy winked at her and Aria gave her a thumbs-up in return.     

"Thank you for the advice."     

"My pleasure." Ivy placed her toiletries and looked at her bag. Although she did not have much to carry with her, considering that most of her belongings were still at Joshua's house, she still had a few important documents and electronic gadgets she had brought when she moved back.     

With a sigh, she packed all of it and glanced at Aria, who had yet to finish packing. Compared to her, Aria had a lot to pack.     

After her argument with Noah last time, she had brought back almost all her belongings from Noah's mansion, leaving the ones which Noah had bought for her. So, she had a lot to carry back this time.     

Ivy bit her lip and looked at her sister again, and this time, Aria noticed it in the mirror. However, she did not say a word and kept herself busy while at the same time making sure to keep an eye on her sister. Ivy sure was behaving weirdly all of a sudden.     

Aria noticed Ivy sneaking a glance at her twice more and on the third time, she could not control her curiosity any longer.     

"Is something the matter, Ivy? What's wrong?" She dropped her clothes in her hand and focused all her attention on her sister.     

Ivy was startled to have been caught sneaking glances at her sister. Embarrassed, she shook her in denial immediately. "Not at all. I am fine, Aria. Why do you think otherwise?"     

"You kept glancing at me. I thought you had something to tell me." Aria shrugged and gave her sister a suspicious look. "Since you have nothing to say, I must have misunderstood."     

Aria lowered her eyes and hid her smile, allowing Ivy to fidget in her place. She did not behave how Ivy wanted her to, surprising her and confusing her more than she already was.     

  "Fine." Ivy huffed when she could not tolerate it anymore. Even though she had an inkling that her twin was teasing her, she could do nothing about it. The matter she wanted to discuss with her was important and she could not help but accept her defeat.     

"Do you have something to say?" Aria raised her brows questioningly and Ivy rolled her eyes in dismay.     

"Yes, I do." She sighed and even though she was in full mood to quarrel with her, she held back. "I was thinking..." She licked her lips and hesitated and Aria's curiosity spiked all the more.     

It was not every day that Ivy hesitated to do anything and to think that something had got her brave sister flustered, Aria could not help but marvel about it. Now, even if Ivy went back on her words, she had to find out what got her tongue-tied.     

"What were you thinking?" Aria probed when Ivy went silent all of a sudden.     

"I am thinking of taking the next step with Joshua."     

"Are you going to have sex with Joshua?" Aria was dumbfounded to hear her sister talk about her sex life with her. Albeit uncomfortable, she still did not complain and listened patiently.     

"No." Ivy glared and threw a pillow at her in annoyance. "That is not what I meant."     

"What did you mean then?" Aria tilted her head in confusion and Ivy almost gave up, only to pause when she saw her sister shaking her head at her head at her. "No giving up."     

Ivy closed her eyes and sucked in a deep breath as she mustered all her courage. "I am thinking of proposing to Joshua." She uttered the words faster than Aria could comprehend.     

"What did you say? Slow down, please." Aria had a flabbergasted look on her face and Ivy gritted her teeth. She had used all her energy to say what she wanted, and now, she had to repeat them.     

"Couldn't you have listened to my words carefully?" She grumbled.     

"Couldn't you have spoken slowly? You just had to throw your words out like a rocket. I couldn't catch them at all." Aria retorted and Ivy shut up immediately. It was her fault, to begin with.     

"I..." Ivy licked her lips again and this time, she stared at Aria right in the eye. "I am going to propose to Joshua."     

"What?" Aria shouted and jumped off the bed and Ivy shushed her immediately.     

"Lower your voice. Do you want to spoil my secret?" She scolded Aria, but the girl was too excited to care about it.     

"Are you really going to propose to Joshua? Are you sure about it?" She whispered when she realized what she had done.     

"I am thinking about it. I mean, we are sure that we want to spend our lives together. Why not go ahead and take the next step?"     

"Okay..." Aria mused and bit the inside of her cheek. "What do you think Joshua's response would be? Is he willing to go ahead with marriage too or.."     

"That is what I'm concerned about." Ivy stood up and approached the window.      

"What do you mean? Does he not want to be with you? Is he averted to the idea of marriage?" Aria narrowed her eyes, her expression turning serious at once. She had not expected this from Joshua, especially when he loved Ivy a lot.     

"No. He does want to be with me. I am sure of it." Ivy turned around and sighed lightly. "It's just that I'm uncertain if he wants to marry me. We never spoke about this topic much."     

"How about I find out his thoughts for you?"     

"Can you do that? Is it possible?" Ivy's eyes twinkled in hope and Aria nodded at her with a smile of assurance.     

"Definitely. I'll talk to him and try to find out what he has in mind. Maybe you can decide afterward."     

"Thanks a lot, Ari. I owe you this."     

"Are you done?" Aria looked at her in annoyance. "Now get out. I don't want to see you."     

"No way. I won't. Let me hug you instead."     

"Ivy...don't. Stay away from me." Aria warned and moved a few steps away from her crazy sister.     

But Ivy did nothing of that sort. Instead, she tackled her sister and hugged her, forcing Aria to hurl curses at her in mind. But eventually, she too hugged her back and a smile landed on her lips when she thought about her sister and Joshua and their blissful future.     

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