Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever

The half-truth - Part 1

The half-truth - Part 1

3Finally, after a torturous day of not doing anything and taking bed rest, thanks to his two demanding and frightening personal doctors, Noah was happy to be discharged. Only he knew how bored and frustrated he had become as time passed slower than ever. To make matters worse, Ian and Aria had forbidden him to work from the hospital.     3

Noah sucked in a deep breath as soon as he stepped out of his ward and smiled brightly.     

"Well, you look happy," Ian commented and Noah nodded at him fervently.     

"Obviously, I am ecstatic. You have no idea how torturous it is to sit all day long and do nothing. I cannot even sneak out. Otherwise, my friend and my girlfriend will kill me. Can't take that risk with a doctor."     

Ian chuckled and shook his head in amusement, his face devoid of any grief or anger. After listening to Aria's advice, he thought about it deeply and found her words true. Theo's betrayal affected him. But he should not judge quickly before he heard the entire story.      

Ian had then decided to wait for Theo and ask him in person. Since then, the stuffy feeling in his chest eased and the burden on his mind reduced. He felt light and happy and Ian could not help but thank his stars for giving such wonderful friends.     

He was unlucky with his family. But fate had blessed him with amazing friends who would even sacrifice their lives for him.     

"How is Grandpa?" Noah's tone did not carry any darkness or hatred. There was also no anger in it and Ian's brows shot up in wonder.     

"What?" Noah shrugged when he noticed his friend's questioning gaze.     

"You sound different than usual." Ian pointed out and Noah perceived what he was referring to.  His tone had changed, and he sounded more considerate and warm, just like he usually did before discovering his grandfather's secret.     

"Let's just say I was enlightened."      

"Did you listen to Aria's talk when she was with me?"     

Noah nodded and Ian smiled.     

"You chose a good lady and I'm glad she has you in her life," Ian spoke with such sincerity that Noah had a to look at him twice to see if everything was fine with him.     

"Well, thank you. It was all because of you I presume I came in contact with Aria and you know the rest..."     

"Oh, please. You would have fallen for her charms even if I was not there."     

"I doubt that." Noah narrowed his eyes and shook his head. "If it had not been you assigning her as my doctor when I was shot, I would not even have looked at her. So, I should really thank you. If not for you, I would not have found my treasure."      

Noah had a warm smile on his face, which he did not realize and his tone held the utmost gratitude that Ian had ever heard.     

Although the man before him was the same Noah Ian knew him to be, there was also something different about him that made him seem more human. And Ian knew who was responsible for it.     

"Well, I am glad you two got together." Ian did not know what else to say. "And as for Grandpa, he might wake up in a day or two if my analysis is correct. He is showing signs of waking up."     

"That's great, then. Theo will be here soon. We can get to the root of this matter soon."     

"I hope so," Ian muttered and rolled his eyes when he saw Joshua walking towards them with a huge smile. "And here comes the joker."     

"Why is he here again? Does he not have any work to do? Is he that jobless?" Noah groaned, forgetting that he too had not gone to work for quite a few days and dumped all his work on his subordinates.     

"Well, there are perks of being a President of the company. Unlike me, who has to work my ass off, you can dump all your work on your employees." Ian complained even though it was anything but that.     

"You could as well stop being a doctor and be in charge of your company. No one stopped you." Noah retorted and looked at the man as if he was not speaking about asking him to quit what he loved the most.     

"You must be joking, right?" Ian gave him an incredulous look.     

"Not at all. Why would you think like that?" Noah denied it without wasting a breath. "You are the boss, you make the calls."     

"Nope. I like being a doctor more than being a boss." Ian just nodded at Joshua, who looked and forth between the two men in wonder.     

"Hey, fellas. What are we discussing today?" He chirped like a bird and Ian snorted in disdain.     

"We were discussing when you will grow up. Or even better, when you will stop being a clown." Ian replied and Joshua glared at him in anger.     

"Will it hurt you if you do not speak for a few seconds?"     

"Not at all. But seeing you all annoyed and behaving like a monkey is more entertaining."     

Joshua's head snapped towards Noah immediately and he gnashed his teeth at him. "Was it you?"     

Noah gave him an innocent, confused look. "What are you talking about?"     

"It has to be you. Otherwise, why would Ian compare me to a monkey?"      

"Wait a minute. What did I miss?" Ian smelled the gossip in the air and he smiled evilly. Anything that could annoy Joshua was his ammunition and he had to catch hold of it quickly before it slipped away from his hands.     

It was at this moment that Joshua realized that Ian had no idea about it and it was he who had let the cat out of the bag. Filled with regret, he shook his head and glared at Noah, warning him not to say a word. And Noah followed his request without questions.     

Anyway, he had no intentions of saying anything. 'Poor guy. Let me not tease him anymore and add to his wounds.' Noah thought and donned a poker face.     

"Nothing important. I will see Grandpa before I leave. Give me like ten minutes."     

"Sure, not a problem. We will wait." Joshua was glad that Noah did not continue with the teasing. "I have already informed Ivy and Dad is waiting for us."     

"Good. Let's start with Dad and find out what he discovered from Grandpa that day."     

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