Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever

The half-truth - Part 2

The half-truth - Part 2

2"What do you think Dad's reaction would be when he finds out Theo is alive?" Joshua queried from behind and Noah and Ian gave him a look that told him to shut up. But the man in question did not heed to their glares and stared at Ronnie, who was driving the car, without caring about the conversation happening around him.     

"What do you think, Ronnie? What will Dad do? How will his reaction be?" Joshua did not spare the man at all. He was the best prey he could catch hold of, considering the other two boring people he had as his audience.     

"Me?" Ronnie was startled to have been called suddenly and glanced at Joshua momentarily before focusing on his driving again.     

"Is there any other Ronnie here I do not know of?" Joshua looked behind at Ian and Noah. "Did any of you guys change your name to Ronnie? Or do you have a nickname by this name?"     

This time, both Ian and Noah rolled their eyes and ignored him. But Joshua did not mind it and turned to Ronnie, who was hoping against and hope and praying silently for someone to come to his aid.     

"Since no one responded, it means I'm talking to you. So, tell me, Ronnie. What do you think will happen?" Joshua did not let go of the man and for the first time in his life, Ronnie found the distance from the hospital to the West sisters' apartment quite long.     

"I do not know, Master Martin. Won't we find out once we reach the apartment?" Ronnie tried hard to avoid answering the question. But Joshua was having none of it and did not let go whatsoever.     

'Please let us reach the apartment as quickly as possible. Please.' Ronnie cried in his mind but did not dare show his thoughts on his face.     

"We will find out soon. But I want to know what your thoughts are." Joshua added. "So, please."     

Ronnie pondered for a moment. Since he could not evade Joshua's question and there was still some time to reach the apartment, he might as well entertain the man. He was helpless anyway.     

"Mr. West will be shocked for sure." Ronnie started and glanced at Joshua, who was waiting for him to continue. "I mean, look at it from his perspective. He saw Theo being shot right before his eyes and now, the man he saw dying was alive and well."     

Ronnie pressed the brake when the signal turned red and gave Joshua his attention for the next few seconds. "Mr. West was already traumatic from the experience and to think that he would be seeing Theo stand before him, alive and well, I just hope he would not go into a state of shock."     

None of the three men had thought about how Oliver would react when he saw Theo. They started considering it only after they heard Ronnie's analysis and their hearts thumped madly in fear. Oliver was in no way less betrayed than them by Theo.      

At least they did not see Theo die before their eyes. But Oliver did and all of a sudden, they did not know how to bring this matter before Oliver anymore.     

Joshua was too stumped to ask any more questions. He stared blankly ahead, and Ronnie was secretly glad he did not have to deal with him. His questions truly scared the shit out of him sometimes. What if he misspoke and ended up annoying someone? None of the people he was protecting was someone he dared to offend, even if they considered him their family.     

Soon, they reached the apartment complex and Ronnie parked the car. The four men got out, evoking looks from the people around them. But they ignored it and entered the building where the West family resided.     

"Hi." Ivy greeted the four men warmly and welcomed them inside and Noah's eyes immediately searched for Aria.      

"She's sleeping," Ivy answered even before he could ask her and Noah just nodded at her in understanding. "How's Grandpa Carter, by the way? Who is in charge of him if Ian and Aria are here?"     

"Stuart is in charge today and don't worry, I trust him. Moreover, Kaito is over there to keep an eye in case things go wrong." Noah assured her and Ivy sighed in relief.      

"Dad is in his room. I'll call him. Please." Ivy gestured towards the sofa and went in search of her Dad.     

A heavy silence fell over and all the four men remained standing until they heard footsteps approaching them.      

"Please take your seats, gentlemen. There is no need to be shy." Oliver smiled at them and took his seat first and one by one, the other three followed suit while Ronnie remained standing.     

"You can sit too, son," Oliver remarked and Ronnie hesitated.     

"Yes, Ronnie. This place is safe. You do not have to worry. Also, this will take a lot of time." Noah too agreed and having no other choice, Ronnie sat down.     

"I know why you four are here." Oliver did not wait for anyone else to raise the topic. Since they were here to get information from him, there was no need to beat around the bush.     

"You must be wondering what your Grandpa told me and why my behavior towards him changed all of a sudden. Am I right, Noah?"     

Noah did not deny it and Oliver smiled at him faintly. "Although I want to tell you what I know, let me warn you that whatever I know is half the truth."     

The four men held a confused look and Oliver sighed lightly. "There is still more to what I'll be telling you and we need to find that out first, starting with where Theo is."     


All the four men's eyes widened and they looked at Oliver in disbelief.     

"Do you know about it, Mr. West?" Ian questioned and leaned forward, his hands clasped on his thighs.     

"Yes, I do. I know Theo is alive. Old Carter informed me when we met."     

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