Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever

Bald Joshua

Bald Joshua

1Aria examined Ian for a few seconds and when she was sure that her words had reached him and he was considering them seriously, she walked out of the ward, only to bump into Noah. Her eyes widened in surprise and she looked at him questioningly.     2

"What are you doing here? How long have you been waiting here?" Aria folded her hands and stared at him as if he had committed a crime. "By the way, who allowed you to leave your ward?"     

Noah did not know whether to laugh or cry when he saw her glaring at him. He was not that fragile. Alright? He could handle a short walk. Moreover, his fever was gone and other than some lingering weakness, he did not feel anything else. But who could explain it to Aria, who was still waiting for his response?     

"I'm fine, Aria. You do not have to worry." He tried even though he had an inkling that she would not believe him and it happened just that.     

"Not happening, Mister. Go, go back to your ward." Aria shook her head and pointed towards the ward and Noah burst out laughing immediately. The scene reminded him of his younger days when his mother would scold and punish him to return to his room whenever he was mischievous.     

'Those were some good old days.' He thought, only to snap out of his thought when he heard Aria clear her throat.     

"May I know what was so hilarious that you burst out laughing and immediately went into a trance?" She glowered at him and Noah ruffled her hair, much to her annoyance and disbelief.     

"Nothing, I just recalled the good old days. Come, let's go back." He tried to hold her hand, but Aria slipped away even before he could touch her.     

"Not happening, Mister." She shook her index finger at him firmly. "You dared to not follow my orders and left your ward and to add more, you laughed at me. Now, stay far away from me, at least six feet far."     

"You have got to be kidding me!!" Noah took a step towards her, only for Aria to step back immediately. "Are you serious?" He gaped at her, stunned beyond words.     

"One hundred percent. Now that you have committed a mistake knowingly, bear the consequences." She scoffed at him and jogged towards the ward, leaving Noah to stare at her before he followed her.     

Although he wanted to chase and catch her, he knew that would only irk her all the more. And he would end up getting punished all the more. That was the last thing he had in mind.      

Meanwhile, Aria shook her head and smiled helplessly as she approached the ward.     

"I tried to stop him." Joshua shrugged helplessly. "But he did not listen to me."     

"I know." Aria nodded in understanding. "He can be stubborn at times. Don't worry, I'll handle him."     

"You better. He needs to be controlled. Man, who the hell stresses himself out so much that he falls sick and puts everyone else around him in worry?" Joshua groaned as he recollected how anxious he had been when Ronnie had informed him about Noah's condition.     

If not for Ronnie's constant assurance and his trust in Aria's abilities, he would have rushed to the hospital right away in the dead of night. Noah had scared the crap out of him and he pulled his hair in frustration.     

"Why do I feel I have lost some hair?" He rolled his eyeballs as he tried to look at his hair, only to fail miserably. "Am I becoming bald?" He almost shrieked but controlled his voice when he realized he was at the hospital.     

Aria could not stop herself anymore and doubled over in laughter until her eyes teared. She now understood why Ian and Noah called Joshua a joker. He sure had the antics of a clown, a talented clown to be precise. He could make her laugh just with his hilarious expressions.     

"Don't laugh." Joshua glared at her and huffed lightly. "This is a serious matter. I cannot lose hair. What if I were to go bald and Ivy refuses to marry me?"      

Joshua shook his head immediately, a shiver running down his spine when he thought of it. "Most importantly, how would I look when this handsome face loses all the hair above it?"     

He shouldn't have said that. He shouldn't have at all. As soon as Aria heard him, she imagined him with a bald head and the laughter she had tried controlling after putting a lot of strength escaped from the leash and this time, her stomach started to hurt and tears rolled down her cheeks.     

"You can shave your head if you want to check how you will look if you lose your hair," Noah commented, hitting Joshua where it hurt the most and now, it was his turn to receive the clown's glare.     

"I hate you."     

"The feeling is mutual." Noah shrugged as if he was not at all bothered by it and entered the ward and Aria followed him with a sigh.     

Joshua gritted his teeth and closed the ward door after entering inside. "You are just jealous of this handsome face."     

"Me?" Noah pointed at himself and Joshua nodded in affirmation. "Jealous of you?" Again Joshua nodded. "You must be delusional. Get your brain checked."     

"You are jealous that I am better looking than you and want to sabotage this handsome face. I know all your schemes."     

"I am repeating. You are delusional. Look at yourself in the mirror. Even a monkey is better looking than you are."      

"Did you just compare me with a monkey?" Joshua's mouth dropped his horror and Noah nodded at him, making it harder for the man to say anything for quite some time.     

Aria, who had not stopped laughing since the time she had entered the ward, took deep breaths to calm herself down. It was the most entertaining conversation she had ever heard and she could not help but laugh again when she thought about it.     

"Although I would love to listen to you guys bicker, it is time for my shift to end. Let me hand over my duties to the other doctor. I'll see you guys in a bit."     

She nodded at both the men as she wiped her tears before she left the ward, leaving Noah and Joshua to continue with their childish banter.     

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