Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever

Caught, but not caught

Caught, but not caught

0Maggie started to clear her trails, deleleting her records one by one. She had no idea that someone, she so badly wanted to avoid, was in the midst of tracking her. While Joshua was taking a look at Kane, searching for his whereabouts, he had found some other device trying to track him. Astonished by the newfound information, he activated his double tracking system, without giving himself away.      1

Joshua typed the codes as fast as he could, not allowing the other person to find out about him. 'Who could it be?' He wondered, a smile spreading on his face. 'Who else is searching for Kane?' But suddenly, his codes started to show an error, he could not proceed further for the person had cleared the track he was looking just a few seconds ago. "What the heck!!"      

Joshua pushed the chair closer to his laptop and started to type a new string of codes, attempting to find the man who was behind it. His new string of codes were stronger and they invaded through the other person's layer of protection. "Yes, just a few seconds and we will find out who it is." He excalmied loudly, his excitement running through his entire body.     

Right at this time, Maggie realized something to be wrong. Her software notified her of a tracker and she immediately knew who it. Worried at being found out, she tried her best to stop him. But the man's skills were extraordinary as always and he was just a seconds away from reaching her. "Oh my God. What do I do now?" She panicked, trying as hard as she could to hold him. "I cannot be caught by him. He should not know about me, not yet. What do I do? What do I do?"     

Her mind tried to come up with ways to prevent his attacks and it was then, she remembered on of the techniques Joshua had taught her. He had taught her an effective method to cover her trails without allowing her opponent to find out about it. It was impossible to track the person if he activated his software using this technique. Maggie activated it immediately, completely forgetting the most important fact about the technique. She forgot that this technique was created by Joshua and not many people knew about it.      

As soon as software loaded, activating the new string of codes, Joshua's laptop froze. Apalled by the sudden attack, he was rendered speechless for a second. He did not know what had happened and why he could not invade the firewall. Anything or everything became useless, for his laptop stopped working for a few minutes. He picked up another laptop and tried to continue from where he had left, only to meet the same effect. This laptop too stopped working for a few minutes.     

"I knew it. It had to be you." He exclaimed, clenching his jaw. As soon as his first laptop froze, he had a hunch what had happened. He knew that somebody had used the technique he used to defeat his opponent usually. However, to confirm it, he had used another laptop. When he met the same result, he was now sure that he was right.     

As to who had activated the technique, he did not have to waste his brain cells to find out. He knew who it was. In the entire world, the only person who knew how to activate the technique, apart from him, was the girl he knew since childhood. She was the only one who was equally capable as him when it came to electronic devices and gadgets.     

"Margaret," He breathed, remembering the girl who had followed him around the mansion when they were young. He also remembered the time they had spent together in the lab with him teaching her how to code and introducing her to a world she did not even know existed.     

"Damn it. I was so close," He cursed out loud and banged his hands on the table. His phone rang suddenly and without even taking a look at the name of caller, Joshua answered it.     

"Sir, we have a meeting at two. I called you remind you about it." His secretary's voice fell on his ears and he sighed lightly.      

"I know, Lucia. I will be there shortly." He replied and ended the call. He stared at his frozen laptops that were slowly starting to work. The screen lit up and just like how he had expected, his entire code had been washed out. His laptop was as good as new and the only relieving part was he did not have any important information stored in it. Otherwise, all of it would be lost.     

"Where are you, Maggie? Why did you not tell me before you left us?" He mumbled to himself before gaining his thoughts together. "Wherever you are I will find you soon. I have promised you father to keep you safe. I cannot allow you to be in danger." With a shake of his head, he picked up his phone and left the laboratory. He did not have to lock it as he trusted Ivy and it did not matter to him if she took a look at his work or any of his documents.     

Joshua wanted to meet Ivy before he left for work. However, he remembered her telling about an important assignment she had to complete. His hand that had risen to knock at the door stopped suddenly and he pulled back. 'It's best I don't disturb her. We can talk we I return in the evening.'      

With that he left the house, his thoughts unable to shift away from Maggie. Meanwhile, the two girls in question had narrowly escaped getting caught red handed. After having tricked Joshua and stopping him from getting to her, Maggie had immediately called Ivy.      

"Why do you look so troubled? Did something happen?"     

"Yes, I just escaped death. You have no idea how scared I was thinking I would be captured today." Maggie responded and took a sip of water from her bottle.     

"What do you mean? Who brought you to this state?" Ivy's face scrunched up, while she stared back at her friend.     

"Who else, other than you boyfriend? If I was another second late in taking precautions, I am sure that he would have tracked me today. He definitely is an amazing programmer." Maggie sighed and bit her lip.     

"That's a given. Whose boyfriend is he?" Ivy boasted with a grin and Maggie had the intense urge to get into the screen and go to her to slap the smile off her face.     

"Yeah, right." Maggie scoffed. "By the way. I forgot to tell you. Jared caught Kane."     

"I see. That's good. We can find out a lot of things from him."     

"You bet. But I am worried." Maggie became serious at once and Ivy followed suit.     


"We can only get information if I am present when they interroagte him. As far as I know Jared, he has never taken anyone with him for these kinds of matters. Usually, he deals with it alone." Maggie pushed her spectacles and leaned back on her chair.     

"Does it matter? You can install a recording chip or something on him."     

"It is not as easy as it sounds. I need to be careful. After the recent explosion at the warehouse, Jared has become more careful, paranoid even. If he finds anyone suspicious, he is not hesitating to kill them right away."     

"Poor souls. Must be torturous for you to stay in his presence."     

"You have no idea. Do you know what's worse?"     

"What?" Ivy's eyebrows quirked up at her question.     

"Our worries increase ten folds if the Godfather of his visits the warehouse. It's like the number of people dying that day would only double or even triple."     

"Have you seen him? Is he someone we know or..."     

"No, I have not. I could not manage to take a clear look. He was hiding his face under his hat and it was quite dark. But I am certain about one thing though."     

"And, what might that be?"     

"If Jared is a viper, then this man is an anaconda." His spiteful words made Ivy laugh out loud.     

"What an unique way to describe him?"     

"Yeah, that man does not even have to do anything. His mere presence is enough to make people faint."     

"Interesting, I must meet him someday to test it out." Ivy joked.     

"Ivy, I am serious. That man is some serious danger and it highly annoying that I don't even know how he looks. Anyway, did you read the reports I sent you?"     

"I was just going through it. And, why didn't Aria tell me that she talked to you?"     

"I guess she was busy seducing her boyfriend." Maggie replied with a smirk and Ivy giggled at her dirty joke.     

"You, my dear, have some dirty thoughts."     

"What? Don't tell me you are completely innocent. I know that this would be your weapon too when the secret about you two comes before the two men. Aren't I right?"  Ivy had no response to Maggie's question and she averted her gaze away from him. "Though I cannot guarantee that it will work, there is nothing wrong in giving it a try."     

"Maggie," Ivy warned her and Maggie held her hands up in surrender.     

"Ivy, Jared is suspicious about you. Be careful." Maggie switched back to her serious self and warned her. "I am not sure what is running through his mind. But don't do anything that might push you into danger. That man is a monster, especially to women. It was not just be killing if that happens."     

Ivy did not have to hear further to know what Maggie was hinting at. She had gone through the initial pages of the document and her body shuddered seeing the list of women Jared had killed. Although it did not hold any further details, she knew how much he would have assasulted them before killing them.     

"I know, Maggie. I understand." A loud noise caught Ivy and Maggie's attention and Maggie rolled her eyes at being interrupted.     

"Seriously man, give me some breather. I am frustrated with the drama and the thrill that happens here daily."     

"What happened?" Ivy voiced out, concern evident in her voice. She knew how dangerous the environment around Maggie was and she was fighting a battle, putting herself in danger. She could help but worry for her, even though Maggie was capable of taking care of herself. Aria and Ivy could not imagine what kind of trouble Maggie was dealing with everyday. She had to be on high alert lest Jared should find her truth and torture her. In case that happened, nobody would even find out about it.     

"I guess Jared is here. Will talk to you later, Ivy. See you."     

"Please take care, Maggie and leave from there if something bad happens."     

"Definitely. The girl here loves her life. Moreover, I am yet to confess my love of Ryder. I cannot die before that. Okay bye. I need to go before Jared barges in and finds me here with you."     

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