Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever

Jared's intentions

Jared's intentions

3Maggie scrambled to her feet, shutting all her external devices, making sure to hide all the work she had started. She took a look at herself in the mirror to see if she looked alright. Although her hair was fine, she still looked tired. She had pulled an all-nighter trying to find out more about Jared's crimes. Her eyes were red and her dark circles were quite prominent on her pale face. She also did not miss the way her cheeks had gone it.     3

'I have lost weight.' She sighed, pushing her hair behind her ear. 'I wonder when I can have a hearty meal.' Since the time she had joined Jared's gang, she had not had a good meal. Although the food could pass off to be edible, she did not dare eat more for she was scared. She was scared that she would not resist temptation and moreover, Maggie had the tendency to become lethargic if she eat beyond what she could digest.      

Maggie rubbed her eyes and stifled a yawn. All she wanted to do was lie on her not so comfortable bed and jump into dreamland. But she knew she could not do so. Knowing Jared, he would soon come to her and right at this moment, there was a knock on the door. Maggie smiled, patting herself mentally for guessing it correctly.     

She opened the door and before she could even ask him, Jared pulled her with him. "Where are we going, Jared? What are you doing?" She almost squealed at the sudden pull.     

"Maggie, you are coming with me," Jared answered, not slowing down a bit and Maggie had jog to keep up with him.     

"Where are we going? Jared, please slow down." She queried. Now, she was almost running. Jared slowed down hearing her pant behind him, and Maggie almost rolled her eyes at him being considerate for once.     

"You didn't answer me. Where are we going?"     

"We are going to meet Godfather." Jared's answer spooked her and Maggie stopped walking suddenly, forcing Jared to halt in his place.     

"What? Why are we going to meet him?" Maggie's thoughts ran wild and she had an ominous feeling out of nowhere. 'Did that old geezer find out about me? Did he find out that I am a spy? Why does he want to meet me?'     

"Maggie," Jared sighed and pushed her loose strands of hair had settled on her cheeks. His sudden action of affection stumped the girl she gaped at him in shock. She had no idea what to make of it, especially when he was being touchy with all of a sudden. But his touch only disgusted her and she had the sudden urge to puke. It felt as though a thousand snakes were crawling in her body. She tried hard to hide the disgust she felt for him and attempted to push him away.     

"It is because of you that we found Kane and I want you to be there when we interrogate him. We have no idea if he has anything that could be used against us and as far as I know him, I am certain he must be hiding something that could help him save his ass."     

"But why do you need me?" Maggie queried taking a step back, maintaining a distance between the two. Although she was thrilled at being taken with him, she could not help but feel suspicious of the arrangement. It was as though Jared was intentionally tricking her and taking her away.     

"Maggie, I don't know what the man has hidden from us and it would be best if you are present. It might be easy for us to locate." Maggie understood what the man was conveying. Jared was asking for her skills. He wanted to make use of her skills to destroy any evidence that Kane might have gathered up over the years.      

She nodded in understanding and her approval only made Jared grin. However, to Maggie, that grin signified something else. 'Why do I have a feeling that the man has something for me? Why is he acting weird all of a sudden?' She wondered and unable to control her curiosity, she voiced out her question.     

"Jared, may I ask you a question?" By then, they had reached the cellar where the torture rooms were located.     

"Sure." Jared released her hand and stared at her intently. But to Maggie, it seemed as though he was stripping her naked in her mind. Just the thought itself was enough to make her uncomfortable and run for her life. She stopped herself for her curiosity got the best of her.     

"Why are being strange all of a sudden?"     

"Strange?" Jared pushed himself closer to her and smiled faintly. "As in?"     

"You are being touchy and sweet and it is making me uncomfortable. I don't know what to think about it."     

"Aren't you getting my hints I am sending you? Aren't they obvious enough?" He leaned towards her and this action of his was enough to send the poor girl crying for life. The next instant she shifted away from him and going far away, much to Jared's annoyance. He frowned in displeasure at the long distance between them.     

"Why are acting this way? I thought you had a thing for Rachel."     

"Rachel, fine girl. Isn't she?"      

Maggie did not answer him and Jared continued. "She sure is great and the fact that she is a Carter adds to it. However, I am not interested in her."     

"What do you mean you are not interested in her?" Maggie narrowed her eyes and looked at Jared's assistant who had just come out of the torture room, which Maggie presumed to be the one where Kane was being kept.     

Seeing her eyes wander away from him, Jared turned to see what had caught her attention, and the next moment, his her narrowed into slits, blazing with fury. "Get out of here." He roared and his poor assistant did not know what he had done so wrong to face his Boss's wrath. Not knowing what to do, he returned to the torture room from where he had just stepped out.     

Maggie did not pity the assistant for it was he who had chosen to be with Jared. If he had made the choice, he had to bear with the consequences himself. Jared returned his gaze to see an unimpressed Maggie waiting for him to continue speaking.     

"What I have for Rachel is mere infatuation. I just want to get to her brother through her and she does have a delectable body. It would be nice to fuck her." His words only made Maggie loathe him more. She had the urge to slap him in the face and better even, kick his balls and render him impotent for life. The way he described his desires made her mad with rage and if the circumstance were not against her, she would have shot him in the head.     

"Aren't you being ridiculous?"     

"Am I?" Jared asked with a shrug. "A man has his needs and you know how I am."     

"Yeah, detestable," Maggie answered.     

Jared could not help but smile at her. "But if you are ready to be with me, I am ready to mend my ways. I am willing to stay true to you forever. I will not think about other women. What do you say?"     

Maggie was just about to reject him straightforwardly. Who in their sane mind would accept to be with a man like Jared? Definitely not Maggie. If she was not spying on him and if she knew the identity of this bastard called Godfather, she would have definitely walked out on him right away. 'To hell with him and his work.' Even without being in his gang, she could find out about him.     

As she thought about it, she found it just right to leave the gang. 'I am almost done with everything. I know almost all of Jared's secrets. I am just short of finding out who this Godfather is. I just need to find out who he is and once I do, I am leaving this place forever.' Maggie glanced at Jared who was staring at her like she was a piece of meat.     

'Ah, I cannot tolerate his hateful face. I must leave this place soon before things go out of hand.'     

Jared had no idea what Maggie was thinking. But he could visualize the gears turning in her head. He did not force her to give her reply right away. He had all the time in the world, not knowing about the escape plan Maggie was preparing. 'You will be here, I will be here. Let's see how long it will take for you to agree to be with me.'     

Right at this moment, Jared's assistant once again stepped out of the room. His eyes were filled with fear and he took cautioned steps towards the duo. "Boss, sorry to interrupt. Godfather is here."     

Jared nodded at him and left Maggie alone standing in the hallway of the cellar. She did not have to wait long. Jared and his assistant returned within a few minutes, followed by the man she was eagerly waiting to see. This time, he had not hidden his face under a hat and his thin face was visible to her.     

However, the moment she saw him, her eyes went wide with realization. She knew who the man was. She was extraordinarily good at remembering people's faces. Although the man was not an important figure in society, she knew him. She had gone through his details when she had done a background search on Noah. 'Charles Miller.' She breathed, finally matching the name with the face.      

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