Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever

Romance at the hospital

Romance at the hospital

3Aria's phone dinged again, and she closed her eyes trying to avoid the person sending her naughty messages since the day had started. Nevertheless, she blushed reading what the man had sent.       0

'Can't stop thinking about the previous night!'     

Memories of the previous night came rushing to her mind and she bit her lip, trying to calm her racing heart. Aria had never expected that such a feeling even existed. What she felt the previous night, what Noah had done to her and what she had done recapped like a repeat episode. She tried to shake her head off and immediately after, she received another message on her phone.     

'I love you blush. Makes me want to bite your cheeks.' His words made Aria's eyes go wide and she looked around her, trying to find the man who she was sure was somewhere nearby.     

Aria did not have to search for long for the moment she lifted her head, she was met with Noah's smirking face. 'How long was he sitting here? When did he even come? Why didn't I know?' She wondered and waved at him.     

Noah approached her and without caring about the crowd around him, he kissed her cheek, intensifying her blush. "So cute." He kissed her once again and sat on the chair beside her. "What are we eating?"     

Without even waiting for Aria to reply, Noah picked up the last bite of the sandwich on her plate and ate it, savoring it to his heart's content. Seeing him eat her food from her plate, Aria remembered a saying Ivy always said and her heart skipped a beat at it.     

"What are you thinking, darling?" Noah observed her lost expression and he pulled her closer to him, startling her.     

Instead of answering him, Aria glared at him. "Why did you kiss me and most importantly, why are you even here? Don' you have work to do?"     

No sooner had she questioned the man, his hand flew to heart. "Aria, I am hurt." He put on a pitiful face, flabbergasting Aria. Noah did not continue and Aria did not ask why, rolling her eyes at his acting. Noah took a peek at her and he realized that she would not be speaking any further, his lips only arched downwards.     

"I am so hurt." He whispered, trying to appear as miserable as possible. 'My girlfriend does not care for me. My girlfriend does not even welcome me when she sees me. My girlfriend abandoned me after having her share of fun yesterday. I feel so used right now. I am so upset. Someone come and shower me with love." He muttered. Although Aria was the only one who heard him, she could not help but feel scared.     

"What nonsense are you speaking? Stop your melodrama." She chided him and Noah blinked at her, pouting lightly. Aria could only grit her teeth in annoyance. "Why are you here?" She questioned him again and Noah started to sulk again. "Noah," She almost yelled and by now, they had gained a lot of curious eyes on them. Although there was nothing strange going on between the two for them to gape at them, Noah's presence was enough for them to turn their heads and brazenly stare at them.     

Unable to tolerate it any longer, Aria pulled him by his hand surprising him, and led him to her office. This only evoked more people to look at her strangely and Aria's scalp pringled in embarrassment. However, she did not back down and continued to lead the man, who gazing at her happily and lovingly.     

Aria closed the door after her and folded her hands, raising an eyebrow at him. Noah looked back at her, opening his eyes wide. Aria was just about to ask the reason behind his visit when Noah covered his front with his hands. "Aria, why you have such a strange expression? Like you are about to pounce on me and do me right here, right now." He queried and the girl's eyes narrowed.     

Realizing that he had his girl was getting angry, Noah smiled at her and went to her. 'I need to appease her before she gets pissed.' Aria did not back away on seeing him approach her. Instead, she stood still and lifted her chin, wondering what the man was up to now. However, she yelped the moment Noah pulled her by her waist gently and hugged her.     

"I missed you." He whispered and kissed the side of her head. Aria was momentarily frozen in her place and she did not know how to respond to the sudden hug. However, she came back to her senses when she felt Noah nuzzle his nose near her neck. Goosebumps rose on her skin and once again, she remembered the events from yesterday's night.     

"Noah," She tried to wriggle away. But the man only pulled her closer.      

"Aria," He breathed.     

"Please let me go." Taking a deep breath, Noah released her, much to Aria's relief, and kissed her forehead. "What are you doing here?"     

"I came to see my girlfriend. Why? Can't I?" Noah mused, a smirk landing on his lips.     

"Noah," Aria warned him lightly and placed her hands on his chest and leaned back. Although the man had stopped hugging her, he had not released her. She was still in his arms with his hands around her waist.     

"What? Don't look at me that way. I am saying the truth. I missed my girlfriend. So, I came to see her. Also," He grinned, making Aria look at him skeptically. "I missed what we did yesterday night. I could not stop thinking about it. And after seeing you, I am sure that you are in a similar situation." Noah shrugged as though whatever he was saying was normal.     

"Don't you have any shame?" Aria punched his shoulders lightly and Noah chuckled out loud.     

"Why should I have shame to love my girlfriend? She is mine and I have all the right to love her. Am I right?"     

Aria did not have any comeback for his words. She could only sigh and let him be. "When do you have to get back to work?" Noah queried seeing her look at her watch.     

"I still have twenty minutes."     

"Only twenty minutes?" Noah made a mental note to talk to Ian about it. 'I should ask him to extend the lunch break for another hour.'     

"Yes," Even before Aria could speak further, Noah started to walk back, with her still in his arms, and sat on the chair, with her on his lap. "Noah," Aria almost shouted in embarrassment. "What are you doing?"     

"What am I doing?" Noah feigned innocence and positioned Aria such that she was now face to face with him.     

"Noah, let me go." Aria tried to push him and get off him, but in vain.     

"Not a chance." He shook his head and pulled her close. "What are you doing after our work?"     

"Nothing," Aria answered, distracted by his question. "Why do you ask?"     

"Let's go on a date."     

"Date?" Aria was surprised and she looked at him with a questioning gaze.     

"Yes. After your surprise date, we have not gone anywhere. Let's go." Noah suggested and Aria nodded at him, thrilled at the idea of going on a date. "Good. What do you want to do?"     

Aria wandered her eyes trying to think of an idea. But she got nothing. An idea popped into her mind and she ran her hands on his chest. "Surprise me, Mr. Carter."     

Noah raised his eyebrow at her. "Are you sure about it, Miss West?"'     

"Why? Is it something I should be wary of? Do you have something abnormal in mind?"     

"Not at all, Miss West. I would love to surprise you. Be ready then."     

"For what?" Aria frowned at his words.     

"For a mindblowing date."     

Aria smiled at him. "I'll look forward to it, Mr. Carter."     


"I wanted to talk to you about something," Aria said out of nowhere when she remembered the matter that was bugging her mind.     

"About what?"     

"About Dad. Do you think it would be good to allow him to stay with Ian. I mean I not against it. I just don't want to trouble him. He must already have his own problems to solve." Aria reasoned and looked at Noah without blinking. This matter was bugging her mind since her father had put it before her. She did not want to trouble Ian for she knew that she had already troubled him a lot, especially when he had to take care of her Dad when he was in a coma.     

"I don't think Ian would mind. He is all alone and I am certain he would love to have someone's company. Moreover, your father is a very good company." Noah was not lying about her father. When Aria had gone to the border, it was her father's company that had stopped him from going crazy. Oliver was a good man and Noah had come to like his bonding with his father-in-law.     

"Are you sure? I-I..."     

"I don't mind having Mr. West at my house." Suddenly Ian's voice fell on the couple's ears and Aria turned to see Ian standing by the door with a teasing smile on his face. Aria had no idea why he was staring at her that way. She had completely forgotten her predicament and that she was still sitting on Noah's lap.     

"Noah, I think this is time for you to let her go and Aria, this is the time for you to jump put your man's embrace," Ian suggested, and immediately at once, Aria realized what her state was. She pushed Noah, taking him by surprise at her sudden attack. He was not ready for it. So, he could not stop Aria in time. She was out of his embrace in a blink.     

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