Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever

Joshua and Noah in action

Joshua and Noah in action

1Ivy observed Joshua's every move while he geared up, preparing for the battle that would take place in a matter of few hours. He knew Ivy was staring at him. Yet, he did not glance at her even once, much to the girl's disappointment. His indifferent attitude was hurting her from within, and Joshua too understood what Ivy was feeling after seeing her crestfallen face. Although he did not want to hurt her, he could not control his anger.     

Joshua was not angry at Ivy. It was more directed towards himself, for it was he who had failed to protect Maggie. But Ivy had been at the receiving end, and Joshua sighed when he noticed Ivy's dejected face. Ivy's back was towards him, and he stealthily padded towards her, not alerting her. Without any heads up, he spun her around and crashed his lips on hers, taking her breath away.     

Ivy stood frozen on her spot, the sudden kiss jumbling her thoughts. She gaped at the man who was punishing her with his kiss. It was not a gentle kiss, Joshua was exerting a lot of pressure on her, as though he wanted to suck her soul. It was painful for Ivy; he was not giving her a chance to cope up with his actions. He nipped, sucked, and bit on her lips, tasting the metallic flavor of blood on his tongue, venting all his frustration, anger, and love in the kiss.     

It was painful for Ivy, her lips were slowly turning numb with pain, and Ivy too tasted her blood. However, the pain did not register in her mind. She was more focused on the man, her heart leaping in joy at his actions. Even though he was punishing her with the kiss, Ivy understood that he was concerned about her, and it was his way of showing that he cared for her more than anything in the world.     

Ivy wrapped her hands around her man and deepened the kiss, parting her lips. Joshua plunged his tongue inside her mouth, engaging hers in a heavy battle, not allowing her to dominate him. And Ivy gladly allowed him to do as he pleased. She was more than happy to do anything he wanted if he was willing to talk to her, forgive her even.     

Joshua pulled back with eyes shut tight, taking in deep breaths. His anger had diminished by now, and he hugged the girl tight, startling the already dazed Ivy once again. "I cannot lose you, Ivy. You are too precious for me. Don't you ever dare to put yourself at risk like Maggie.  I will lose my mind, more than I did with Maggie." Joshua pulled her closer, diminishing the nonexistent gap between them. "I had promised Maggie's father to keep her safe and finding her in such a dangerous place is something I had never expected. She is more like a younger sister to me and being the older brother I am, I will take care of her for life."     

Ivy understood what he wanted to convey and why he had been angry with her. He was not hurt because she had hidden things and kept secrets from him. He was angry because Maggie had put herself in danger, and Ivy could have put her life at risk too if things got out of hand. Just the thought of Ivy in such a deadly place made Joshua lose his calm.      

"I know, Joshua. I am sorry. I really am. Please forgive me this once." Although I should not have hidden the truth from you, I had my reasons for it. I'll explain everything to you once you return home. And I hope you return in one piece. I love my man the way he is, and I wish him to be the same forever."      

Joshua was too lost in his fears to realize what Ivy had told him. He did not catch up on her confession, and Ivy too had not discerned what she had spoken as a word of assurance. The couple continued to hug each other until they heard a knock at the door, followed by Ronnie's words. "Master Joshua, we are ready to leave."     

Joshua sucked in a sharp breath of air, taking Ivy's hypnotizing scent before he released her. "I will be back." He pecked her swollen, red lips. "And you better stay at home and wait for me. Don't try to test my patience Ivy. It might not end with just a kiss if I lose my cool once again." Joshua warned her and she blushed, dirty thoughts filling her mind immediately.      

A smile carved its way on his face seeing her blush, and he kissed her cheek. "I'll take care of you once I return."     

Noah and Aria were already waiting for them when Ivy and Joshua walked down the stairs. "Are we ready to leave?"     

"Yes, Ronnie is instructing the men. Once they are ready, we will leave, and Aria," Noah rubbed his forehead, thinking. "Message Maggie that we are coming to get her. Ask her if she has made it out safely and if not, let her stay put until we rescue her. I do not want an alert army waiting for us if Maggie has already escaped."     

Aria understood what Noah wanted to say, and she did as she was told at once. 'Maggie, Noah, and Joshua are coming to get you. Don't do anything rash. Stay in the warehouse.'     

"Also, tell her I will message her once we reach the place. It will be easier to communicate if I get her replies." Joshua added.     

"Okay," Aria added his words. 'And Joshua will contact you once they reach the place. Wait for them, Maggie. Don't do anything reckless.'  Aria sent the message and immediately after, Joshua's previous words ran in her mind. "Will this work? Will she receive the message?"     

"Yes, she will," Joshua answered.     

"How? You told me that this was a randomly generated number and that it changed every time she made a call."     

"Maggie has kept this line active while the other numbers have been closed and blocked. I don't know why though. So, all your messages will go to her."      

Right at this moment, Aria received a reply from Maggie.  'Why did you tell them? I told you I would manage.'     

'Maggie, stay put. They are ready to leave.'     

'No way. I'll try my best to leave this place before they reach here. I do not want them to get involved and get hurt because of me. Moreover, their involvement would only put your and Ivy's lives in danger along with theirs. I do not want that to happen.'     

Aria showed Maggie's text to the two men, and Joshua took the phone from her. 'Maggie, this is Joshua. Don't you dare ignore this message. You are going to wait for us, and I am not taking a no for an answer.'     

'But I don't want to put your lives in danger.'  Maggie's response came immediately.     

'I don't care. You just wait for me.'     

'What if I can make it out of here before you guys arrive without getting caught? That would save you a lot of trouble, and you cannot attack Jared right now. I have some things to tell you, listen to them first.'     

Joshua thought through her message and showed it to Noah who frowned lightly. "She is right. Jared will only be alerted if we attack him without any reason. I am not sure if we can even kill him today."     

"How about this then? Let Maggie try getting out of the hellhole. If she is successful, then you can bring her back without taking any action today." Ivy suggested, and Joshua and Noah found it to be the best possible option.     

"That would work." Noah folded his hands, thinking through his plan once again while Joshua conveyed his plan to Maggie.     

'Okay, Maggie. I will send you a message from Aria's phone the moment we reach you. If I don't receive any reply within five minutes, I will assume you to be still at the warehouse, and you cannot stop us from attacking then. Don't try to argue with me on this.'     

'Fine.' Maggie agreed this time.     

"I am taking your phone with me, Aria." Joshua pocketed her phone after getting her nod.      

"Boss, we are ready." Ronnie too was prepared for the war Aria smiled at him gratefully and the man returned her smile before leaving the mansion.     

"Aria and Ivy," Noah stepped in front of the two girls, his expression solemn and resolute. "Stay here until we return. I am warning you." Noah's gaze was so daunting that even Aria, who was usually bold before him, cowered in fear. She knew that he was being utterly serious and provoking him would only lead to her misery. Moreover, neither Aria nor Ivy had the intention to do so either.     

"I promise, Noah. We will not leave this mansion until you return." Aria assured him and Ivy nodded.     

"Good." With that, Noah pulled Aria for a quick hug.     

"Stay safe," Aria muttered, and even before she could hug him back, he had let her go.     

The two men left the mansion while the two girls looked on. "I just hope everybody returns home safe." Ivy sighed and plopped on the couch. "Do you think we did a mistake by keeping this secret from our boyfriends?"     

"Not at all. You know the truth, Ivy. Telling them would only put maggie's life in danger." Aria disagreed with her at once. "I just hope they would understand our point of view when we come clean before them."     

Meanwhile, Maggie shook her head reading Joshua's message once again. "I am sure I will leave from here before you reach, Jo."     

Maggie took the phone with her, even though she was hesitant to do so. It was Jared's property, and she wanted to take nothing that belonged to him with her. After Joshua's message, Maggie had no other choice but the use the phone a little longer. She opened the door, ready to leave the place forever when she came face to face with Jared again.     

"Where are you going, Maggie?" He smiled at her, his expression ringing alarm bells in her mind. There was something different about him and Maggie knew what it was. There was a hint of bloodthirst in his eyes, and Maggie was certain something was wrong. And her words were proved right when she heard Jared's next words. "Are you done sending today's discovery to your friend? What is her name by the way?"     

Maggie frowned at his words, her heart drumming in fear and anxiety. 'How did he find out? Friend? Who is he talking about? Did he find out about Aria or Ivy?'     

"Ah yes. Valarie. Valarie Evans from the Intelligence. Am I right, Maggie or should I call you Margaret?"     

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