Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever

Well prepared

Well prepared

0Maggie did not flinch at Jared's threat. Showing him her weakness was the last thing she had in mind, and allowing him to do as he pleased was impossible. 'No freaking way.'     

Jared stared, almost glared at her, taking in her silent, yet strong demeanor. Even though she was frightened beyond words, Maggie hid it too well for his liking. This impressed Jared all the more, and he was excited for what laid ahead for him. If he did not have to report to his Godfather about Maggie, he would have already pulled her to bed.     

He left the room, much to Maggie's relief, and she immediately got to action. 'Huh.' She scoffed. 'Do you think it is that easy to do things as you wish with me, you rapist?' Maggie clenched her jaw in anger. The pictures of all the women Jared had been with and had his way with them before killing them flashed in front of her, and she seethed in anger.     

However, now was not the time for her to show her fury. She had to escape before Jared returned, and she barely had a few minutes. Maggie got up at once, formulating a plan to escape from the room. She knew the layout of the room like the back of her hand as she had memorized it the day they had shifted to this warehouse, after the explosion. Without anybody's knowledge, she had installed cameras in every nook and corner of the warehouse where she could walk in out freely.     

'Where is the revolver?' She wondered, pulling another drawer. She knew Jared kept weapons in his rooms, and all she had to do was find them and escape from the room before the monster returned. It had to be in one of the drawers, for she had seen Jared place them inside when she had spied on him on her laptop.     

'Where the hell are you?' She cursed, and right at that moment, she opened the drawer she wanted. Two fully loaded guns welcomed her along with a magazine. Maggie was delighted at her discovery, and she did not hesitate to take them. Although she was disgusted to use anything that belonged to Jared, Maggie had no option. Now all that remained was for her to leave the room.     

Instead of leaving from the main door where Jared's men were stationed, guarding the door to prevent her from leaving, Maggie walked to the back of the room. She took one last glance at the door before she tapped at the black glass wall. Immediately after, the sensitive screen lit up, prompting her to provide a passcode which she had memorized like alphabets.      

Since the time they had moved into the new warehouse, Maggie knew that if a day ever came that she had to escape from the hellhole, then she had only two options: the main entrance door, which was impossible to cross with all the security, and the second option was the secret exit that lay on the other side of the glass wall.     

Maggie had chanced upon the passcode Jared had entered when he was testing the glass case. 'Jared, let's see how you will get to me.'  She entered the passcode wrong twice, a cunning plan formulating in her mind. She then typed the correct one, and the glass wall parted, opening to another room. The moment she entered the room, the wall behind her closed.     

Maggie sighed in relief, and she looked around the room, trying to find a path to her escape. The only place other than the washrooms where she could not install a camera was this room. So, she was unfamiliar with the layout. However, it did not take long for her to find another door that led to the secret stairways. Maggie cheered on finding the freedom she was yearning for since long and climbed down the stairs, yelling goodbye to the place forever.     

Meanwhile, Jared reported everything about Maggie to his Godfather, hoping for the call to end as soon as possible. He wanted to get back to the girl, who was driving him crazy, and do the things he had long wanted to do. "Yes, Godfather. I will not trust anyone from now on." Jared promised, now understanding why the man had repeatedly told so to him. "I'll visit you tomorrow." He ended the call and pinched his forehead thinking about the punishment he would be receiving for his mistakes.     

Jared shook his head, pushing those thoughts away from his mind for the time being. He now had other issues to deal with, rather than focusing on something that would only hurt him. With a jovial mood, he returned to his room only to find it empty. A frown marred his face, and he shouted, irked by her absence. "Maggie, come out from your hiding." He started to search for her, not leaving even one spot unchecked. But to his dismay, Maggie was nowhere to be found. The room was empty, and Jared's heart dropped thinking about the worst possible scenario.     

He bolted out of the room and faced his guards, who were startled by his sudden presence. "Where is Maggie?" He roared, scaring the shit out of them.      

"Bo-Boss," The guards stuttered, frightened by the man's terrifying aura.     

"Where is Maggie?" Jared enunciated each word, his voice deviously low, and the guards realized that if they did not reply in a second, they would lose their lives for sure.      

"Boss, Maggie did not come out of the room." One of the guards answered, and Jared glowered at him.      

"Are you lying to me?" He seethed, pointing a gun at the man.     

"No, Boss, I wouldn't dare. I am telling the truth. We have been guarding the door since the time you left. Maggie has not come out." He blurted out the truth as fast as he could in hopes that Jared would spare him. However, he was not that fortunate. Jared was too blinded by his anger to think properly. He fired at the man, piercing a bullet through his head and killing him at one go.      

Jared pointed his gun at another man. "You better tell me the truth. Where is Maggie? Did you help her escape from here?"     

"No, Boss. We did not see her leave the room. We are telling truth. Please trust us." He dropped to his knees and begged, praying for his life, and Jared gritted his teeth. He was just about to shoot him too when his assistant came running.     

"Boss, they are telling the truth. Maggie did not leave the room. I was right here with them."     

His words caught Jared's attention, and he lowered his hand, thinking where Maggie could be. It did not take him long to put two and two together, and the realization hit him hard, harder than Maggie's truth. Not sparing another minute, he bolted inside the room towards the glass wall and tapped at it. The screen brightened. But this time, instead of asking him the passcode like it usually did, there was a message displayed on the screen. 'System Locked. Three attemptsmade.'     

Jared's eyes widened in horror. He guessed what had happened and who was responsible for this situation. "Maggie," His voice thundered across the room, and his men outside the room shivered in fear. The glass door had become inaccessible now. Even he could not use it, for it was designed in such a way that the passcode could be entered only thrice in a day, irrespective of whether it was inputted correctly or not.     

"Maggie," He punched the wall, maddened by her trick. "How did she find out?" This was not the time to think about it. They had to catch Magie before she left the place. Jared padded towards his men who were waiting for him. The dead man's body had been disposed off to god knows where, and Jared was glad his men had taken care of it.     

"Maggie has escaped from the room. Catch her before she leaves the warehouse. Alert our men. I want her at all costs, and I want her alive." Jared ordered. To say he was furious would be an understatement. His face had darkened in rage, and his men shuddered thinking how many more among them would lose their lives at the end of the day.     

"Remember I want Maggie alive," Jared stressed on it, and his men got to work at once, leaving him alone in the hallway. "Maggie, you did a great mistake by defying me, and now, I will teach you what will happen if you cross me. You will get a punishment you will remember for life."     

Jared did not want to sit still and wait for his men to return with news for him. So, he decided to go in search of her himself. Only he knew some of the secret exits, and he perceived he would eventually find Maggie somewhere. He returned to his room and opened the drawer where he had hidden his guns only to find it empty.      

Jared was not surprised by it. He had expected it given how he had been receiving shocking news one after the other. It would have been a surprise if Maggie had not taken weapons with her. He then pulled out his laptop. "Do you think you can escape from me, Maggie? No chance." He smirked and opened the surveillance video of his warehouse. He had access to all the places except Maggie's room, including the secret exits.      

He guessed that Maggie would not be returning to her room. So, he focused on the cameras installed in the secret exits. However, to his dismay, all the footages were blank. He could not see a thing except for a black screen. He could surmise what might have happened. Maggie had hacked through the system and had rendered all his surveillance useless.     

Now, he had no other option but to search every place. The girl was a step ahead of him, and for the first time, Jared understood the meaning of defeat. But he was unwilling to lose yet. "You want to escape right, Maggie? Now, I will give you a good chase, one that you will regret forever. Be prepared."     

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