Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever

Confess everything

Confess everything

3Aria stared at Joshua, sighing lightly as she sat on the stool beside his bed. "Get up soon, Joshua. It's disturbing to see you lying here this silently when all you must be doing is wreaking havoc and teasing all of us." Aria pushed his hair back and patted his forehead gently. "My sister is waiting for you. Don't leave her waiting for long. She is a very impatient woman. She might barge in tomorrow and curse you for putting her through such misery. Think about it. Do you want her to come here and admonish you, or would you prefer she kissed you when you woke up?"      1

Aria held Joshua's hand, a small smile gracing her lips. "You know, I have never seen my sister this happy. I can see how much she loves you. Her eyes say it all. You have no idea how broken she was to see you in this condition. Get up soon so that we could punish you for putting us through this agony." Her voice rose at the last sentence, glaring at the sleeping man with a pout.      

"Before I forget, I need to tell you that your ex-girlfriend came here to create a scene. But my sister gave her a befitting reply, her words slapping that girl in the face." Aria grinned, remembering Amber's stunned and distraught face when Ivy attacked her without hesitation. "You should have been awake to see the mind-blowing drama. You would have loved it too. That girl was left in tears at the end. Ah, I am so proud of Ivy. She did well."     

Even though Aria kept mumbling, there was no response from the man. He continued to sleep peacefully. He was breathing freely devoid of any oxygen mask, and Aria saw the way his chest rose and fell with every breath he took.     

"Do you remember what day is tomorrow? It's Noah's birthday." Aria pouted and took a look at her watch. There was still more than three hours for the day to end. "I so badly want to scold you for putting me in this situation. I wanted to celebrate his first birthday with me with vigor. But look what you are making me do."     

Aria stifled a yawn, and she rubbed her eyes to kill her sleep. "Get up soon so that I can fight you for keeping me away from my man on his birthday." She complained with a pout and rubbed her forehead, recalling how excited she had been a few days ago as she prepared for Noah's birthday in secret. "By the way, what do you think I should gift him? I have been thinking about this for a long time. But I am unable to decide on any gift. He has everything he needs. What can I give him?"     

Aria yawned again. But she froze when she heard the man she had assumed to be sleeping, reply to her question softly. "You can give yourself to him. Noah would not mind."      

Aria stood up with a gasp, gaping at the man who was looking back at her. "You are awake?" She blurted out without thinking and slapped her mouth when she realized what she had said.     

"Of course I am. Do you think I would continue to sleep after hearing your threats? No way. I do not want to face your wrath, especially after I know what you can do." He attempted to shake his head. But stopped suddenly when pain shot through his shoulder. "Damn it." He cursed, closing his eyes as he tried to bear the pain.     

"Are you an idiot? Don't move." Aria scolded him and took a look at his wound. Fortunately, he was fine, and his wound had not ruptured again. "How do you feel? Do you feel pain anywhere else other than your shoulder?"     

"Yeah." Joshua licked his lips and stared at her innocently.     

"Where? Where does it hurt?" Aria leaned closer to him to check where else he was injured.     

"My heart. My heart hurts to see you here on your man's birthday. I am sorry." He pouted lightly. Although he looked innocent, his eyes said otherwise. There was mischief dancing in them, and Aria narrowed her eyes at him.     

"If you were not a patient, I would have made you one. You are so annoying." She glared at him, only to make Joshua smile.     

"Didn't you complain that you were missing me teasing you? Why did you change your stance in the blink of an eye?" Joshua grumbled, his voice barely above a whisper. Aria had had to lean closer to him to hear what he was speaking.     

"For a man who just gained his consciousness, you sure have a lot of energy to argue with me." Aria did not hold back, and Joshua's grin widened.     

"What can I do? I have been silent for a long time I presume. So, my mouth is running, trying to make up for all the lost hours. By the way, how long was I asleep?"      

"If we ignore the few seconds you were awake before you fell asleep again, then it would be two days since you got shot."     

"Thank God that was not long." Joshua tried to keep his eyes open. But the high dosage of medication was making it impossible for him to not sleep.     

"Sleep Joshua. If you rest well, you will get out of here soon."Aria patted his forehead gently, lulling him to sleep slowly.     

"Aria, you were wondering what gift to give Noah on his birthday, right?"     

"Joshua, get some sleep. We will talk in the morning." Aria's whispered sweetly, coaxing him to sleep.     

"Aria, just confess what you feel for him. That will be the best..." Joshua did not continue, for he had fallen asleep. His breathing slowed as he lost himself to what his body needed the most.     

Aria checked his conditions again to make sure everything was fine with him before she called the nurse to change the saline solution. She then stared at the man, recalling his suggestion.     

"I know, Joshua. That is what I intend to do. He needs to know everything about me and why I became like this. I will confess everything to him." Aria mumbled, her gaze fixed on the man, who had no idea what was happening around him. "Get well soon. Good night, Joshua."     

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