Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever



1"Why is the crazy woman here again?" Ivy glowered at the woman, who she had come to loathe slowly.     

Since her sister was here to deal with her man's ex, Aria stepped aside, smiling widely at Noah. The man did not hesitate to go to her, choosing to ignore the disgusted woman. Ivy would take care of her, and if things were to go wrong, he was here to help her.     

"Happy birthday," Aria mouthed and pecked him lightly, not caring what other thought about her actions. Noah grinned at her. Although he wanted to kiss her back, he controlled himself. They were at the hospital, and the situation was not favorable for him to do as he pleased.     

"Who did you call crazy?" Amber seethed. Was one woman not enough that another decided to join hands to humiliate her?     

"I did not know you were crazy and deaf. My bad." Ivy tilted her head in apology, irking Amber all the more. "Now, if you will excuse us. You are polluting the air around us, and I prefer to breathe clean and pure air." Ivy did not hold back, her savage reply causing chuckles to erupt from people around her. Since they were in front of the VIP ward, not many people were walking by them, and Ivy was glad that they did not have a huge audience.     

"Ivy is cool," Noah commented, hugging Aria from the side.     

"Whose sister is she?" Aria lifted her chin in pride, and Noah nodded, accepting her words without any hesitation.     

"How dare you! Don't you know who I am?" Amber gritted her teeth, and Aria rolled her eyes, wondering if the girl even knew other words than these.     

"No, I don't. Was I supposed to know who you are?" Ivy asked, donning a confused face.      

Ronnie had been late in joining his Boss and Ivy, and the moment he arrived at the VIP ward, he was presented with a hilarious scene. Ivy was bashing Amber black and blue, and her words slapped the girl hard. Even he could not control his laughter after hearing Ivy's ridicule.     

"You are committing a grave mistake." Amber's anger was at the peak, and she was just short of exploding.     

"Is it? Why didn't anyone inform me about it?" Ivy shrugged, taking a look at her sister and Noah. "And Miss," Ivy fixed her gaze on Amber again, her frightening expression alarming Amber. "If you want people to know who you are, then I suggest you wear a name tag. It will be easy for them."     

"You will regret crossing me." Amber threatened. "You don't know who my boyfriend is and what he capable of. Once you will find out, you will beg me on your knees to spare you. Let me warn you one last time." Amber took a step closer to Ivy, haughtiness evident on her face. "Apologise to me, and I will let you go. Otherwise..."     

"Oh, I am scared. Mommy, please save me." Ivy lifted her hands in mock surrender before she scoffed lightly. "Your threats will not work on me. And which boyfriend are you talking about? There is no one here."     

"Don't you know Joshua Martin? He is my boyfriend, and we will be getting married soon." Amber replied as though she was already married to him, and Ivy had the sudden urge to puke.     

"Miss, I think you got the wrong address. This is a normal hospital, not a hospital for mental patients. I presume your driver made a mistake when he was delivering you here." Once again, Ivy's words left everyone in splits, and Amber had had it enough. She was beyond furious, and in a fit, she raised her hand to slap the girl who had blatantly insulted her in front of everyone.     

However, Ivy was quicker, and she stopped her, glowering over her. She threw her hand away, the force making Amber stumble. "If you are done with your drama, get lost from here. We have dealt enough of trash for today."     

"Aria, who is it?" At the moment. Joshua's voice fell on everyone's ears, and Ivy's expression shifted from being annoyed to ecstatic. She completely ignored the woman beside her and entered the ward, her face brightening up as soon as she saw her man.     

She dropped the lunch box she had brought with her on the table before she rushed to the man, who was equally delighted as her, and hugged him, making sure not to press on his wounds. "Joshua," At once, she teared up. How long had it been since she last hugged him? How long had it been since she was this close to him? When was the last time she had held him close to her heart? She did not remember them, and it felt like a century had passed. Now that Ivy was in Joshua's embrace, she felt safe, happy, and contented. She was finally home.     

Joshua too was joyous to have the girl he loved in his arms and he welcomed her happily. However, their moment of bliss was short-lived, for Amber had pushed herself through the small gap, forcing herself inside the ward when neither Aria nor Noah was looking at her. The woman saw red when she Joshua hugging Ivy, and she yelled at the top of her voice, stunning everyone in the room. "Joshua, what the heck are you doing?"     

Her shriek startled the couple, and Ivy pulled back, gritting her teeth in anger. 'What the fuck is wrong this woman? Can't she understand my words?' Her face turned cold at once, and she stared at Joshua, only to find him gazing at her. He had not even glanced at the intruder, focusing all his attention on Ivy. He pushed a strand of hair, behind her ear and smiled at her, liking their current position.     

"Sweetheart, I missed you." He stated, his heartwarming words making Ivy giddy. "I am sorry for putting you through this agony. I promise this will never happen again." He accepted his mistake even before Ivy could complain about them, and just like that her complaints vanished. The man's innocent and loveable look had melted her heart, and she could not help but kiss his cheek.     

"I hope you will hold onto this promise," Ivy spoke with a serious face, and Joshua nodded at her frantically.     

"Joshua," Once again, Amber whined, and Ivy was done entertaining the woman. She was ruining her sweet moments with her man, and that was something Ivy was not ready to tolerate.      

Ivy pulled away from Joshua and stood up, facing Amber. "Look, Amber. I am done tolerating your nonsense. Leave from here before I lose my mind. Joshua is my man, and he will be in the future too. Get out of your hallucinations. And I hope this is the last time I see you here. I don't want to ruin my mood seeing your repulsive face."     

Ivy then glanced at Aria, who was observing everything silently. She nodded at her, and at once both the sisters inched towards Amber, terrifying her. "What are you doing? You cannot harm me." She cried, taking a step away from them. "Joshua, why aren't you saying anything? You..." She shrieked when Aria and Ivy picked her up on either side, and before she knew it, they threw her out of the ward.     

Ivy dusted her hands, her gaze stern, and cold. "Stay away from Joshua. Otherwise, you will have to face my wrath." She snapped her fingers, pointing them at Amber. "I am warning you."     

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