Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever

Dramatic Ian

Dramatic Ian

1"My eyes, my eyes, my poor eyes," Ian shouted at the top of his voice, startling Ivy and Joshua, who were lost in the kiss.     

Unlike Ivy and Noah, who had left right after eating their lunch, Ian had stayed back for some time. He knew Aria and Noah had plans, and Ivy would be all alone with Joshua. So, they had ordered Ronnie to stay behind until he arrived as a precaution. Ian had taken his good time to reach the hospital, for it would be his home for the next two days.     

But to his horror, Ian stumbled upon such a scene that corrupted his eyes. Joshua and Ivy were almost eating each other's mouths. He covered his eyes at once, cursing his timing for entering at the wrong time. "What the hell guys? This is not your bedroom. This a hospital ward. Control yourself." Ian almost shouted, and Joshua glared at him for disturbing him at the wrong time.     

Joshua was liking his private session with Ivy as he kissed her to his heart's content. But Ian interrupted him right when things were getting heated up, much to his dismay. He was frustrated and did not hesitate to show his state to his friend. "Why did you come here?"     

"Why shouldn't I come here?" Ian asked with his eyes still closed.     

"Couldn't you have come a little later?"      

"I am thinking the same. Why didn't I come after an hour?" Ian mumbled, and Ivy closed her eyes in embarrassment. She did not have the courage to face Ian after being caught kissing by him. She did not show her face, burrowing her face in Joshua's chest. "I did not want to see an R-rated movie. Correction: I do not want to see any R-rated movie. Now, I will have to sanitize my eyes."      

Ian peeked from in between in fingers to make sure that the couple was done kissing, only to find Joshua glaring at him. Ian dropped his hands, smiling widely at his friend as he approached him. "Thank God, you are done. I don't think I would have been able to watch it any longer."     

"You are always welcome to leave the ward. We never called you here."     

"Ouch!" Ian touched his heart as though he was in pain. "I am hurt. I am really, really hurt." He stressed, making a pitiful face. But Joshua remained unfazed by it.     

"I am glad you are. You deserved it for disturbing us."     

"As I said before, this is a hospital. You will have to control yourself. Please wait until you are discharged if you want to make babies." Ian teased, grinning widely at the irked man. "And Ivy, how long are you going to hide your face from me? I have seen everything that you offered for me to see."     

Now, it was Ivy's turn to glare at him. But Ian ignored her completely. "Where are Aria and Noah?" He queried, picking the notepad on which Aria had written about Joshua's condition.     

"We have no idea where the love birds have gone," Joshua answered, smoothening Ivy's shirt that had raised us a little.     

"Yeah. It's their day, today. Who can stop them from getting all cozy and romantic?" Ian sassed as he read through the pages. "I never knew my friends had this side to them."     

"We will see how you will be when you get a woman. I am sure you will be worse than us." Ivy did not hold back and scrunched up her face in frustration.     

"By the way, I heard Amber visited you again. Am I right?" Ian asked as he placed the notepad back. "Did she create any problem?"     

"Again?" Joshua was stunned by the revelation. "What do you mean by again? Did she visit before too?"     

"Yeah, she did," Ivy answered, fury taking over as soon as she remembered the girl's claims about Joshua.     

"Why did she come back all of a sudden now? She was done with me long ago." Joshua mused, taking a look at Ivy, whose anger was evident on her face.     

"Maybe she realized how wrong she was in leaving you. Maybe she found out that you are such an amazing man and there would be none who could match you. Maybe she is regretting her decisions." Ivy blurted her absent-mindedly, and Joshua raised his brows at her words.      

His lips raised when he realized that this was how she felt about him. He leaned closer to her. "Do you find me amazing, baby?" He teased, his low sensual voice falling on her ears, startling her.     

"Huh, what?"     

"You just called me amazing." He smiled, and Ivy was immediately lost in his eyes.     

"Oh, Lord! Not again, please. Guys, please wait until I am out of this ward before you two start flirting again." Ian commented from the side, snapping the couple's sweet moment.     

Joshua gnashed his teeth, annoyed by the man who he called his friend. 'When did Ian become this insensitive?' He wondered. "In that case, you are free to leave. We never stopped you."     

"Joshua," Ian made a pitiful face as though he was ready to cry any moment. "Is there no value for our friendship? Are you going to neglect me now that you have a girlfriend?" He wiped a non-existent tear, and Joshua rolled his eyes at him.     

'Why is everyone being melodramatic after I got up? Have they contracted any disease when I was asleep?' He wondered, taking a look at Ivy who was giggling at him. "Are you two done, or do you still have more to show me?"     

Ian smiled at him. "We are done for now." His smile slipped the next instant when he remembered about Amber. "On a serious note, you need to be careful. Amber seems to have lost her mind, claiming herself to be your girlfriend. I am not sure what she intends to do and why she has even come back."     

"I understand. I will keep my distance from her. She sounds trouble." Joshua added, recalling the day when Amber had called, and he had yelled at Ivy for no mistake of hers. That was the first time he had hurt his darling girl. Never did he want a repeat of the same. So, he wished to stay away from Amber. That girl seemed to have come back with a motive which he did not even intend to find out. Ivy was his life, and he did not want to do anything that might take his lovely girl away from him.     

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