Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever

Oliver's decision

Oliver's decision

1"Making babies," Noah replied curtly and left the old man gawking at him, his eyes bulging wide in surprise. It was not until Noah's figure disappeared from his sight did he smile wide, happiness evident on his face.      1

"Yes," Jonathan whispered to himself in excitement, and at once, he imagined a cute baby that resembled Aria and Noah sucking her thumb while she lay silently on his lap. The scene was too beautiful that it made his smile widen. But the next moment, his face lost its smile when the reality hit him.      

Jonathan was well versed with his grandson. He knew that Noah would not accept his demands that easily. 'Why do I feel that he tricked me? What am I missing here?' He wondered and tried to find out why he was suspicious of his own kin. 'Wait a minute.' Jonathan thought it through and he gritted his teeth when he realized what his grandson had done.     

Noah was yet to reach his thirties and it was impossible for him to think about kids this early. He still had a long way to go and being an experienced man, Jonathan knew that Noah was excited not because of kids, but the process involved in making them.     

"Noah," Jonathan shouted, making the head butler who was nearby rush to him.     

"Master, Master, is everything alright?" The man asked in panic, while he placed the jug of water on the table. Jonathan's shout had made the butler worry for him and he seemed panicked and anxious.     

"Where is Noah?" Jonathan did not reply and asked about his grandson.     

"Master, he has already left the mansion." The butler replied wondering what was wrong with the old man.     

"Did he take my flowers with him?"     

"Yes, Master. He took the purple orchids from the small garden."     

"What?" Jonathan stood up at once and glowered at the poor butler who cowered in his place. The purple orchids in the small garden were Jonathan's favorite as it was planted by his wife. Although they were not different from the ones in the Orchid Garden, the ones in the small garden were closer to his heart. Jonathan his hand trembled in anger, his eyes sending daggers in the direction Noah had left.      

"That insolent child. If he asks for orchids ever again, break his legs right away. He is not allowed to take any orchids from my house."     

"But.." Without waiting for the butler to continue, Jonathan lifted his cane and walked away from the seating area. The butler could only gawk at the old man's back, cursing his bad luck to have stuck with a temperamental master.     

Meanwhile, the grandson who was being scolded had no idea about it. He was more focused on what was about to happen later in the evening. Just the thought of it was making him excited and jittery. Since he was done with his work, he did not waste his time and returned home to prepare dinner for his girl. However, the moment he entered the hall, he found Oliver deep in work, making him pause in his place.     

Noah closed his eyes, remembering his father-in-law's presence on then. 'Shit,' He cursed in his mind and sighed lightly. 'How could I forget about him?'     

Oliver had sensed his presence the moment he heard him sigh lightly. "Is something bothering you?" He questioned as he removed his glasses. He dropped his pencil, his eyes fixing on Noah. Seeing Noah hesitate, Oliver narrowed his eyes. He could more or less guess what was running in his mind.     

"Noah, I have something to talk to you about. Shall we sit and talk?"     

Noah nodded and sat in front of him, questioning him silently through his eyes.     

"Noah, I want to move out of your house."     

"What?" Noah blurted out, blinking at the man in confusion.     

'I said, I want to move out." Oliver enunciated each word clearly and folded his hands.     

"But why?" Noah could not help question him, anxiety and worry taking over him. "Did something happen? Did someone say something to you, Dad?" Neither Noah nor Oliver knew when Noah started addressing him this way and since Oliver did not object to it, Noah did not change it either.     

"Not at all, son. I am more than content being here. But this is my son-in-law's house. I cannot continue staying here."     

"Who told you that? Isn't a son-in-law a son? Why can't a father stay with his son?" Noah's words brought a smile on Oliver's smile and he nodded lightly, confirming some of his thoughts.     

"Although I am touched by your words and happy that it is you my daughter has decided to spend her life with, I cannot continue staying here anymore." Seeing Noah open his mouth to protest, Oliver continued making him halt, "Aria and you are still young and need your space and privacy. You need time for yourselves and I don't want to be a lightbulb. I can..."     

"Dad please don't. You are never troublesome for us. In fact, I am more than happy to have you here." Noah interrupted, making the man lose his smile.     

"Noah, will you allow me to continue?" He looked at him, his expression serious and stubborn.     

Noah shut up at once. 'I now realize where Aria has got her stubbornness from. Like father like daughters.'     

"I am not asking your permission, I am stating my decision. I want to move out and that's final. You cannot stop me, nor will I allow Aria to object to it." Oliver deadpanned, not allowing anyone to kick up a fuss.     

"I see. Now that Dad has already made your decision, how can I stop you?" Noah sighed and a smile broke out on Oliver's face. "But I have a suggestion."     

Oliver raised his eyebrow. "What might that be?"     

"I cannot allow you to stay alone, at least not for now. Until this matter settles and all the danger dies, Dad must stay with Ian." Noah suggested and Oliver tilted his head in confusion.     

"Ian?" Noah nodded at him, thinking about it. "But why?"     

"As I said earlier, it's still unsafe out there. Anyway, Ian is staying alone. He would love to have someone's company."     

"What do you mean he is staying alone? Does he not have someone in his life?"     

Although Oliver did not elaborate, Noah guessed what the man was hinting at. "No. He is yet to find his special someone. So, Dad, please don't reject this small request of mine. Please."     

Seeing Noah's pleading gaze, Oliver gave in eventually. "Will Ian be alright with it?"     

"Oh, I am sure he will be happy with it. I know him."     

"Ask him once. I don't want to be a burden to him."     

Noah understood what his father-in-law was saying and he nodded at him. "I'll speak to him about it. Don't worry Dad, he will be more than happy to oblige with this arrangement."     

A smirk landed on Noah's lips when he perceived the things clearly. 'Grandpa wants me to make kids with Aria. Dad wants to move out so that I can have some alone time with Aria. What does all this hint at?' He thought to himself and wondered how Aria would react when she would find herself trapped with him in the huge mansion, with no one to save her from the hungry wolf, that wanted to so badly eat her.     

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